If they wanted to stay safe, they had to give DB a refueling truck when they landed, four parachutes, and $200,000. Everyone deserves that right, but most celebs don't go missing forever. In 2018, it appeared that actress Fan Bingbing was hoping to skip out on a few taxes. Apparently, Sean was desperate to prove himself and was willing to stand in the face of danger to make his point. Similarly, there was a weird moment in Hollywood history where '90s icon Pauly Shore was reportedly lost in a rainforest in the Congo (an internet story that was almost certainly untrue, but bizarre enough to spawn a parody Twitter account). #Stars #Missing #Celebs. Thanks to his time portraying the titular character on the hit Disney series Zorro. Afterward, she made bank writing books, giving lectures, and even designing her own line of womens clothing. Audrey Hepburn. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, Bath BA1 1UA. By that time, any evidence was gone. Three hours after she failed to turn up for work, the station called the police. stahl for his role in films like sin city the man without a face and his starring role, as john connor, in terminator 3 on, may 9th 2012 his wife reported him. Michael Rockefeller's disappearance rocked the world of New York socialites, and likely would've landed the largest headline in Page Six, had it been a thing in 1961. 13 Famous People Who Went Missing and Were Never Found Jacklyn Krol Published: May 27, 2022 Ian Dickson, Redferns, Getty Images, YouTube The world has always always been fascinated with. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the director went to Sweden's Tjurpannan nature reserve with two crew members to scout locations for "The Fjallbacka Murders," a film series adaptation of the popular crime novels by Camilla Lckberg. For the last four years of his life, he was known as Bison Dele, a man who walked away from $36 million in potential NBA revenue to live a nomad's life literally across the world. It would be silly to make a list of vanishing celebrities and not include the most famous case in history. He was also the first to record a successful journey through the Northwest Passage. Between the years of 1938 and 1942, there was no one bigger in music than Glenn Miller and really, it wasn't even close. The 1940s saw the rise of Hollywood legends. After reporting him missing, The New York Times recounted that his family was informed that he "had been pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence" and "passed a sobriety test" before going to a motel in Santa Rosa,where he vanished. In 1974, though, she was looking for a change. Per the BBC, she sent "fond letters to family and close friends telling them she wanted to make a new start." Amelia Earhart has staked claim to the most famous disappearance in history. Dateline NBC ran an undercover special trying to track him down and even claimed they found him. Playing for the Oregon Ducks, Wintermute would go on to have his number retired by the University. But then there are the missing and the undiscovered. Frank Sinatra. Although no evidence was ever found, theories believe that Daniel slipped into the water. It can be a sad day when our favorite celebrity passes on. And before you move on to something else, take a moment to show us a little bit of support by giving this video a like and by subscribing to our channel. Facts Verse Plenty of people had questions about how Jimmy Hoffa could pull off his long run at the top. Sadly, the world learned that Jodi had vanished in June 1995, just moments after telling a colleague that she was running late for work. The bookWithdrawn Traces: Searching for the Truth About Richey Manic, presents the theory that the musician faked his death and started a new life in Israel, but yet again, there is very little evidence to work with to arrive at that conclusion either. Investigators determined that Cooper was unlikely to have survived the jump. More recently, a book written with the full cooperation of Richey's sister, "Withdrawn Traces: Searching for the Truth About Richey Manic," alleges that the guitarist staged his own death. Just existing in the age of paparazzi makes being famous a full time gi. Over the years, her disappearance has been tied to a number of conspiracy theories. She never returned home. Still, on February 1st, 1995, when Edwards went missing, people thought suicide right away. Sadly, she never got recognized for her contributions before she went missing in the Summer of 1974. If you or anyone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). The final thing that got people talking was Hales open beliefs about more than one person being involved with the ending of JFKs life. Australia searched water and land only to find there was no evidence of what could have happened. That all came to a crashing end in 2011 when Daniel was scouting out locations for a new thriller project. However, a sniffer dog at the scene behaved as though Ray had gotten into another vehicle. Patrick McDermott. He was serving as the prime minister of Australia when Harold decided to go for a swim at the beach. In 1970, while in Cambodia seeking coverage of the Viet Cong, Flynn and another journalist, Dana Stone, chose not to take the limousines that the journalists were using. