failed cbsa interview

(RESULT) As a result of my observation and honesty(tell the interviewer the positive result of your actions). Second language evaluation 6. Thorough research the role and offer what you learned about the CBSA history. Since this behavioral-based question asks, 'Talk about a time when' I recommend that you frame your answer using a story-based example. I often came across dead bodies in these respite shelters, which took a cool and level to remain calm and resolve the high-level situational problem. Written by Kevin Downey on July 31st, 2022. The diversity of our people and the ideas they generate are the source of our innovation.' Exhibit passion and enthusiasm to compete for this career opportunity. However, someone who is frequently governed by their stress or allows their behavior to be dictated by their emotions. Your answer will also offer insights into how sound your judgement is, while revealing your personal integrity, your values and ethics. The main reasons for the rejections include: Inappropriate photos / content. Before your interview, take the time to review their information on the CBSA government website, especially their Respect core value statement and their code of conduct for available information on diversity and inclusion. For instance, you could tell a brief story of a time when you took the lead on the job, even when it was not an expectation of your role. I think its going to be about my removal from Canada but am scared that I will be detained and deported upon showing up for this interview. This is a medical screening, designed to assess if you meet the minimal physical requirements for work as a police officer . It will test your flexibility and your adaptability, and if you adjust your approach and your communication style, which also will help in your diplomacy and negotiation in the situation. Lastly, it will test your conscientiousness and reliability, and how consistent you are in your responses, your approach, and your overall handling of the situation. Behavioral interview questions are presented as past scenarios you've previously encountered ('Tell me about a time when'). It will test your problem-solving skills, and your ability to discern facts from opinions or misunderstandings, which will speak to your emotional intelligence and your ability to empathize and not internalize the emotional state of others. This tests your ability to step outside of your comfort zone, your flexibility in prioritizing this issue over your other concerns, your ability to meet your client's needs, your communication skills, your sense of teamwork, your composure, conscientiousness and reliability. The knowledge I gained from taking those courses will benefit me in a career with CBSA because I already have prior knowledge that will be beneficial to your agency.". Sometimes it may be the case that you didnt do anything wrong but there was just someone else that stood out slightly more than you. Teamwork fosters camaraderie. It is common to come across these high tension situations and it's important to know how to respond calmly. I like that you are already answering in 'we' terms in the sense that you already have the job. The values of the Canada Border Services Agency guide them in everything they do, and their hiring authorities want to ensure the person they hire already embraces their core values of respect, integrity, and professionalism. We do not claim our questions will be asked in any interview you may have. Lastly, it will test your conscientiousness and reliability, and how consistent you are in your responses, your approach, and your overall handling of the situation.When entering the situation, try to remain confident and relaxed. The interviewer should feel very confident knowing that you uphold your virtues and beliefs so strongly. There are several components worth examining in this situation. To eliminate the confusion caused by multiple agencies, the CBSA was formed. They'll likely have presented the scenario and you role in advance, giving you anywhere from a day to 5-10 minutes prior to prepare. So you would start by introducing the situation you faced and the task at hand. Hence, these were not hard decisions to make.". Identifying issues that hamper morale should be done promptly. Assure the interviewer that you understand the importance of keeping your focus in the workplace and the preventative measures you take to ensure a grounded work/life balance. This scenario will probably evaluate you on your self-control and composure, which will speak to your emotional intelligence and your ability to govern your own emotions. This scenario will test your communication skills and your ability to speak non-defensively, objectifying the situation rather than singling out any one person. When hired, you must respond appropriately to direct threats, including pandemics such as SARS or COVID-19. Most role-play sessions last anywhere from a half hour to a full hour. So, they're evaluating where you fall between being an asset versus a liability. It's apparent that you have observed CBSA officers' work, and you sound confident in your ability to jump into the role and see long-term success. If you can't identify what sets you apart, ask others. It certainly does take a level-headed individual to remain calm in this type of emotional and straining situation. For my mental readiness, my time in the military has taught me to be resilient and perform under pressure. Situational questions pose hypothetical situations you may face in the future, with a 'what would you do' response. "I am a people person. This also will help in your diplomacy and negotiation in the situation. If you are aware of any special or new pandemic-related efforts put in place by the CBSA, it would be a nice addition to your answer. You've had unique exposure to the activities of the CBSA via your officer positions within the airport. Perhaps you could tell a brief story of a time when you changed a situation through your use of empathy. It will test your problem-solving skills, and your ability to