hb```,@Y8030C:PY`J}_< OYeQBh,):JTSXLb:ZVTNya@+xfv|AIdQr@mJ1wtt00)Wtt40(* APg`K3CTCTC4 @pN?!-X/PWn||,0D(y!& 4.lB_4;\xhi19Nb/@[VD7#@ /r Units appointing Paying Agents are advised to contact the POC at the following link, in order to complete training and coordinate funding. Bush BT 2181/ 87/1NP Bush ER 2336/1006/1YB Staffne DA 1349/ 460/1YB Stahlecker KE 2891/ 415/013 0451 2 20160201 NA 20170901 NA 20171201 NA Individual OML numbers will be posted on ACT. Taylor SS 0491/ 847/1NG Teel BS 0848/ 418/V16 Richie LN 1371/ 342/198 Rickert DM 0699/ 701/KEB Menke RT 2336/ 994/TP6 Mera LR 0111/ 126/1NH Scott JF 7236/1018/S2N Seaman JA 0848/1090/V11 Quinones D 6019/ 425/VR1 Raices CA 0231/ 212/121 Williams Jr DH 6019/ 97/G77 Williamson BM 0491/ 825/J15 Washington, DC: Center of Military History, 1989. Su KL 6591/ 189/1JT Suy D 0681/ 403/1ES Beaudin MF 0848/ 497/V28 Beavers NR 3043/ 685/1JL 1SG/MSG Evaluation Board. Valadez RR 0699/ 416/1G9 Valdez FP 0491/1086/1UV Lombardo MA 0211/ 125/226 London Jr CE 2659/ 755/114 Pfeffer BJ 0372/ 275/1MX Phillips KA 1169/ 355/1QN Tharp SC 2336/ 966/167 Thibault CT 0399/ 872/KA2 The CCAP will consider the results of the CSL board; cognitive, non-cognitive, physical, written, and verbal assessments; and a series of interviews. The changes began in fiscal year 2019 with the command sergeant major/sergeant major board in August 2019 and continued with the fiscal 2020 master sergeant board in May. The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. 2. Watch SGT Josh Maria as he explains more about the PSD. 0372 33 20170101 20031027 20180701 20030831 20181101 NA Selectee serves as the primary training advisor to the School Director of Training (DOT) regarding the development of professional military education for active and reserve Adjutant General Enlisted Soldiers, Warrant Officers, and Officers. Martinezchave D 8999/ 467/137 Mata DR 8999/1030/1EE Barriga JJ 8999/ 984/15K Bartell PR 8999/1061/080 3. weather in april 2022. . pCPBu a&. The position is located at Fort Jackson, SC. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE. SFC (Join to see) 19.3K. 7051 7 20170201 20040322 20180201 NA 20181101 NA Smoak DA 3529/ 466/J15 Snider JJ 6019/ 282/VLA Aar FY21 ordinary and should be quantifiable Message 21-206 for the FY22 SSG Evaluation Board. Soldier forged my signature to give themselves quarters. Right? Moyer AR 0372/ 554/1MX Mumm DJ 5811/ 665/01A Thomas FS 3043/ 531/1XJ Thomas KA 8412/ 851/JAA Jackson PB 3043/ 208/W04 Jackson Jr D 1371/ 623/198 Padilla CE 6276/ 458/VRA Padilla R 3432/ 698/1CF By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Holmes GA 0491/ 311/SG3 Holmsten CE 6046/ 44/1JV Averette II JL 0699/ 951/1MS Backlund OA 0399/ 182/V36 Left? https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1084550, d. 801ST PERSONNEL COMPANY TPU, VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT, FIRST SERGEANT, 42A, TULSA, OK.https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1084844, Adjutant General's Corps Regimental Association, 2023 Adjutant General's Corps Regimental Association. Waithe AM 6672/ 682/036 Walton M 3152/ 432/1CN Schoonover MM 1833/ 718/19G Schultz JJ 6019/ 196/1HK Springer SJ 8999/ 264/110 Spurling Jr DE 8999/1058/093 Even the AAR was light on this. Masel RV 6019/ 114/VLD Massengale JM 0111/ 303/124 1799 10 20170301 20060821 20180101 20070827 20180201 20071023 However, MIL Suite has a spreadsheet that shows board release trends and projections. Roland PJ 5831/ 305/QAQ Rooney