The goats avoid eating the latter, but they will sometimes tiptoe in to eat the Prickly Pear fruit. The Weinheimer Ranch was founded in 1878. The availability of rocky surfaces in the area ensures that there is never any need for hoof trimming.Buyers of their Spanish goats usually want weaned kids that are 3050 lbs., and want them at different times of the year. As we discover new bloodlines that meet our criteria and collect their DNA Samples we then add them to our list. There are no natural water sources for the goats, so they drink from troughs. We decided to take a giant step and create an interactive Breeder Website and Database that combines All Things Pure Spanish Goats into SPANISH GOATS, LLC. Does wean an average of 1.9 kids each.Smoke Ridge primarily raises Spanish/Boer and Spanish/Savannah crosses for meat production, but maintains Fullblood Spanish does and bucks to keep the genepool available for the herd. Early selection showed some preference to black. black crows came in at kidding time. They keep one llama with each group of goats (groups consist of 50 goats running on 300 acres). There are just too many coyotes for a well-managed ranch to handle.The coyotes are not selective-Weinheimer believes that sometimes coyotes will get your healthiest nannies just for the thrill of the chase.Weinheimer goats are primarily selected for conformation, volume, and maternal traits, such as reproductive abilities and well-attached, small udders with small teats. He is a twin male from Godiva. Cur dogs are an old breed found in the Deep South: fast, scent-tracking dogs, usually yellow with black mouths, that could tear apart any foxes or bobcats they found.Rob Baylis herd, at its peak, reached about 300400 goats. Eastabutchie is in the Pineywoods region in Mississippia hot, humid, region that is only rarely snowy in the winter, and the land is covered in pine trees. Thankfully, there are a number of Spanish Goat Registry Certified Sawyer breeders committed to carrying on the legacy of the Sawyer Bloodline that can be found on our Breeder List. The farm grows and bales hay onsite, which includes fescue, orchard grass, and clover. I'm looking to sell 7 exposed pairs for $1,200 and a bull for $1,500. Critically endangered and RARE La Flche chickens. Does are prolific, and have great maternal instincts. That initial selection has served us well, as its plain to see the variety, hardiness, and survival sense in our goat herd. Allison Ranch Black Spanish Goats have now been raised by four generations of our family and we are appreciative of all those who have visited our ranch and purchased seed stock through the years. Spanish goats have a distinct gate and body posture. 1 was here. I spoke with Preston Faris, and he said about the same as Joe Preston and Edwin. Named after Gene and Margaret Bode, Harper, TexasGene Bode is a man who has always loved Spanish goats. One exceptional year boasted a 185% weaned kid crop. When that enterprise was abandoned, coastal grasses, brush, and trees grew up on the island. At one time, when the herd had reached 1,000, Margaret Bode bottle fed 30 kids in one season. Goats at Muddy Run Farm have access to pasture year round. They live on 5600 acres in the Hill Country of Texas. Contact us tod The goats are kept friendly with occasional very small amounts of corn: about a handful per goat per week is all it takes. Chad Hensley, Big Creek Farms: I have Pineywoods cattle that are Knapp strain. Posted April 21, 2022, Brownwood, TX: SGR GOLD Certified Breeder Dave Wassenberg ~ Wassenhous Ranch ~ has Koy Kids available ~ born 1/2022. That buck was from the Valera strain. We currently have around 15 bucklings available for sale. The herd has evolved into its own unique goat genetic.The ranch is located on the edge of the Eldorado Divide in Sutton County in Southwest Texas. The BOS is required to become a listed breeder and to Verify and DNA Register goats. However, if for some reason a kid needed assistance, the Bodes would be there to help. Contact for pricing. They adapted to their new home immediately and without any signs of stress. These bloodlines bring outstanding qualities: hardiness, ruggedness, and the ability to thrive in difficult environments. It is this attention to detail (and the bottom line), that enables Smoke Ridge to evaluate each goat and cull accurately. We are also selectively breeding Spanish and Kiko crosses. They kept most of the original does from the original herd at the farm until their death. The next kidding will be Valera over Baylis does. They then brought back in the grandson of the original Spanish Valera buck. Valera is a relatively tall-standing meat goat, with big rounded shoulders and shorter, upright ears. Verified and Certified Breeders are all listed on the BREEDER LIST PAGE. Their arrival brought to Muddy Run Farm the fun and secrets of animal fiber. Valera is a relatively tall-standing meat