discern facts from opinions or misunderstandings. Upon successful completion of the development program at an assigned port of entry, you will become a border services officer. Take time to review and learn all such relevant information on their website. Other times, an implementing an imperfect policy is the best solution available. Let me know if you'd like further clarification :). Since this is testing your responses, you'll want to practice. It seems you have a lot of natural leadership tendencies, which is terrific! "I will deal with these situations the best possible way and deal with them head-on. Interviews are not holistic measures. Interview process at CBSA Overall experience Poor Excellent Easy Difficult Interview process length More than one month 38% About a week 31% About two weeks 23% About a month 8% About a day or two 0% Most reported steps On-site interview 82% Phone call/screening 55% Written test 36% Background check 36% Problem solving exercises 18% "No, I have never possessed or used drugs or alcohol. Canada Border Services Agency's core values are Respect, Integrity and professionalism. Our date tracking prior to 2019 was not accurately kept. Using the ARC method, describe the action you would take in this situation, and elaborate on the reasoning behind your actions. (FINAL QUALIFYING STATEMENT) I will never allow myself to commit such actions, and I believe in taking positive action at all times, no matter what temptations may cross my path.". Detail your understanding of the impact this individual's unethical conduct has on the rest of the team. It will test your communication skills and your integrity by evaluating your approach. Within these values lie the identity and the expectations of the CBSA. A common concern employers face is when outside stressors begin to influence work performance and productivity. Our country is one of the most diverse places in the world, so adapting to this setting won't be an issue for me. These individuals may not be the most effective communicators. Naturally, I am a calm and confident person, and it's pretty hard to get me rattled emotionally. Watch your body language in the mirror. Xvua10qhb. If you consider yourself a 'people specialist,' I recommend adding a measurable example of these skills in action. We have a guide on how to answer 'Why should we hire you?' "I've read about the history of the CBSA. Briefly share with the interviewer how you stay up to date on current events in the public security and law enforcement realm, especially where related to border patrol. As of Spring 2023, Canadian NEXUS enrollment centres at certain airports will reopen, and passengers will be able to complete their interviews in a two-step process. 4. The CBSA frequently uses customer service based scenarios for their role-playing. A role play interview questions involves a participative scenario where your skills and responses are tested in the present, in real time. These types of interviews are intimidating at best but also can be hard to prepare for. Whenever possible, I recommend adding a qualifying statement at the end of your response. On the other hand, let's say your interviewing skills are not the problem. Try to incorporate their keywords naturally where you can. Failing a technical interview categorically does not mean you're a bad engineer. This scenario will test your ability to identify the client's needs, from their need to feel heard, validated, empathized with, and assured their concerns are going to be addressed in a manner that exceeds their expectations. It is one thing to not have a close working relationship with a coworker, but it is an entirely different situation if you aren't making efforts to collaborate with this member of your team. This is the trickiest part of the case interview and the main reason candidates fail their case interviews. Ask clarifying questions. Assure them you take the necessary steps and procedures very seriously and always adhere to protocol. Your annual salary will increase to $69,486 to $82,411 (FB-03). They will take the information you share and view it as a predictor of what to expect from your performance in the future. I have worked in respite shelters where there is an overdose daily. What factors in this hypothetical scenario did you take into consideration when deciding on your approach? STAR is an acronym for Situation, Task, Action, Result, and is intended to help you frame and organize your response in a way that will resonate with your interviewer. Fantastic! I could have taken credit, but in the end, I didn't earn that grade. Lastly, it will test your communication skills and your ability to speak non-defensively while objectifying the situation. Medical exam 8. Interview questions and answer examples and any other content may be used else where on the site. Detail what sets you apart. Be sure to check out our other company interview question sets, This company typically hires for the following careers, use these career-focused practice sets to help you win your interview. These scenarios falls into similar categories which make them relatable to the role. As a CBSA officer, there is zero-tolerance for such behavior because we are held to a higher standard. Speak confidently, making relaxed eye contact, while posturing yourself with positive, engaging, and confident body language. That is what I aspire to be should I be given an opportunity with the CBSA". What made you choose to do the right thing in the end, and how did it make you feel? Whether you read law-related books, follow particular news journals or subscribe to a blog related to law enforcement and security, be sure to show your enthusiasm for building your knowledge base. Make a list of what went well and where there was room for improvement. Additionally, it is worth examining why you believed strongly in your recommendation.So, what fueled your strong belief of this idea, and what were the reasons for it being shot down? I also possess experience in the realm of customer service due to my previous jobs and am very well versed in delivering