CN 8412/ 826/922 Snow JA 2336/1000/015 Solano JA 1169/ 455/092 Ferguson MS 3152/ 465/1Y9 Fernandez CM 0111/ 663/1GH a. J3 JOINT OPS CENTER CHIEF (11A) in the grade of O5 (LTC). Vankummer ND 1799/ 336/JCY Vargas O 0231/ 254/1MS Washburn JW 3043/ 221/J33 Watkins JL 0699/ 870/G17 Has been designated "no further service" for any of the reasons listed in paragraphs 1204.4.ff and 1204.4.gg of reference (b). Crabtree LH 8999/ 272/1UR Crane AG 8999/ 876/15H 2891 22 20170701 20010717 20170801 20030922 20180701 NA Skidmore PL 8999/ 907/15H Smith DO 8999/ 322/174 for the FY23 United States Army Warrant Officer Selection Boards (WOSB). Radio drama aside, its not a Bottom Line Up Front if What type of boot blouser are you? Martinez DP 0111/ 289/014 Martinez G 1349/ 599/1CQ FIRST SERGEANT This FRAGO provides updated guidance on the following topics: Adds recurring command reporting requirement for Soldiers who have refused COVID-19 vaccination and have not requested or received an approved exemption (S: 6 December 2021); Provides MEDPROS reporting guidance for refusals/declinations; and distributes SECDEF Memo, COVID-19 Vaccination for Members of the National Guard and Ready Reserve. Hartmon BA 0699/ 611/V23 Harven CM 1799/ 762/800 https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1084633, 4. 0211 15 20141001 NA 20170801 20031027 20170901 20040419 Login. 1169 7 20161001 20020202 20170901 20040120 20170901 NA From the DA Secretariat SGM: The board files are open for those SSGs that meet the eligibility requirements for the FY22 SSG Evaluation Board. 7011 2 20170101 NA 20180801 20050601 20180801 NA c. HUMINT Collector located at Djibouti. FY21 AC/USAR/AGR SFC Evaluation Board Results Official Release, FY21 AC/USAR/AGR SFC Evaluation Board AAR, FY21 AC/USAR/AGR SFC Evaluation Board MQ/FQ List, Link to formatted MILPER Message: 21-225 (June 24, 2021), Lloyd Austin Confirmed As Secretary of Defense, Becomes First Black Pentagon Chief, Most Qualified (MQ); Distinctly annotated, Not Fully Qualified (NFQ); Name not included. Garcia RB 0491/ 23/UKT Garcia ZU 6019/ 301/VRA Not Fully Qualified for Retention (NFQ-R) NCOs (put on notice), 2X NFQ in same grade = Denial of Continued Service (1st day of 7th month), QMP decisions (majority board vote 1). The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) of this Web site or the information, products or services contained therein. Martinez PC 2311/ 158/086 Martinez Jr DG 0491/ 752/761 https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1084133, c. JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF (JCS) TPU OPPORTUNITIES. Frates JS 0372/ 564/1MY Fredin DR 2149/ 211/KA1 Sanchez CA 0699/ 608/MT1 Sanchez D 8412/ 545/A88 8.a.2. Graham JL 0861/ 288/1R2 Gray EA 8412/ 835/989 Sponsored Ad. The Marines listed in paragraph 2 were selected from the Intended Military Occupational Specialty (IMOS) table listed in MARADMINS 426/21, 485/21 and 505/21. 3 . THE FOLLOWING IMOS(S) ARE CLOSED: 0521, 4821, 5512, 7314, AND 7372. Black LM 8999/ 759/1Y9 Bloomfield CL 8999/ 815/T35 Jimenez E 0111/ 725/MAB Johnson JR 3537/ 476/1F4 Roeder EB 8999/ 451/1HN Roofner JR 8999/ 461/UKT Munguia Jr R 0848/ 493/1NG Munier DM 3537/ 453/1NB Jordan NJ 8999/1105/H48 Keller WA 8999/1081/TP6 7236 11 20161201 20050620 20181201 NA NA NA An official website of the United States government. Castle KW 0699/ 486/1EM Castro M 1799/ 771/1G7 Baxter MA 0211/ 46/LKB Bazar SP 3381/ 546/U72 Lancaster JP 1371/ 834/068 Lash Jr ME 6391/ 32/142 Mejia JR 8999/ 359/G71 Mendez E 8999/ 986/1WY Wiecek PS 6276/ 222/VR1 Wilcox JM 6019/ 42/VHC MILPER Message Number 20-254 Proponent AHRC-OPM-C . Peterson JV 0393/ 263/1GT Petitgout MP 2874/ 744/1Y8 Beginning with the FY22 ACC COL CSL board, the Army will use the CCAP results to inform principal command selects, alternate command selects . You were passed over for promotion once already? 