goat, with big rounded shoulders and shorter, upright ears and really big horns! Call for details. The association is a legitimate Board run Non-Profit. Beauty, size, and docile temperament are how this breed is known. When Kensing retired in 1986, he moved to Menard, expanded the ranch, and devoted his time to breeding Fullblood Spanish goats. Lambs were more expensive than goats. The Baylis are somewhat smaller and deep chested. Out of the two he has the best fleece, but just doesn't have the size or shoulder depthof twin. The Fullblood Spanish Goat bloodline designation is used to identify a goat as Fullblood Spanish without the need for verification of the actual bloodlines that created the goat. There may have been more kids missingeagles will dive down at their prey and swoop back up, carrying it off in their talons. Named after Dian and Glenn Morefield, Ohio. Peter and Rosa do hoof trimming approximately twice a year. Contact for pricing. said the Sawyer ranch was focused on mothering, longevity, and range survivability with minimal, input. Call for Price, JANUARY KIDDING- PURE SPANISH kids are now on the ground and will be available in three months, (SOLD) Pure Spanish and Kiko/Spanish Cross Bucklings, (SOLD) Pure Spanish Goat- Baylis - Low Country bloodline, (SOLD)Pure Spanish Goat- Baylis- Low Country bloodline, (SOLD) Spanish - Kiko Cross bucks for sale. More blue than grey.The Weinheimer goats tend to have horns that show less of a twist than most Spanish. The goats were tested for parasites and found to have an almost non-existent parasite load. The herd has not had any significant problem with hooves, which are kept trimmed and checked to avoid mud packing. Some of the Spanish goats most prominent traits are: high frequency of pregnancies, great maternal instincts, hardiness, and essential good health. We acknowledge a few goats that are Fullblood Spanish may get by, but we are more sure that we will keep ongoing cross-breeding out of the gene pool. Named after the Concharty area of Oklahoma. In winter the herd is provided daily with hay (from November to March) and a mixture of corn and pellets (the protein content is about 12 percent). Coyotes were not yet introduced, and Baylis held a strong presence on his land, usually accompanied by cur dogs. Ask the questions that will give you the answers needed to make sure the goats you are purchasing are the goats you want to take home! The slow growth rate enables the bird to develop a strong skeletal structureand healthy organs. Each group consists of 300350 goats and ranges over a few hundred acres. Use this link to download a Blank Bill of Sale: BILL OF SALE. Robert Kensing had grown up with Angora goats, which were a popular breed in Texas when mohair commanded a high price, so he had experience. The width, length and bend of the ear can be signs of cross-breeding as well as thickness, twist and curl of the horns, and profile of the nose. Copyright 2020 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | PO BOX 477, 33 Hillsboro St, Pittsboro, NC 27312, Login to your Heritage Breed Marketplace account. Intelligence, quick reactions and the athletic ability to run fast determine who lives and dieseven now. One adult on the island is polled. Big Creek Farm has 2 yearling Belted Galloway bulls available, one dun and one black. At Redrange Farm we believe in regenerative, sustainable farming, leaving the smallest possible carbon footprint. C4 Livestock is, raising their Sawyers in one of the most challenging environmental conditions for any breed of goat, and they are adapting well. Peter and Rosa researched the breed with the help of Virginia State University, who directed them to their first buck and two does from Irene Feltner, a retired Baltimore policewoman, in Stanardsville, VA. Feltner had brought the buck from Texas in 1991. Kids are typically sold soon after weaning in the fall.A primary trait that these goats are scrutinized for is fertility. Bloodlines, de-worming, vaccines, diseases, feeding, breeding style, kidding style, pasture management, and shelters. They were like snowflakes, no two patterns were exactly repeated. Consultation provided for starter flocks including pairing of rams with ewes of different bloodlines suitable for a starter flock (and new shepherd!). Triplets are not unusual, but if the weather is tricky during the year and forage is poor, the goats mostly have twins. Food with integrity, nutrients, and great taste. Smoke Ridge deworms their goats twice per year, one month before kidding and one month before breeding.The original goats were trained to electric fences, subsequent generations were raised with them from birth. upon the fine genetics they started with. Thankfully, there are a number of Spanish Goat Registry Certified Sawyer breeders committed to, carrying on the legacy of the Sawyer Bloodline that can be found on our Breeder List. After looking around at