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Just an FYI, if I ever go missing, just assume it was aliens. No one really knows what happened next. To start, he wrote the novel The Little Prince. That was before Antoine turned his hand to flying planes as he learned to pull off some pretty impressive tricks in the sky. There was just never enough evidence to convict anyone of the probable crime. They were the little darlings of the Full House world. He made it just off the coast of San Francisco before being "swept off histhirty-seven-foot sailboat by a twenty-five-foot wave." To this day, Earhart's disappearance has become host to a number of conspiracy theories, a list that includes the belief that she was abducted by aliens. Audrey Hepburn. However, for some reason, Philip spent an hour at the airport and no one knows why. Crime News. Nothing else is known about his activities after that because he seems to have poofed right out of existence leaving behind no clues of his whereabouts or what might have happened to him. The actress left her daughter at home and headed out. Even though he was popular among the people he served, he was also tangled up in some pretty alarming criminal activities. Unfortunately, she didn't get any recognition before her. All of this, teamed with the passing of her son, left Theodosia pretty depressed. Facts Verse 25 Celebrities who went missing and have never been foundForrest SchabThe Canadian rapper Forrest Schab known in the rap scene as DY, went missing in August . Thats something British explorer Henry Hudson learned when his team turned against him. Barbara got into a fight with her husband in 1939 and left the house for the final time. Some are found happy and healthy. Unfortunately . The same cant be about her husband though as he is facing legal problems that will get you nervous. He arrived at his former wifes home to end her life after losing custody of their children. Her car was found by police in New Hampshire, empty, doors locked, airbags full and windshield broken. She packed up her car, left her place in Michigan, and was never heard from again. This man told police that he was instructed to bury the body of a young woman in December of 1910. The novelist lived in what was once East Pakistan and rose to fame in 1971, thanks to his short documentary focused on Bangladeshi refugees who were forced to flee the country. The 80s were a time for rock bands to come into their own. Some think Ambrose lost his life almost immediately, while others have their own theories of him winding up in a town where he could have been injured or harmed. Some say she was a victim of the infamous Bermuda triangle curse while others swear that she either found the lost city of Atlantis or was abducted by aliens. Join Facts Verse to learn more about those celebrities who disappeared and were never seen again. Ylenia Maria Sole Carrisi is one of the daughters of the famed actors and Italian musical duo of Albano Carrisi and Romina Power. Join Facts Verse to learn more about those celebrities who disappeared and were never seen again. According to her Spotify biography, the singer finally got her big break in 2004, when Deitch played one of her songs for "Spinning on Air," a radio show hosted by music historian David Garland. Oak Island is a privately owned island that sits off the coast of Nova Scotia in Canada. Rico Harris was no exception. Canadian rock band Loverboy was one of the biggest acts of the '80s, penning the iconic hit "Working for the Weekend." Carrisi had done some acting with her parents, but she became known as the Italian Vanna White (the letter turner) on La Ruota Della Fortuna, Italy's version of Wheel of Fortune. There was every chance that she had been arrested, but what if something more sinister had happened? In those four years, Glenn Miller and his orchestra put together an incredible 70 top-ten singles and 22 number-one records. His mother had encouraged him to move back to his Washington state hometown in 2002 to get away from the hustle and bustle of the big city. Sadly, things ended when Barbaras father left, and she was penniless. January 9, 2023, 4:52 pm, by He served as Thomas Jefferson's vice president, which made his daughter's 1813 disappearance all the more curious. Although no foul play was ever suspected, the scenario is strange. Lagerlf's body was never found, and the series went on without him, premiering its first installment in 2012. Its just a bit frustrating knowing that these will never be solved. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, please contact the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741741, call the National Alliance on Mental Illness helpline at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264), or visit the National Institute of Mental Health website. Dabord did call their mother to say that he never hurt his brother. Instead, they took motorcycles out to a highway checkpoint. People later claimed that mobsters ended Jimmys life and that he was hidden in a secret location within 20 miles of the restaurant. June 20, 2021, 9:06 am, by Pippa Crone hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had it would appear here. After the plane refueled, it took off again as it was instructed, heading towards Mexico. There was once a time that Zahir Rainham was a worldwide name. In fact, rumor has it that she was the reason behind the infamous duel where Burr killed Alexander Hamilton. Miles took his own life, and the other three have never been found. The band had just finished playing a charity concert when Scott and a handful of others decided to sail to Mexico. A public and private search of the area never turned up anything, and Scotts body has never surfaced. The likes of Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and George Clooney have all stepped in to fill their shoes over the years as they as the world learns there is more than enough room for one at the top. Having said that, every year, there seems to be some new theory or claim made about famous missing persons cases, so you never really know. A day later, he mysteriously called Barbara "telling her he was all right" without sharing the details of what, if anything, had happened to prompt the call. An ESPN reporter took it upon themselves to track down every one of Alis 50 opponents and get their autograph. Moreover, asHistorynotes, "Many Teamster leaders partnered with the Mafia in racketeering, extortion and embezzlement." 