5993 5 20171201 NA 20181101 NA NA NA 2311 4 20160702 NA 20170901 20031117 20171201 20041026 Thanks This thread is archived How do we know the results are expected in December? Ramirez JM 0161/ 869/1EZ Ramos HA 3112/ 723/041 2874 3 20151101 NA 20181101 NA NA NA Shambaugh WN 6694/1010/460 Sheley AR 6842/ 200/145 Philip KJ 8999/ 307/198 Platek NR 8999/ 703/J78 This message announces the release of the results for the FY22 AHRC PMS CSB. Weaver JR 8999/ 147/V6B Weinhardt RC 8999/ 317/H54 %PDF-1.6 % 3. Poznanski AM 6019/ 41/145 Preble JA 3152/ 392/15J MILITARY RATING CIVILIANS. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2001 (475 pages) Mark F. Gillespie et al, The Sergeants Major of the Army. Tidwell NS 0491/ 750/110 Tijerina G 2891/ 164/1QB (250 pages) Ernest F. Fisher, Jr., Guardians of the Republic: A History of the Noncommissioned Officer Corps of the US Army. Birch MC 0399/ 884/V13 Blanco JD 0411/ 988/1PA Reyes R 0111/ 686/KES Reynoso C 0699/ 36/1G9 Aguilar KR 0111/ 695/1Y5 Aguirre III E 6672/ 643/1JN Gaddis TN 8999/1072/G32 Garcia JL 8999/ 896/19G The FY22 Regular Army (RA)/United States Army Reserve (USAR) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) SFC Evaluation Board will evaluate all NCOs in the zone of consideration. They call it "Taking a knee" while you re-learn your job. Boff III LJ 8999/ 783/VLF Boquin III CA 8999/ 979/1F1 The FY22 VNC slate and alternate list will be publicly released at 0800 (EDT), 8 December 2021 through the Human Resources Command, Health Services Division, Command Management Section webpage. Trice CR 6019/ 94/1TV Tripodi CA 0848/ 995/1NR Armendariz MR 2891/ 394/U76 Arnold TM 3043/ 522/1R1 7041 1 20170901 20020226 20170901 NA NA NA 9. Hotaling TJ 8999/1048/V21 James WC 8999/ 269/094 Moran GJ 8999/ 909/069 Mullen Jr WK 8999/ 945/K02 Loyd MP 6391/ 184/VHE Lucero JR 0372/ 274/1MU Dickey MA 8999/ 650/SNG Dickinson JT 8999/1024/1Y5 Davis BC 6019/ 424/1TD Davis SE 0699/ 928/1NL Leuty CS 0699/ 376/V36 Leza Jr JA 1349/ 173/S4C Soldier forged my signature to give themselves quarters. Stone JJ 6391/ 344/VRA Stowbridge IAA 0699/ 417/1C1 Bierdz TM 3529/ 469/124 Bilky III SE 6019/ 188/VMC 8.a.3. Zearfoss WJ 6019/ 168/VLA Zimmer MW 7291/ 618/G91 Dewall QA 0861/ 735/E75 Dickens YT 0111/ 788/012 Oliva AW 8999/ 925/15D Olson JH 8999/1096/961 S1NETMEMBER REQUESTS. Rawson ME 0321/ 61/1R4 Raza JL 0699/ 390/1XC Passage BM 2336/ 874/092 Patterson SA 0411/1079/U76 Parker JC 6591/ 365/1JX Parks DT 0372/ 670/TJ5 Visser JM 2336/ 871/1CQ Vladiff Jr SG 6019/ 68/V80 Gamber AM 0869/ 639/1NJ Gantt KR 0231/ 206/R00 Myers DM 8999/1034/A04 Nadrchal Jr DW 8999/ 939/R21 Begaye DR 1833/ 105/19F Bell JE 0699/ 422/1G7 The DOR zones of consideration were published in a MILPER message OPs DOR is Nov 25 2019. Dayreyes RM 3529/ 54/1CG Debose AE 3043/ 245/165 Logout. Stillman NE 5821/ 632/1F2 Stolaas II SA 3529/ 508/1PR 13. Selection Boards for Chief Petty Officer. Abernathy ZT 2691/ 773/LFC Acosta AR 0111/ 318/032 Paragraph 5200.3b of reference (b) provides specific language that must be contained in the opening paragraph of the Marine's statement. Bailey BE 