all the different goat varieties, we decided to get Spanish goats. These billies can be DNA Registered GOLD. The goats?ears were solid, not floppy, fairly short, and were held straight back.Bodes goats were kept in Sonora, Terville, and at home in Harper. He recognizes that the problem isnt just the death-toll numbers, its the toll on selective breeding. Thats what the Spanish goats were foryou needed a small animal that you could eat before the meat went bad, because in the Kensings area, farms didnt have electricity until the late 1930s. They kept most of the original does from the original herd at the farm until their death. Joe Preston & Sarah Neely, Jane Davis-Sawyer, and Edwin Sawyer raised the Sawyer Bloodline Spanish goats for decades behind theiruncle and continued his commitment to the Sawyer Bloodline. In the bunch we have Pure Spanish and Spanish-Kiko crosses. Caring For The Spanish Goat 1. Misty, Musketeer and Max were born at the farm in 2008, 2011 and 2012. Other Valera goats in the area from Feltners herd have not been found, nor have the original Valeras in Texas, so Muddy Run goats contain a unique bloodline.History of the Muddy Run herd/Valera strain by Peter Schechter and Rosa Peuch, October 2008. The forage is affected by the weather, too, which then in turn can affect the birth rate of the goats. Named after Robert and Doris Kensing, Menard, Texas. Hidden Hollow Valera We acknowledge a few goats that are Fullblood Spanish may get by, but we are more sure that we will keep ongoing cross-breeding out of the gene pool. Roosters will average around 9 1/2 lbs while the Hens average 7 1/2 lbs live weight. They also kept Spanish goats. That luxury no longer exists, and predation is a constant battle. Ewes typically deliver twins and show excellent maternal qualities. He finds the Boer meat to be fattier, and the Spanish meat has a notably different flavor which he prefers, as do many of his friends. improve the Sawyer genetics with their styles. On the coast of South Carolina, on a plantation that dates back to our founding families, is a small river island, home to the Lowcountry herd. Sheep are familiar with livestock guardian dogs and electric fences. Howdy Folks ~ the Spanish Goat Association Resource Website that was created back in 2007 by Leslie Edmundson with less than 50 Breeders has grown into a group of 283 committed Pure Spanish Goat Producers (not all choose to be listed) that want to Preserve and Promote the Pure Spanish Goat Breed! Use this link: BREEDER LIST. Eagles pose another problem. Salt blocks or loose salt powder are also provided regularly.Peter and Rosa do hoof trimming approximately twice a year. Muddy Run Farm is proud of breeding a unique bloodline. Even when more than 500 kids are born within four weeks, all kids are eartagged and recorded on the day of their birth. Bill also picked out one tough old, one eyed nanny goat who looked like a wise animal in an attempt to carry out the goat culture and acquired wisdom from living in the wild. Goats at Muddy Run Farm have access to pasture year round. Even his grandfather kept Spanish goats for the family table, and Bode loves goat meat barbecued, baked, and fried. Was a good mom. This heritage bird is well worth the wait. And recently, they did it again. This ensures we meet the standards of our Heritage Turkey and Heritage Plymouth Barred Rock, and are considered a closed flock for these meat birds. . There are still predators though, mainly bobcats, raccoons, and foxes. During the summer, grain feeding is reduced and provide only occasionally just to keep the goats used to coming for food. Unfortunately, Preston Faris, Jane Sawyer-Davis, Edwin Sawyer, and Joe Preston Neely are nolonger running the Sawyer Bloodline. By no means is this a complete list of all the available bloodlines of Spanish goats. They dont make those anymore! His herd sported horns that went straight back. He brought Spanish goats onto the family-run Weinheimer Ranch in the 1950s, and was a very progressive Spanish goat breeder for that timehe started selectively breeding them right away. Thus Uno found a reprieve from the BBQ pit and a new home on Shurleys ranch in Sonora, Texas. The conservation effort to conserve the Spanish breed genetics began in 2007. The ranch is devoid of coyotes, which have been virtually wiped out in the area by commercial ranchers trapping efforts over the years. Preston Farissaid the Sawyer ranch was focused on mothering, longevity, and range survivability with minimalinput. Anything that is less than perfect is sent to slaughter. Bloodline Descriptions:We rely upon the breeders to provide the bloodline descriptions. Had twin female lambs in February. Medium crimp. Color does not factor into breeding choices at all, so the herd shows a great variety ofcolors, and there are varying levels of cashmere. Joe Preston also did an annual buck test toensure that he was retaining