10 More Movie Mistakes Directors Refused To Fix Because The Acting Was Too Good, 10 Disney Parks 2023 News That Fans Are Excited About, 10 Unsolved Mysteries That May Have Finally Been Solved, 10 Stephen King Universe Fates Worse Than Death, 10 Biggest Unexplained Mysteries Of The Universe, Universal Orlando Resort Announces Goo Goo Dolls Among Mardi Gras Headliners. The 27 Club is a group of artists who all died at the age of 27 and includes iconic performers like Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, and Kurt Cobain. Occasionally a famous individual goes missing and is never heard from again. But according to the BBC, that never happened. Usually, they are eventually found, slinking out of the shadows when they have something new to promote. However, no one ever heard from him again. Before Bison Dele quit basketball to become a world-traveling poet, the athlete was known as Brian Williams, an NBA star who along with Dennis Rodman and Michael Jordan helped the Chicago Bulls win the 1997 championship. There were human footprints in the sand, and Ricos backpack was found with a cellphone that contained a video of the athlete. News on all your favorite celebs, reality TV, and movies. Once the plane landed, the ransom money was collected along with the parachutes, and the passengers were let off. To this day, it inspires many Western TV shows and films and fans are eager to spread the word about the show to a new generation. Her family believes that she died by suicide, but no evidence has ever been found. Like some of the others on this list, Jean Spangler's fame grew immensely following her disappearance. However, the lack of formal inquest and the fact Harold was the prime minister led many people to think there was more to the story. Join Facts Verse to learn more about those celebrities who disappeared and were never seen again. Jimmy was spotted standing outside a restaurant in Detroit where its rumored he met two mob bosses. Not long after the book was published, Acosta disappeared while traveling in Mazatln, Mexico. In 1932, the aviator rose to fame as the first female pilot to fly solo, non-stop across the Atlantic. The only definitive thing that we know about this case is that his body was never found. It comes to something when your disappearing act sparks a host of internet theories, even to date. He was the first recorded man to reach the South Pole and the leader of the first expedition to the North Pole. Fans had another theory. Can you guess where the theory goes? He worked as a union official while also working alongside several names in organized crime. Here are a few who've never been found. Perhaps one of the most famous disappearances in history, Earhart rose to fame in 1932 when she became the first female pilot to solo fly non-stop stop across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1977, while boating with a friend, Wintermute went missing. She helped paved the way for artists like Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell. Earhart was never located, and in January 1939, she was declared dead. Hot It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened to him, but his body was never found. According to BBC News, Converse disappeared days after celebrating her 50th birthday. Sean Flynn was the only child of film legend Errol Flynn. Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. The boat never made it to the final destination, but Miles was later arrested, trying to use his brothers checks. More recently, Melania Trump disappeared after a short hospital stay, nearly triggering a milk carton campaign across Washington. 66. A week later, police found his silver 2005 Toyota Corolla near a narrow waterway along with a note asking that all of his belongings go to his younger brother. As he was the original bassist, his legacy lives on in classic rock staples such as Turn Me Loose . Cooper was not famous before his disappearance. Jimmy quickly proved he was a force to be reckoned with as he became one of a select few to ever go toe to toe with Muhammad Ali in 1961. Nowadays, Anna venerates as the groundbreaking icon. Unlike the boat's name Swahili for "No Worries" the worries were just beginning. Aaron later wanted to start his own nation and eventually fled the country with the help of his daughter. Some theories believe that Amelia ran out of fuel over the Pacific Ocean and her plane plummeted into the water, while others think the pair ended up stranded on an island where their plane washed into the sea. I'll call you from Nashville.'". All we know is that body was never found, and the reality is a lot less exciting and far more tragic. Or is there an underlying twisted truth in their disappearance? It wasnt long before Scott was knocked overboard, and no one could see him in the water. Discover 13 famous people and celebrities who went missing, below. While they had valid visas to be in the country until November 2012, after that they would have needed to apply for asylum, and it appears they never