2336/1008/KB8 Baker TM 0491/ 827/029 %%EOF Howell CE 8412/ 161/924 Hower HH 0699/ 747/TLF Kaiser AR 0699/ 572/1G9 Kalina CA 5811/ 667/013 Rhodes RN 3152/ 690/1Y9 Rich DJ 3537/ 895/160 Sotobarcenas AA 3112/ 798/044 Specht KW 8412/ 785/JAA The fiscal year (FY) 22 Human Resources Readiness Training (HRRT) virtual events are cancelled for the remainder of FY22 as the USAR prepares to transition to IPPS-A. 8412 39 20171001 20030609 20180101 20031208 20181101 20060912 Busbey NS 0321/ 19/070 Busetto JG 0399/ 31/226 Rios LC 8412/ 760/934 Rivas G 6391/ 396/1JX The following Marines were identified as students enrolled in the Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program and were noncompetitively selected for promotion to master sergeant. Gager NJ 1371/ 308/1CQ Gallegos J 2181/ 406/1R3 https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1083946, 6. a. This NAVADMIN provides guidance for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Navy Active-Duty and Navy Reserve Enlisted Advancement. Nessola WR 2891/ 408/1G8 Neuenschwande ZS 0211/ 133/LCH 0861 16 20160301 NA 20180801 20070709 20180901 NA Tolbert BY 0699/ 481/1FZ Tolhurst JD 0699/ 914/068 Greschaw TC 2891/ 384/S8R Grijalva BM 5811/ 931/JAB The MQ's will be selected for promotion first. I remember being told that recruiting would benefit me for these boards. Osburn ML 0399/ 606/UKT Ouattara Y 0111/ 300/1PK Any help/info/guidance anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated!https://www.milsuite.mil/book/message/968444, b. 4591 4 20171201 20050314 20180201 20050815 NA NA FY21 AC SSG Evaluation Board Fully Qualified . Damico III LA 0699/ 49/1G8 Davila Jr E 3529/ 513/1PK Secretary of Defense memo: Unless otherwise exempted in accordance with Department policy, all members of the National Guard must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 by the deadlines established by the Army or Air Force, as appropriate, or must subsequently become vaccinated, in order to participate in drills, training and other.duty conducted under title 32, U.S. Code. endstream endobj 735 0 obj <>/Metadata 44 0 R/OCProperties<>/OCGs[753 0 R]>>/Outlines 63 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/Pages 730 0 R/StructTreeRoot 86 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 736 0 obj <>/Font<>/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 737 0 obj <>stream Farish DF 8999/ 446/UCG Fehr JM 8999/ 960/028 Freeman GE 6694/ 990/V6A Freeman SW 8412/ 833/982 Hall WL 8999/ 145/G91 Hancock BJ 8999/1021/V36 6. Hello, I am a 1LT and I am being medically retired in Dec 2022, I'm pretty sure I went to the FY22 CPT boards. Ruiz JD 8999/1002/1XJ Sabel JE 8999/1044/V16 https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1084403, 5. 5524 1 20150801 20020617 20150801 NA 20160801 20021104 Chaney GE 5959/ 326/1L7 Chanthavong J 6672/ 654/462 This message formally announces the release of the FY22 Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) SFAB CSL slate. S1NETmembers have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information. No credit or excused absence shall be afforded to members who do not participate in drills, training, or other duty due to failure to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. 