the best meat billies possible to continue the genetics of his herd. In September, bucks are leased out for breeding, and in December they return home, and are left to forage. They have no hoof problems, and require little maintenance in their environment. Goats are very intelligent; they will eat what is essential to their individual needs. Named after Elgin and Shirley Pape, Harper, TexasShirley Pape was raised in Texas on a ranch that had bred sheep and Angora goats since the 1920s, with Spanish meat goats kept separate from the Angoras. $35.00 each. Sired by Top Selling Sire at the 2020 Spanish Goat Gathering. Please contact us if you are interested in the fiber. They are good foragers with an active but not flighty temperament and are not aggressive with people. They are bred in October for March kidding in a 350-acre kidding pasture.Nannies average about 100 lbs., and billies weigh approximately 200+ lbs. Peter and Rosa keep the buck in with the does year-round as they believe its easier to keep them all together and that the herd is happier. Join our email list to receive farm news and promotional offers. We keep nannies until they can no longer raise their kids. We do not use any hormones or medicated feed. History of Weinheimer Ranch by Chism Weinheimer, November 2008. The body is rounded, and the color is varied. Very easy going guy. Temperatures often reach 105 or 110 degrees in the summertime, which the goats seem to enjoy. Heres how it works:The goats, male and female, adults and kids, are divided into three groups according to quality (conformation, size, etc.). The goats range in weight from 50-200 pounds, with the largest animals representing strains that have been selected over many decades for meat production. Theyre daring and fast, and seem to defy the abilities of any livestock guardian.In the early 2000s, the Papes lost almost 60% of their stock to predators, but every year that percentage lowers. Muddy Run Farm is home to Suri and Furry llamas. They are a medium size bird with a large breast for their size. Sired by Top Selling Sire at the 2020 Spanish Goat Gathering. Upon deciding to get the goats, we opted for a . Some are spotted. He was used last year to sire a number of goats with great success. ?Culled does and doe kids also go to auction. Shurley was struck by the structural soundness of the little goat, and made a deal to buy him on the spot. There were also some from San Angelo. This means the nannies had to have only two sound teats, with good utter structure, kid and, raise the kids on the range, and the nannies were not culled until they lost their soundness around, ten years. The majority of Muddy Run tends to kid together within a two-week period. Barbados Blackbelly rams are hearty survivors that adapt well to a variety of habitats including marginal pasture overrun with brush and invasive plants. Their herd is comprised of a variety of colors, and includes slight variations in horn shapes, some curving slightly, some rising straight.The success of the Papes?Spanish herd is only marred by one thingpredators.Bobcats, mountain lions, coyotes, eagles, buzzards, and hawks have all taken their toll on the herd. They occasionally receive supplemental feeding to ease handling, and this has helped to keep the goats very gentle.Weinheimer deworms twice per year: right before the breeding season and when the kids are weaned.Predatation determines whether or not the billies are kept with the nannies year round. If a Low Country/Baylis Dam is bred to a Low Country Sire the offspring is Low Country/ Fullblood Spanish Goat it is not 3/4 Low Country. The farm grows and bales hay onsite, which includes fescue, orchard grass, and clover. Specializing in organic raising Spanish Goats of the Valera bloodline. Will continue to show until sale. Please contact Paxton Vroman at 660-815-2686 ~ Spanish goats were just for meat, so those were the ones for eating. She is ready to start training to ride. Their diet is naturalthe land offers Live Oak, Shin Oak, and many varieties of brush. The Papes find that jennies stay more focused if not in pairs, but sometimes will run ragged protecting the herd and still have difficulty keeping coyotes at bay. Weather plays a large role in the Kensings?operation. They are fairly slow growers but fatten well producing excellent quality meat. The Sawyer Ranch out of Sonora,Texas was founded by Wesley E Sawyer decades ago. Breed Identifiers and Descriptors:The Spanish goat is a local landrace breed and has variations between sources/ranches/bloodlines. He feels that it is at home in Texas.Syfan raises Spanish goats for meat, and pays attention to uniform conformation. The goats are medium-sized, with does weighing in at about 80 lbs and bucks average about 120 lbs at maturity.Syfans herd consists of several groups: three groups of does, one group of bucks, a group of young bucks, and a group of young does. They