did. As we know, the former first lady has since retired to Florida and all is well (at least as much as it can be when her husband is facing a myriad of legal problems). She couldnt afford to write and was left to fend for herself, and it wasnt long before everyone forgot about the teen prodigy. Other theories suggest that they may have landed on another nearby island or was captured by the Japanese. A "two-week search involving ships, airplanes, helicopters, and thousands of locals prowling the coats and jungle" turned up nothing. Celebrities have tried to get away with all kinds of things over the years. Crime News. His car was found abandoned 24 miles away with his guitar in the front seat. However, others think Glenn was tasked with a secret mission to end the war; he just never arrived. They believe his aristocratic friends convinced Lucan to end his life and fed him to the tigers. Of course, many music fans are aware of the club and. It would seem that the age of Instagramming every meal and Facebooking shower thoughts for likes has made any chance of disappearing a distant memory for most stars. Oscar Zeta Acosta is most famous for being the other half of the mad party in Hunter S. Thompson's book, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. It turned out she had a secret mailbox, and there might have been plans in motion to help Dorothy break away from home. It seems that at this point, no new information will ever come to light regarding these cases. Others think that his life was ended as revenge for recently putting several criminals involved in illegal substances behind bars. Margot Kidder, Nick Stahl, Casey Kasem, and Agatha Christie are some of the celebrities who have gone missing over the years. Here, Weldon told his friends that things were pretty bad, and he wanted to run away to Mexico, never to return. Famous People Who Went Missing And Were Never Found It ain't easy pulling off a successful vanishing act. The fact of the matter is that most celebrities disappear because they want to. A mobile 6-foot-8-inch (2.03 m) center, Wintermute was a key member of the 1938-39 Oregon Ducks men's basketball team, winners of the first NCAA Tournament championship. Apparently, on the day he went missing, he was swimming at Cheviot Beach in Melbourne and the surf was especially highwith a notably strong undercurrent. The late John Ritter plays Jack Tripper, Joyce DeWitt as Janet Wood, and Suzanne Somers as Chrissy [] More, Guy Williams is a popular television actor who rises to prominence during the late 1950s. Eugene John Hebert. The biographical movie 12 Years A Slave told an incredible tale and tugged at the heartstrings of many around the world. August 29th, 2020. She was just another unknown face in the world of music. As a matter of fact, there is no evidence that he died at all. There is every chance that Ambrose Bierce has lost his life by now as he was 71 years old when he vanished in 1914. Dorothy Arnold was a socialite from a wealthy and well-known family. A fresh take on sports: the biggest news and most entertaining lists. What's more, he had a shoulder injury at the time of his disappearance. Of course, no one ever saw him again. Others? January 9, 2023, 4:37 pm, by Dorothy was also dating someone 20 years older. Glenn boarded a plane supposed to fly from England to France, but it disappeared over the English Channel, and nothing has ever been found to tell the world what happened. Then, in 1944, while flying from the United Kingdom to Paris, France, Miller's plane disappeared somewhere over the English Channel. Get the best viral stories straight into your inbox! That's more than both Elvis and the Beatles. 999 Views. The missing aircraft launched the largest search mission in US history that turned up nothing. Become part of our community of travelers to receive exclusive tips, tricks and travel expert secrets, By Hannah Pennington, Published on Nov 8, 2020, The Cheapest Countries In The World For Traveling, Tourists Share The Craziest Things They Have Seen While Traveling The World, Hilarious Breakup Notes That Are Bordering On Awkard, Everything You Could Possibly Need to Know About Subscription Travel, Bizarre Photos Youd Only Ever See In Thailand, Spring Break Destinations To Enjoy As An Adult, How To Visit National Parks For Free In 2023, Family-Fun Activities To Enjoy At Rocky Mountain National Park. They just want to be able to walk barefoot into a gas station bathroom like an early-aughts Britney Spears without a flurry of negative headlines. 3:34. Jean Spangler was one of the many who was set to become a star as she landed several bit parts throughout the last half of the decade. We will deal with some of the better-known events up front and move down to the more obscure but still meaningful ones. All of this led many to wonder why Daniel ended up wandering through the island on his own. However, just 30 minutes into the flight, DB jumped from the plane over Washington state. Subscribe to Oxygen on YouTube: http://oxygen.tv/SubscribeOfficial Site: http://oxygen.tv/VeryRealVery Real. Connie Converse is widely regarded as the purveyor of modern singer-songwriting, paving the way for acts like Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell. To hide from any social embarrassment, the family used private investigators to locate Arnold. Before she disappeared, Jodi Huisentruit had earned a reputation as a local celebrity thanks to her time as a news anchor working in Iowa. Unfortunately, when she embarked on the journey to be the first person to fly around the globe, something terrible went wrong