9. I think the MILPER says that this DOR is In the zone. Nelson TJ 3043/ 530/1GS Nepaulsingh FM 6672/1066/1JY Akers PJ 8999/ 411/VRA Allen DS 8999/1094/U18 Conyers Jr RC 8999/ 891/V22 Corralgamboa HG 8999/1062/J15 ANY ARMY RESERVES1OICS? I think the results for CPT boards last year were released early November? Does anyone know when the AGR MSG board results will be posted? Berrios Jr W 8999/ 937/1NR Berryhill MA 8999/1109/H28 [)oR }P#T IY4~g#VvDp88ZFVXh4FBkh$ Really wish they would have released the list with the OML numbers. That is to say, they're not flagged and they meet the minimum qualifications under STEP. Robinson N 8999/ 916/TMG Rodriguez VA 8999/ 587/091 Whelan Jr RJ 8412/ 820/973 3432 3 20171201 NA 20180701 20050118 20180801 NA REF B IS MCO P1400.32D W/CH2, MARINE CORPS PROMOTION MANUAL, VOLUME 2, ENLISTED PROMOTIONS.// FY22 RA SFC Evaluation Board FQ List FY22 SFC EB Cover Memo FY22 SFC EVAL Board Field AAR FY22 SFC EVAL BOARD MOI FY22 SFC EVAL Board Membership News FY22 Sergeant Major Select Lists NAME IMOS/SRNO/MCC NAME IMOS/SRNO/MCC Ellis JD 8999/1051/QBN Enos CK 8999/ 111/1MX Sciscoe SB 8999/ 787/G76 Sharp BD 8999/ 982/1RX Requests for remedial promotion consideration must be submitted to the CMC (MMPR-2), organizational mailbox at enlistedpromotions@usmc.mil. Future HRRT courses may take place in FY23 as a refresher course for personnel requiring additional over the shoulder support (OTSS) and assistance post IPPS-A, Release 3 (R3) go live. Britt LR 0241/ 555/115 Broderick NL 6672/ 713/110 2181 9 20170201 NA 20180501 NA NA NA Johnson TJ 8999/ 448/1S8 Johnston Jr TL 8999/ 716/1XC Hoesly RD 0699/ 955/1PA Hoke JJ 3529/ 45/1F5 Haremza LR 2691/ 715/174 Harris KM 0491/ 316/15N Gold JV 2149/ 39/KA1 Golden CS 0399/ 838/R00 Commanders will immediately notify the CMC (MMPR-2) of the intent to withhold or revoke the selection of any Marine whose name is listed in this MARADMIN. NAME IMOS/SRNO/MCC NAME IMOS/SRNO/MCC Not MQ.I know the guys who are MQ and concede that they are better than me. Musselman BM 0231/ 210/143 Muturi BW 3043/ 251/1Y4 Sheridan DM 7212/1101/KES Sherman II KG 1371/ 273/J33 AC: https://www.hrc.army.mil/content/23490, AGR: https://www.hrc.army.mil/content/23491. (SELRES) cycle is 108. Beckes WC 8999/1063/1JX Bell DD 8999/ 315/092 The bigger question is were people not complete with MLC given higher OML numbers than those who are already finished with it? Reed SJ 0399/ 510/V21 Rehm JB 0491/ 99/VR1 Mobile Users rotate phone to landscape for best quality. Carmichael DH 0231/ 256/1F6 Carozzi CM 3043/ 668/1GR 1833 9 20171101 NA 20181201 NA NA NA FY22 Official Release of Board Results. Nieves JA 0699/ 449/1G8 Noble JN 6391/ 48/145 Rogers BM 0372/ 616/1MQ Rojas Jr F 0861/ 287/1NJ Molina EA 0699/ 594/1NE Molina F 3043/ 247/1EH Hipkins CR 0399/ 936/1PA Hobbs RA 0491/1056/1NF So Im theory if OP did get promoted by that board, they would pin. 5821 2 20171001 NA 20180101 NA 20180201 20050822 Pena CM 6391/ 334/086 Penney EW 0399/ 585/SJJ Strict compliance with the provisions of paragraph 3602 of reference (b) is directed. This message announces the release of the results for the FY22, Reserve Component (RC) Captain (CPT) Army Promotion List (APL), Promotion Selection Board (PSB). Kelsaw SJ 0372/ 905/1MU Khan C 0111/ 120/044 Moll GE 8999/1046/096 Moore MP 8999/ 980/1NJ Torrescollazo A 0111/ 754/SA5 Tovar A 0699/ 613/TGP FIRST SERGEANT AND MASTER SERGEANT Vallejomunoz JM 0111/ 678/TVZ Vanburen JD 0411/ 853/KAP 3. Gonzalez JA 3537/ 457/15S Goodrich TJ 2336/1011/KB8 If you weren't FQ this year, you have one more look before separation starts. Estupinan IJ 8999/ 178/VMD Etzler RS 8999/ 475/044 Anderson JT 0699/ 352/015 Anderson JT 0699/ 579/998 Macklin Jr A 0869/ 900/SMT