Amos 1:1-15 ESV/1 helpful vote refers to a portion in which the Lord roars from Zion and utters his voice from Jerusalem, and the pastures of the shepherds mourn, and the tops of the Carmel withers. Im going to try to explain where the knowledge that I had comes from.. Other places shall be altered in their form. That, yet war is about you, plan for peace, but know this as we have told you, if you should live in a place where an earthquake should occur build a house that shall withstand an earthquake. So fear not. Vertical tectonic deformation associated with the San Andreas fault zone offshore of San Francisco, California, Where's the San Andreas fault? And peace shall dwell upon thy earth for a thousand years. Now we grow [tired] no, soul Ray grows very, very tired. The earthquakes in the area which you speak of have already begun. Place the word of Association before your name. Our coming was not meant to cause fear or confusion into thee; our coming was for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. When it breaks, the resulting earthquake will be one of the largest in California history. But as I have spoke of the birth of a child, the birth of the return of the Messiah of earth a child shall be born, for he shall lead the souls of the earth plane, as he shall lead the souls of our plane. Where there was darkness there shall be light forever and ever. Editors note: Remember that Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:36 (and in Mark 13:32 and Acts 1:7) that no one knows the exact day or hour not even the angels of heaven nor even the Son but only the Father knows. Then he says, stay awake. But remember, this time shall come, not as you count, but as our Father should count. Yes, in thy daily thoughts, spirits shall come to thee. So we gave Moses the instructions to strike the sea with his staff, and the sea became a mountain in every direction. The land shall rise from the sea and other land shall fall. Within each man should lie a part of God, yet each shall be separate and different, and each shall be as an individual, as long as freedom can prevail, freedom to worship, each in your own manner. Can thy understand this? And as God gives His love unto thee, this love shall flow into your hearts and souls, and out again unto your brothers. As an ocean it should flood the universe. There are places in the Yosemite valley. Yet, all shall be glad within their hearts, for your suffering upon the Earth shall end, and as has been promised, a new heaven and a new earth shall begin. And we shall say unto thee into these words, as we have said before. Where no light has shone, light shall shine again. But give unto Gods people of this warning., July 23, 1971: And as thy enter into the time of the Fourth Angel, then we should say unto you these words. As this happens, the earth shall upheaval in many places, and great tidal waves shall rip thy oceans. If our words are true, then the kingdom of God lays in your hand. Your harvests once again this year shall be lean. During this time, and this time shall come about between the periods of 1900 yes no, this is wrong; one moment, please.. This time is now. We say this now during the month of May it is not a time to be around large buildings, for the land shall shiver and shake. But we say unto you, take precautions. He is widely regarded as having written in a foreign language; the majority of his predictions rely heavily on decoding of his 16th-century writings. Shallow crevasses can form during earthquake-induced landslides, lateral spreads, or from other types of ground failures, but faults do not open up during an earthquake. And pray to God that when this time happens, your souls shall be in accord with His, for you shall be the children of our Father, and His love for you shall protect you, and your faith in Him shall protect you. Where shall you run to, and where shall you hide? And we say unto you, many of you have what you call trailers or trailer houses. Can you understand this? Really it does not matter, for he is safe with God, but it would be better for him to rest for a few moments. She has deep concern for her husband, his health, retirement and other change. And God, now, would build many blocks in thy minds of the followers of this work that no foreign spirits but ours shall enter their minds or bodies. The California Earthquake Agency (CEA) uses the most current science to determine earthquake insurance rates. Does anyone remember a 'prophecy' (or myth) about California being submerged into the ocean due to wickedness by way of earthquakes and rising tides? Its a way of renewing the earth, a way of replenishing the species of the land. That of your food crops, and the harvest belt, shall be badly damaged. For soon, if this would happen, you could not even trust yourselves. Should I change? #1 John Paul Jackson: "There is an earthquake that has been predicted to devastate California. And then, into the month of July, on the third day and the 13th day, an earthquake that shall register 8.5 on your Richter scale, shall reach like fingers from the lower proportions of San Francisco down, through Blythe, California, across through Los Angeles, through Oxnard, California, through San Bernardino, California, and all those communities laying within the same. And do not let any of the children ride in the trailer at any time, or any grown up. Yet, should I say to you, Come into the kingdom of God at the end of thy planes, then thy should have reached the Christ state, and your planes shall have ended, and thy would sit next to God. [ ] asks, How much time do I have to prepare before the impending big earthquake will occur in my area in California? If this in that manner has been done, then woe unto thee who had walked in a false light and given unto his fellow man lies, and not truths. And we say unto the land of Oregon that that of the land beneath Mt. But due to the fact that thy would use certain parts of this in the work of God, we shall give this information at this time. For the [4670002] family, thy should beware there too. Make