and she never returned. He demanded that the plane land and be met with $200,000 and some parachutes. I am infinitely passionate about all things film, a sponge for movie trivia, and an unabashedly positive movie reviewer. Facts Verse As the outlet recounts, the guitarist "checked out of his hotel in London first thing in the morning and drove to Wales" only to vanish. According to ABC News,the last anyone heard was that she was running low on fuel and couldn't see her landing strip. In notes shared with The New York Times, she wrote, "I said, 'Jim, what's the matter, is anything wrong?' He said the young woman died from a botched operation, and he described the job provider as a wealthy man who matched the description of a former lover of Arnold's. Everyone deserves the right to live their lives in peace, but most celebrities struggle to ever find it. 19/20 Fashion Empire - The Olsen Twins. They just never showed any proof of any sort. Join Facts Verse to learn more about those celebrities who disappeared and were never seen again. And so [] More, Anna May Wong made history during Hollywoods Golden Age by becoming the first notable Asian-American actress in the industry. According totheIndependent, Edwards went missing on February 1, 1995, and his body was never found. She never made it, and the "Patriot" was never located. According to The New York Times, Sullivan left L.A. for Nashville, where he planned to pursue songwriting and migrate his children and wife, Barbara Sullivan, once he was established. Last anyone heard from her, she was struggling to see the landing strip while running low on fuel. He even showed up on America's Most Wanted. While on vacation in New Orleans, Louisiana in late 1993/early 1994, Carrisi went missing. It turns out that no one even realized that Jimmy had disappeared until the 21st-century. She was on vacation in Aruba with her class when she headed out for the evening. As Atlas Obscura reports, Theodosia was a controversial figure. Solomon was traveling through Canada when he disappeared. Do you think Amelia Earharts plane just ran out of fuel, crashed, and sunk to the bottom of the ocean, or do you buy into the conspiracy theories about the Bermuda triangle and aliens and all that jazz? Prior to that, she had been in some films, but she hadn't yet become a star. Along the way, she met and spoke to a friend. Every decision pluck apart and scrutinize by the unforgiving media and the peanut gallery of online opinion. People go missing on a daily basis and thats just a fact. Here, he was kept for more than a decade until a local carpenter took pity on Solomon and helped gain his freedom. Per Wales Online, Richey had a "fascination" with disappearing and may have started a new life in Israel. Spangler disappeared in October of 1949. That was the last anyone heard of the actress for months. She disappeared just days after celebrating her 50th birthday. Then, in 1937, during an attempt at a circumnavigational flight of the globe, Earhart's plane went missing somewhere over the Pacific Ocean near Howland Island. Some believe that friendly fire or espionage was involved. Hamilton allegedly made comments alluding to a possible incestuous relationship between the pair, and so Burr fought him to the death. She really just wanted him to have some semblance of normalcy in his life, but he was reportedly unhappy to be away from LA. Just ask Steven Leung, who tried to make it look like he'd died during 9/11. Franks brother said he knew that Frank got away, while a mysterious letter sent to the San Francisco Police Department claimed hed lost his life in 2008. While he might not have been an international celebrity, Ray Gricar was well known throughout his hometown, thanks to his time as a district attorney. Rico Harris (Vanished: 2014) The fact that theyre constantly hounded by paparazzi for photographs and their lives are interfered with and twisted by publishers, can sometimes mean they feel there is really no escape for them. While Robert Urich was famous for doing battle with tough foes on the screen. Natalee wasnt alone as the teen was joined by three guys. After a couple of weeks, they finally contacted police. In some cases, we have a pretty good idea what happened. Facts Verse Sadly, we've also seen stars go missing and turn up dead. Tap the bell icon to turn on notifications. But there has always been a public interest in cases like this. That was until 2009 when a record label released Connies album, and it became an instant hit. It was ultimately his work that led to his tragic disappearance in 2011. His whirlwind life meant a James Bond-style exit was always on the cards for Oscar. As TIME reports, the monumental achievement launched her career, and she made money "as a writer and lecturer, and even designed her own woman's clothing line." He had moodiness and angst down to a fine art. New generations of fans fall in love with the iconic sitcom by watching its reruns. Some are found happy and healthy others not so much, causing severe heartache for their friends and family. That was the case for Loverboy as founder of the band Scott Smith learned. Unfortunately, instead of finding his wife, Lucan accidentally ended the life of the nanny. The most popular theory suggests that Earhart's aircraft went into the water and sunk, although no wreckage has ever been found. Just because his time in the limelight was cut short doesnt mean that Sweet Jimmy Robinsons sporting achievements were worth any less. The resulting injury took eighteen stitches to patch up. 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