Madsen LD 3043/ 568/093 All Military Pay E-Messages are available on milBook athttps://www.milsuite.mil/book/community/spaces/milpaye-messages. Price BC 8999/ 802/080 Procter SD 8999/ 764/VMD 5831 4 20170201 20030121 20171201 NA 20180501 NA Morales AS 0372/ 281/1MP Morales III P 7051/ 734/1QN Robinson MD 3432/ 926/JAB Robinson ST 3537/ 174/1NL The Nov 2021 Unit Commanders Pay Management Report (UCPMR) and the Nov 2021 Master Military Pay Account (MMPA) 2405 reports are available in RLAS for downloading. Prograis PF 0861/ 688/1NL Quinn RC 0491/ 328/VM6 e.g., incorrect date of rank, incorrect MOS, incorrect zone of consideration, and requests to transfer to the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve. MSGID/GENADMIN/CMC WASHINGTON DC MRA MM// Deforge PJ 5524/ 28/JBF Dehoyos RJ 0399/ 534/233 Nunez JA 8999/ 761/R14 Nunez Jr J 8999/ 577/19F Lanier NM 8999/1106/R19 Leach JD 8999/ 399/283 Dieujuste C 8412/ 837/082 Dinardi DW 0399/ 902/1K4 Haley JW 0511/ 913/1CE Halpin NM 0241/ 547/174 Martinez GM 0399/ 385/V21 Martinez OV 3537/ 464/1GR Byrne JM 0399/ 423/TZ7 Cabello RG 0861/ 321/1R4 Arriving Soldiers - Albany Recruiting Battalion, Arriving Soldiers - Baltimore Recruiting Battalion, Arriving Soldiers - Richmond Recruiting Battalion, Arriving Soldiers - Harrisburg Recruiting Battalion, Arriving Soldiers - Mid-Atlantic Recruiting Battalion, Arriving Soldiers - New England Recruiting Battalion, Arriving Soldiers - New York City Recruiting Battalion, Arriving Soldiers - Syracuse Recruiting Battalion, Arriving Soldiers - Atlanta Recruiting Battalion, Arriving Soldiers - Columbia Recruiting Battalion, Arriving Soldiers - Jacksonville Recruiting BN, Arriving Soldiers - Raleigh Recruiting Battalion, Arriving Soldiers - Chicago Recruiting Battalion, Arriving Soldiers - Cleveland Recruiting Battalion, Arriving Soldiers - Phoenix Recruiting Battalion, Arriving Soldiers - Los Angeles Recruiting BN, 170D - Cyberspace Capability Developer Technician, Warrant Officer Career College (WOCC) Information, Becoming an Army Physician Assistant (PA), AMEDD Enlisted Commissioning Program (AECP), Concurrent Admissions Program (ConAP) for Army Recruits & Future Soldiers, Concurrent Admissions Program (ConAP) for Army Recruiters & Commanders, ConAP Publications, Forms Resources & Related Links, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. Please take an active part in ensuring every eligible SSG reviews their board file. Young CR 2336/ 956/1QN Young JA 0848/ 193/TZ7 Alexander JC 3044/ 719/063 Alexander ZR 0211/ 248/TMG 5. Please dont wait until last minute to certify; the website will become non-responsive. Richard WB 8412/ 298/961 Richards DH 6391/ 304/1JY Bradley JD 0699/ 886/V28 Branum KA 0399/ 361/124 September 2022. 10. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Zones of consideration for FY22 CPT Board: Above Zone: 31 Mar 20 and earlier In Zone: 1 Apr 20 thru 31 Mar 21. Does anyone have a reference for how military SMs evaluate DA Civilians? R 092200Z DEC 21 8999 255 NA NA 20181201 NA NA NA U.S. Army Human Resources Command "Soldiers First!" United States Army Human Resources Command "Soldiers First!" Site Map. Nobody in my MOS is MQ, so I'm gonna assume I'm a 6+ just like everyone else. CPO Selection Boards - United States Navy FY-22. Go to the Enlisted Promotions home page: www.manpower.usmc.mil, select "Active Marine", "Promotion Branch (MMPR)", then "Enlisted Promotions". Stepp JJ 7212/ 702/1A5 Stevenson JS 1833/1108/R08 Press option 7 to leave a message. 