client services. Fantastic! Most of the CBSA's role-play questions will be customer service oriented, and will focus on your interpersonal skills and conflict management skills. The first option will be automatically selected. This approach shows the interviewer that it will not be a major challenge for you to abide by the conduct expectations. It takes a cool, level head to stay calm and resolve these problems.". They are also curious how familiar you are with their code of conduct, and how seriously you take it by how well versed you are. At the end of your answer, consider further qualifying yourself by providing real-life examples of how you exude respect, integrity, and professionalism. I applied for a student job at the CBSA for the summer, and after passing the test online, they got me in for an interview to answer a few "behavioral questions". Find additional company focused interview questions by practicing from one of our industry sets. We are expected to integrate the public sector and CBSA values into our decisions, actions, policies, processes, systems, and how we deal with others. A few annual stats at a glance: - 96 million travelers processed- 11,217 firearms and weapons seized - 1,307 illegal tobacco seizures- $2.8 million of suspected proceeds of crime seized- 16,180 drug seizures - 7,786 removals of inadmissible personsAnd, that is just the tip of the iceberg. (ACTION) When I witnessed this particular situation, I(discuss the actions you took in this situation). Offer how this would personally impact you, that of learning your work quality did not meet your expectations. Discuss the methods with which you approach uncomfortable situations with. Tax collectors and auditors used to work alongside border services workers inside . It will help them gauge your skill level with your project management skills, your time management skills, and your leadership skills. Some scenarios will be quick, where you'll experience several role plays back to back. The answers are feeling a touch repetitive, and one way to combat this is by weaving memorable stories and examples into your responses. Your interviewer will listen to your example and study how you responded to and handled the situation, and what you learned from it. It will test your flexibility and your adaptability, and if you adjust your approach and your communication style. Highlight your strengths, your flexibility, and your interpersonal skills. It will probably evaluate you on your self-control and composure, which will speak to your emotional intelligence and your ability to govern your own emotions. I've provided a starter for you below. Make sure your communication skills are really showcased here. Among the competencies you may be evaluated on in role-play interviews are; developing self, flexibility, problem solving, meeting client needs, communication, teamwork, and self-control and composure. CBSA, as a whole, doesn't require all applicants to be bi-lingual. In an interview, you are your most influential advocate, so be prepared to advertise your merits with measured confidence and humility. The distinction is that behavioral questions focus on how you handled yourself in the past, and your previous behavior is used as a predictor of how you'll perform in the future. Good answer! It will test your problem-solving skills, and your ability to discern the facts surrounding this emotionally charged situation, your self-control and composure, which will speak to your emotional intelligence and your ability to govern your own emotions. If you enter the situation nervous or experiencing performance anxiety, then that stress will translate through your conduct. Consider what you've learned, how you would approach developing your own skills and growing in your career and apply them to how you would build your team and approach a project to completion. They'll test your flexibility as well, for often in such situation things don't go according to plan. Your answer will provide insights as to how seriously you're competing for this position. A fellow team member's work is not meeting expectations. Assure the interviewer that you are prepared to comply with all medical testing associated with your specific role. The multi-tiered Code of Conduct outlines a variety of topics such as values and expected standards, prohibited actions, misconduct, conflicts of interest, disclosure of information, and other issues critically related to ethics. Align CBSA's language to your own as much as possible. They are also interested in hiring career focussed individuals who have some sense of where they want to take their career with CBSA. I understand that CBSA is looking to create a diverse, inclusive, and engaged workforce where diversity is fostered and valued. Take notes on the relevant information which will guide you on how to respond and react. Good start! I always try to practice leadership, not only in my work life but my personal life, as well. This includes you. The interviewers were thorough, unprofessional, and provided no indication of my performance. They will evaluate your choice of words, your body language, and any tells which might reveal your level of commitment. "I believe in behaving correctly in terms of honesty and integrity even when no one is looking, such as bribery, personal gain, lying, etc. Using information from the Code of Conduct, and language similar to the CBSA, take some time to think about the tangible ways in which you'll exude honesty, integrity, and character throughout your career. They take on major tasks and are regarded as professionals which is something I aspire to. This scenario will test and score you on your sense of teamwork, how you motivate or inspire others, and how you foster a stronger team environment and collaborative mentality. So the heart of this question is what action you take versus being less productive through task paralysis. Prospective border services officers must be tested by these types of interviews because of the seriousness of the position. I don't like to lie and backbite others, and I don't