also have some old goats that they keep for life at the farm: these older goats kid just as often but usually only have one kid.Like most Spanish goats, Muddy Run goats are disease-free, sturdy, and long-living. Registered Barbados Blackbelly rams and ewes available. Call 303-882-6259 or Posted March 22, 2022 Alva, Florida: SGR GOLD Certified Breeder Paul Persaud at Sunsplash Farms, LLC has 2021 Pure Spanish Goat Billies available. We use an onsite incubator which holds up to 800 eggs. Our next 2 doelings came from Diane Kull. Plenty of kids on the ground 31 "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. The Spanish goat Bloodline Foundation breeders agreed to close their herds to Fullblood Spanish genetics from that point forward if they had not done so already. Those were the days when Spanish goats were used as brush goats, and goat meat was just a by-product. They have well-water and salt blocks available, but apart from that they are on straight forage year-round. the world is a stage Wauka Lake Farm Goats men who watch goats 2021 Pure Spanish Kids Pure Spanish Goat kid Kiko Spanish Cross kids Goats near me Valera Doe Georgia spanish goat Ruthie- Valera Bloodline Valera Herdsire Trip- Baylis bloodline SPANISH KIKO CROSS Pure Spanish Goat 2021 kidding season is here. Oftentimes the physical evidence of crossing does not show up until later generations. Nanny kids are carefully scrutinized and the best replacements are place don feed to encourage good growth and to teach them to come when called, be around stock dogs, and handle close quarters and working chutes.After two months these nanny kids are turned out into their own pasture to await breeding. Hes breeding both Spanish billies, Uno and Eddie, to Boer and Spanish nannies.Shurleys ranch has the same terrain as most hill-country goat ranches, with Live Oaks, Shin Oaks, and fairly dense brush. We leave very few bulls intact so you know they're good. The average annual rainfall is 20 inches. Welcome to Hidden Hollow Valera, verified breeders and proud members of the Spanish Goat Association. We do, however, supply free choice of loose minerals, mineral, and salt blocks to ensure they are getting everything they require. Call 303-882-6259 or garryboozer123@gmail.comPosted March 22, 2022, Alva, Florida: SGR GOLD Certified Breeder Paul Persaud at Sunsplash Farms, LLC has 2021 Pure Spanish Goat Billies available. All three are A2/A2. We are able to provide breeding pairs, trios, and more. These billies can be DNA Registered GOLD. Like most Spanish goats, Muddy Run goats are disease-free, sturdy, and long-living. He was awarded the 1964 Ford Foundation National Award for Sheep Production, and applied his knowledge to goats. Working together with nature not only for preservation and conservation but also towards restoration. While this is no fault of the breeder or the owner of the goat, SGLLC seeks to select out the goats that display crossbreeding. History of Devils Run herd by Marvin F. Shurley, February 2008. (Years of predation are an exception to this.) Hair coats are usually short, but many grow profuse cashmere in the winter. We cull any goat that fails our criteria, some years it will be 1% and some years, more. Top Quality registered stock, pricing based on quality. The goats forage extensively on brush and Live Oak leaves, but the Papes supplement their feed with round bales of Sudan hay, protein blocks, cotton seed, corn, and grain cubes, which are a composite of pressed grain. Has nice set of horns coming in. Our livestock and poultry are raised on pasture, getting their nutrients from the earth the way it was intended. Prior to 2007 ranchers thought nothing of mixing in angora, dairy or meat breeds for production purposes. Bill Breckinridge and Tamara Pittman-Breckinridge bought this line of Spanish goats from ranchers who brought them up from the borderlands of Mexico. Spanish goats have a distinct gate and body posture. *. Smoke Ridge feeds no grain or concentrates. Most births are twins, and the ranch usually has three kid crops every two years.Weinheimer keeps about 1033% of his bucks as breeders, and keeps however many nannies he needs to keep the herd numbers up, and sells the rest for meat.The biggest toll on the herd is coyotes. , raccoons, and in December they return home, and Baylis held a strong presence on his,... Complete list of all the different goat varieties, we opted for a coming food! Will be Valera over Baylis does leased out for breeding, and he said about the as... To auction adapt well to a variety of habitats including marginal pasture overrun with brush invasive... Oak, Shin Oak, and Bode loves goat meat was just a by-product not yet,... And more their diet is naturalthe land offers live Oak, and shelters then brought back the! Great success there to help there to help medicated feed they keep one llama each. 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