7. ARMY RESERVE PAY MESSAGE 21-20, NOV 2021 UNIT PAY REPORTS. Everett MB 1833/ 898/KA1 Ewald AK 0211/ 157/M6A 3529 21 20160901 20030604 20170901 20031015 20171101 20040126 For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visithttps://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-375787. Grummer JJ 0399/ 932/1EM Guadalupe R 2891/ 395/1ET Dear BR 8999/ 968/1HL Deshano CA 8999/1102/036 Woods SS 0111/ 657/TMG Worth NF 0372/ 271/1MR No one knows when the list is going to be released. 0321 7 20150101 20040628 20160901 NA 20161201 20050502 Harding BM 0111/ 77/068 Hardy DM 0211/ 29/LIS Ensure the Marine concerned is afforded the opportunity to review the command's recommendation and submit a statement. 1. Klich MA 0699/ 707/TLG Kouame JM 0111/ 76/068 Molina MM 0699/ 523/T15 Molina NR 6019/ 261/A02 MASTER SERGEANT West CO 0491/1014/1LB Westfall MA 0491/ 333/728 Andres JT 0111/ 675/R00 Angel AJ 0699/ 651/313 Mcgrath MS 0699/ 648/V34 Mckelvey CE 4591/ 693/137 The board files will close on 15 January 2022. Davis AQ 8999/1093/15J Davis Jr JL 8999/1032/1FN 7212 3 20171201 20050124 20181101 NA NA NA Chavis JD 0231/ 14/1C1 Chenoweth JL 0848/ 131/1NJ Sandoval TJ 6672/ 910/1JV Santiago JL 2891/ 427/1CK Gregory SJ 8999/1028/1Y2 Grose RD 8999/1075/996 hbbd```b``"P" "YA$+I/ S8n bR@$[C&7 = Hernandezquez CJ 8999/ 786/1RX Hobbs MA 8999/1047/313 11. The final zone cutoffs and allocations are as follows: 6046 5 20151001 20030824 20160901 20030327 20160901 20040426 https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1084195, c. USASOC ENLISTED MANNING CYCLE (EMC) 23-04 MSG/SFC SOF ENABLER TALENT MANAGEMENT SLATE ANNOUNCEMENT. Ramsey TS 0211/ 4/115 Randall JD 0399/ 917/V26 8.b. 2691 12 20171001 20060925 20180102 NA 20180201 20070529 When will the results get released because I'm hoping to pin CPT before I retire from the military this Dec. Callers will receive a response within two working days. RMKS/1. U.S. Army Human Resources Command "Soldiers First!" United States Army Human Resources Command "Soldiers First!" Site Map. Greene KJ 8999/1054/198 Greenfieldbet PE 8999/ 915/K55 Sargent CA 2336/ 471/TFE Saunders JL 2181/ 478/078 FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 24 NOV 21). Those who don't have MLC complete when their number comes up, will get promoted after they complete MLC. 8. Ybarra JS 6019/ 257/1T5 Yommalat A 0111/ 662/VLC Ladwig CJ 0211/ 203/TIB Lambert JT 1371/ 234/198 Beck EA 0411/1083/1EE Beeman KC 0699/ 374/TLF FY22 RA SFC Evaluation Board FQ List January 20, 2022 milmedia Congratulations to all those SFCs earning Fully Qualified (FQ) & Most Qualified (MQ). Charles J 3051/ 119/1F6 Chastant II RB 2149/ 557/KA1 October 2022. Johnson JS 0681/ 100/1Y1 Johnson MA 0211/ 6/E75 0 7. White JL 4421/ 636/069 Whitesanchez JD 3044/1052/111 0261 1 20140201 NA 20180701 20051011 20180801 20070212 Sorenson TM 0399/ 496/239 Sotelo RT 0399/ 559/080 The Active Component. Prickett CL 5831/ 310/01A Privette CL 0491/ 821/1MZ Lecureux CM 8999/ 694/1CG Lennon M 8999/ 420/1RX POC/STEPHANIE J. MAXWELL/MAJ/MMPR-2/-/TEL: DSN 278-9711/ EMAIL:STEPHANIE.MAXWELL@USMC.MIL// Johnson WM 4133/ 548/15B Johnson III H 0399/ 521/V32 (AC)/Full-Time Support (FTS) cycle is 250, and the Selected Reserve. Estela III G 8999/ 238/036 Estradabarrer J 8999/1041/1Y9 Wright AE 1169/ 231/1CQ Wright BO 6591/ 142/1JV Riveromontes JL 2336/ 934/TSR Robertson RR 3529/ 237/1C1 3381 4 20170901 20040809 20180701 20020328 20180701 NA On 20 September 2021, the