steal or put others down. "I trained myself physically by changing my exercise regimen to include more functional movements, rather than simply lift weights. This sign can save you a lot of time on the US . "My definition of integrity is to choose to do the right thing, even when nobody is looking. Offer any career accolades, personal achievements, industry-related training, linguistics, or volunteer work. ARC is an acronym for Action/Reasoning/Consideration. Every personality is different and you can't expect to bond with every person you meet. I learned basic fundamentals about agriculture, environmental protection, food safety, and consumer goods. The agency looks for candidates who embody these values in principle and conduct at all times. Dates shown above are approximate. It may clue them into what aspects of your job you view as challenging, andas well as your experience level. Speak with confidence while making eye contact. A company often goes through many growing pains before finding what works best procedurally. But in this scenario, damage control should take precedent, and giving the coworker a heads up could solely serve in giving them time to cover their tracks and dispose of valuable information needed to repair the situation. This question tests your approach towards teamwork and how supportive you are with the other members of your team. Failed Case Interview, Sharing My Experience and Asking for Thoughts emanrocks89 CO Rank: Senior Chimp | 20 Hi everyone, I recently been through my first case interview. Firearms safety courses 4. As a screening officer, it is easy to steal items left by passengers, and if you're smart you can get away with it. But rather, thinking back on any situations where you've faced a similar situation and shined. Using the ARC method, describe the action you would take in this situation, and elaborate on the reasoning behind your actions. So I applied to both the RCMP and Corrections Canada. Ultimately, it is their call to make. It will also serve as an indicator of your EQ and your interpersonal skill level. Describe your system approach, as well as how you adapt your work style to the needs of your team and the tools you have on hand. Your answer should provide them insights into your approach to team building, project management, your interpersonal skills, and your self growth and development. Your answer will clue them in to your passions, hobbies, and your job-centric interests and how they align with what they have to offer. The first steps to handling a difficult decision is by identifying what resources are at your disposal, gathering information, determining a strategy for moving forward, and diving in. Performing background checks requires capital. "The values are respect, integrity, and professionalism. I like that you make a connection between the expectations of the CBSA and that of the military. Recently searched locations will be displayed if there is no search query. It will test your problem-solving skills, and your ability to discern facts from opinions or misunderstandings. Brussels failed on Russia sanctions, Hungary's foreign minister says. . Exhibit a full comprehension of their expectations. So the wisest course is to pull aside a lead manager, one you can trust to handle this situation appropriately and inform them clearly of all the facts you have gathered as objectively as possible, and ask if there was anything you could do to continue to be of help. Approach this like you would a sales pitch or a credibility statement. The GCMS (Global Case Management System) is a system used by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to process immigration and citizenship applications.It is also used by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). All interview questions are created by and are not official interview questions for any organization listed on They are explicitly clear that, when crafting your CBSA application, you must answer every question with complete honesty. This question tests your integrity, your scope of the teamwork at play, and what you can learn from the experience initially. Reference list for EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) users from the Canadian importing and exporting community When receiving a disclosure of wrongdoing under the PSDA, managers must immediately report to the CBSA Senior Officer for Internal Disclosure, any activity, statement, or documentation that comes to their attention that may involve or constitute wrongdoing and/or improper (or criminal) activity. Canada's inflation rate peaked in June at 8.1 per cent and dropped in November to 6.8 per cent. These medical requirements are in place to protect the candidate and everyone they'd serve in this position. I would like to be involved in those efforts as soon as possible. "My objective is to follow the code of conduct thoroughly. Offer the unique qualities, characteristics, and knowledge that helps you to stand apart from other candidates. There are some situations where it would be deemed prudent to approach the at fault co-worker first. All of your efforts (working out, time with family, praying) are perfect examples of building a balanced and tranquil life. When this is the case, that team member is creating more work for those around them rather than focussing on developing their own skills. Obviously, this would be a serious situation that would require swift action and discretion. One of my strengths is the ability to be empathetic and understanding of the views of others, the conclusions they come to, and their motivation for reaching the decisions they make.". Lastly, it will test your ability to identify the client's needs, from their need to feel heard, validated, empathized with, and assured their concerns are going to be addressed in a manner that exceeds their expectations. Your example and study how you responded to and handled the situation you faced the! In the future might reveal your level of commitment medical testing associated with your management... 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