your preparations in a just and satisfactory manner. The Hayward Fault, which runs through the East Bay Area, is a long, twisting crack on the Earths surface. We chose one who had risen high in mans eyes and fallen, as thy would know, to the bottom of the pit, that he should know humility, that he should know forgiveness. Islands shall be made. And, you were the keeper of the people. Therefore, it would be suggested, find the root of the sage, boil it and drink at least one ounce both morning and evening, if possible. Nay. As he described this tumultuous deram, I remembered a Scripture that I heard back in the 1970s. Drill 50 holes in each baffle, at the last baffle placing carbon, either from the mesquita or it can be purchased locally. We should suggest that thy should not do this. Even if an earthquake of major magnitude occurred on the San Andreas Fault, there would be no significant damage in San Francisco. It would be suggested that the group here tonight and the groups that shall come should first study our last four readings, and from this they shall learn more of what we would say.[Editors note: Parts of the previous four readings are at the end of this document for you to study. We should tell thee more of this at a different time. War shall come, but it shall be stopped by natural catastrophe. Much as winter is a way of replenishing the earth, so is the shifting of the earths axis. [Note: numbers are substituted for names spoken to respect individuals privacy.]. For we have given the warnings before, for now is the time of the Cherub, for the Sword of our Father has struck thy Earth, and soon again, very soon, your Earth shall be struck again.. It is your job to carry the message of God. Our Lord says, HARK, into thee, FOR IN THE DESERT DWELLS, AND THEREFORE, BY THE SEA, WHERE THE STARS AT NIGHT ARE SEEN ALL IN 13 AND MORE THAN THREE., For the wise to hear let them hear; and for the wise to see let them see. And as thy climb this ladder with love and with thy eye upon the Lamb of humility, and as thy learn the lesson that thy are not so important after all, but that thy are important to God, then thy shall reach what thy call Christ state. This shall be needed in thy group in the near future. And we have told you this. In January, yet another chunk fell into the ocean after intense rainstorms, which created a debris flow that overwhelmed water drains more than 100 miles south of San Francisco. And there is one among you who says, Should I forsake my church that I belong to? Nay. The committee has identified some elements of previous USGS reports that should be investigated further. Then, from Eureka, California, downward, almost as you would draw a straight line, to San Bernardino, downward into the Gulf of Mexico, or to the Gulf of California, as you would call it, the splitting away of land. Aka, [51173002] who is here tonighthas asked for a life reading as it relates to shed like to know, what is her purpose in this lifetime?. or click Link to order.https://spiritmoveministry.coSpirit Move Apparel:**Deliverance: Email for more info **Her life story was featured on the 700 CLUB TV show*See Liberty's Testimony here: If thy should walk with His hand in yours, then happiness and love for all on your earth plane shall dwell for a thousand years. Aka, another question from soul Bartholomew [from San Bernardino, California]. And He loves all of thee. As your earth should change again, and as the earth shall change from north to south, from east to west, man must change with this time, for in this time he shall walk forward and have more spiritual vibrations to the body than ever before. But the only reason you can remain so is of a government by the people, for the people. Each of you, in your own way, are Gods children. It sent tsunami waves rushing at the speed of a jetliner down the coast of the Pacific Northwest to Crescent City, Calif It occurred on Good Friday, March 27, 1964. The date they spoke them is beside their words printed in bold. And we shall tell thee of the time that shall come before thee in fulfillment, for as once before, as Judas should slay a Prophet, and the Prophet rose again, so it shall be in this time, for not until the Prophet was slain should the truth come in fulfillment. Your greatest threat in your country is not from without, it is from within. Now, the overcoming, as you would call it, of this karma can be done by the helping of others. The time of the Cherub, think thee of thy cherub. As we have said, for now shall be the time of our Lord, our Father, our God. Most of the words of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, that were recorded from 1970 to 1989 are now available for you at Within two months we are not allowed to give of thee the precise time at the present new earthquakes should arise in that proportion of California and proportions of Nevada and Arizona. Your San Andreas fault will give further destruction. All of these things must come first. It shall be Gods will that thy be answered by another spirit at this time. But where they are not accepted, then take back thy blessings and knock upon another door. Then we would say unto thee, cast not a stone, but only a blessing upon your earth. Of thy question of thy question, this shall come as another of these warnings. One moment, please. Those who were there have yet to restore themselves from this. The Western seaboard region shall split away. ], But it shall be different, for now we shall give thee this message. [Editors note: The instrument through whom they spoke, Ray Elkins, passed away on October 5, 2000, during the holy Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah (head of the new year) and Yom Kipper (Day of Atonement or what some call, Judgment Day.) But no Father shall slay his own son. You might want to make a few predictions about the coming year in California. For those who shall make decisions to move to different areas, make the decision in a wise manner, that of means of making a living, providing for your families. Look unto the politics of your country. It is the same way with other catastrophes. This is why weve asked that thy would call thy group the spiritual philosophy of God.. Yes, and as he looks, he should see not. St Pete's is all beach, all the time - and it's going to all be underwater by 2100. Only you yourselves may do this. Now, Ive talked to you people before, and the Lord willing, Im going to talk to you again. Remember, the temple of God unto which we speak is in man. [See The Revelation, chapter 610, and 1422. Denounce no religion, and denounce no man. Therefore, we should say unto thee, we cannot allow at this time our instrument to travel during these periods into your area, for there is much work yet for this one. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. This period shall come about in the year, two thousand no, the records show, 2202 2 yes, this is the records show. And this time shall be known in your time as four years, six months. New land shall rise, approximately, of your miles, 25 miles. In the first baffle, place crushed rock better of granite for the first baffle; of the second baffle, sand, and then again crushed rock. The Earth was inclined and he was searching for me. [He exhales deeply.] Gather from the same, and your needs shall be fulfilled. Your prayers, no matter where you are, if you would speak to God in a way that means something to you, then it would mean something to Him. On the other side of the Sword, thy will see man. That shall be the end of thy planes. Therefore, we have said unto your groups that we should make these things known unto thee before they happen, that the children of God would not be harmed. We have many more questions tonight, Aka. It is natural to read the prophecy as referring to mortal life, and many members believed that the Millennium was imminent. You took them from their mud huts and showed them how to construct out of the same material large buildings in the form of fortresses. But we had already been given this warning. For in their own way, if thy should shed but one teardrop from God, it is as important as many and God shall love thee the same. Understand them. You do not have to forsake thyself, thy inner self, to be with God, for He is all around you. Of course they probably don't believe that such an event is imminent or else they would be moving out of the state like so many other people are. Anecdotal evidence abounds of animals, fish, birds, reptiles, and insects exhibiting strange behavior anywhere from weeks to seconds before an A temporary increase or decrease in seismicity is part of the normal fluctuation of earthquake rates. Only God may do this.. Each of you have thought in your minds of what kind of catastrophe could strike in such a way in this time that all of these things could be lost? For we have spoke before of the Fifth Angel upon thy earth. Scientists continue to discover new faults in California, which has thousands of known faults. We have given unto thee the keeping of the date and time. But fear not. It is said that the sun and rain shall fall on all, and devastation shall come in a like manner. Introduction | ; Board Members | ; The Eviction | ; Projects | If you wish to help prepare the way, touch ten, and they shall touch a hundred, and therefore, so it shall grow. Yes, I do, and thank you very much. We have told unto this soul, form a group, and the children of God shall not perish from your earth. If you were to clean your neighbors yard, clean yours first, your own. And so it shall be again soon, for in Gods plan one moment, please., Yes, yes. (Aka listens respectfully to the Father after they, His spiritual messengers, ask His permission on revealing what is to come, before speaking of it.). And for those who should wear the mark of Christ, the Lamb, their descendants and their descendants forevermore shall dwell in the house of the Lord. We say unto you, look unto the other lands where the thousands have died, and wish not this upon your own. Is this still correct, and if it is, where should they place their food storage?. [Well, you know, man,] There are many things over here, you know that, fellows like me dont quite understand, but yet, you know, its right pretty here. For the earth shall stand and smolder, for the fuse is lit from France into Israel. That is, the longer the fault, the larger the earthquake. And as we have told thee of the isles of California, the time grows very near. Stand erect and see my Fathers light.. it scared me.]. Thy will know each of thy kind, for thy come from the believers of One, and the worship of One, and the worship of thy one true God. Think thee [being] of the 940, and soon, yes, very soon it shall be uncovered. An event of this nature would almost certainly necessitate the use of a storm to move water. Then think of the spirit forming into souls, to hover above this earth and other earths in the many, many galaxies of the vast universe and universes. The first question I have is regarding the earthquakes. We are important to God. Should I move? Let it flow to the leaders of your nations. Graham was considered one of the most influential [], See this video here A dream of Aug.2011 that is starting to come true. This should go farther over. To soul Peter we would say, thy are now a disciple; therefore, teach of our works. Santa Claritas only local radio station is KHTS FM 98.1 and AM 1220. Listen to each other. We have told thee before that before the destruction should come in any proportion, that this work should go forward. For that proportion thy [have] known as Siberia, this proportion shall change. We have before us now the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. And soon the land shall become part of the ocean. There would be no significant damage in San Francisco that should be investigated.... Gods children some elements of previous USGS reports that should be investigated further known in hand! Given unto thee, cast not a stone, but only a blessing upon your own from the or. And satisfactory manner life, and soon, yes shall fall on all, and,... 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