HQDA G-1, U.S. Army Armament Research Development and Engineering Center, and Naval Information Warfare Center-Pacific successfully integrated the capabilities of ALERT Mass Warning Notification System (MWNS) into ADPAAS. Right? Mcmanus JR 8999/ 954/J15 Meily GS 8999/ 929/053 Ellis JR 0399/ 593/030 Elsie III RW 8412/ 844/996 Mitchaner ND 3044/ 602/1RA Mitchell Jr AL 0699/ 888/KEB Where the feeder MOS for a selectee does not provide skill progression to the IMOS, this MARADMIN does not constitute authority to change the Marine's primary MOS. Was or is the subject of completed or pending disciplinary action by military or civilian authorities or other significant adverse action within the current grade (e.g., Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP), court-martial, civilian conviction, etc.). 4133 3 20170701 NA 20180801 NA NA NA If a SSG meets the eligibility criteria in the MILPER message and does not have a board file, please reach out to the HRC Promotions Branch (see POCs at following link). Do not process, store, or transmit any Personally Identifiable Information (PII), UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO or CLASSIFIED information on this . 6019 56 20151001 20030902 20170201 20010910 20170701 20051017 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT: ADJUTANT GENERAL SCHOOL VACANT GS 1712 13 SUPERVISORY TRAINING INSTRUCTOR (SERVES AS DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF TRAINING). Frick III WB 0399/ 495/V25 Fuentes R 6672/ 626/1JT Has been assigned to the Body Composition Program (BCP). Stewart CT 0399/ 366/W45 Stewart Jr TF 0393/ 294/1GT And the FY21 was a Fully Qualified board which leaves me wondering what you might have done to not get picked up and why you think youll be picked up on this one. Muro AJ 1349/ 452/15L Musa SA 6019/ 43/V81 I thought the FY22 CPT Board results get released in like October or early November. Morgan CE 0869/ 987/J54 Morin GN 7041/ 428/090 Trickler JA 8999/ 969/1FN Vega J 8999/ 684/15J a. MILPER MESSAGE 21-452, UNITED STATES ARMY WARRANT OFFICER SELECTION BOARD RESULTS, ISSUED: [12/2/2021 2:07:49 PM]. Middlebrooks MV 0372/ 284/1MR Miller KA 2659/ 741/1F6 Login. 0491 40 20171001 NA 20181101 NA NA NA Sicz JC 8999/1110/041 Simpson DE 8999/ 40/115 Oh man. Stranathan SM 6019/ 139/VMC Straub MT 2336/ 244/1CQ Andino LA 6672/ 680/1JW Andrade AE 6042/ 52/1GA Review MILPER Message 22-337 for the FY23 United States Army Warrant Officer Selection Boards (WOSB). Haugh KA 2336/ 970/KB8 Hause Jr P 0399/ 588/SJE None. 5959 3 20160801 NA 20170701 NA 20180101 NA Open to all Components (E6 25B) with TS/SCI. Allen ML 8999/ 375/VM3 Andazola JA 8999/ 950/VHA Schultz NJ 8999/1091/114 Schultz WR 8999/ 278/1EN Harris ND 0372/ 538/1MR Hartka MH 7291/ 323/032 Fuck. 3051 6 20170402 NA 20180101 20020820 20180701 NA Kroll AA 0241/ 194/S13 Krumrie JM 0399/ 985/080 752 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<572AA20D3CA41445B78FB175DB435870><909CA5D559222D48927384A499671698>]/Index[734 31]/Info 733 0 R/Length 100/Prev 420760/Root 735 0 R/Size 765/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 6391/ 344/VRA Stowbridge IAA 0699/ 417/1C1 Bierdz TM 3529/ 469/124 Bilky III SE 6019/ 188/VMC 8.a.3 AJ 1349/ Musa!, 4 Bierdz TM 3529/ 469/124 Bilky III SE 6019/ 188/VMC 8.a.3 store, transmit. 193/Tz7 Alexander JC 3044/ 719/063 Alexander ZR 0211/ 248/TMG 5 level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and.! 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