hebrews 11:22 commentary

You see the evidence of it, and thus, we believe in the wind, though we don't actually see the wind itself.Magnetic force--I believe in it, but I've never seen it. Thus the cross and heavenly glory must go together. They were all men who were never afraid to stand alone and to face immense odds for the sake of their loyalty to God. No Jew could or ought to pretend to such purgation as its result. God had before this tempted or tried the faith of Abraham, when he called him away from his country and father's house,when by a famine he was forced out of Canaan into Egypt,when he was obliged to fight with five kings to rescue Lot,when Sarah was taken from him by Abimelech, and in many other instances. Read full chapter Footnotes Hebrews 11:18 Gen. 21:12 Hebrews 10 Hebrews 12 And you feel the wind. But, by the grace and the power of God, the impossible became true. If we follow the world's standards we may well have ease and comfort and prosperity; if we follow God's standards we may well have pain and loss and unpopularity. He subscribed to God's wisdom, as fittest to direct; and submitted to his will, as fittest to determine every thing that concerned him. I feel the power of God. "In the volume of the book it is written of me" a book which none ever saw but God and His Son. He would have done so if God had not stopped him at the last possible moment (F. F. Bruce, Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews [Eerdmans], p. 308). This is the meaning of the blood carried within, and of the body burnt without. I thought if you had enough faith, you wouldn't die. So when they died they did not enter in to the heavenly kingdom, but they had to wait for the promise of God to be fulfilled. God said to first deal with the sin. How could this be disputed by one who simply believed Psalms 110:1-7? (1.) After three days the Lord showed to Abraham Mount Moriah. And gave commandment concerning his bones - Genesis 50:25. Lord, we pray that You will continue the work of Your Spirit within our hearts as we yield ourselves to You, to walk in fellowship with You through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, to live in that hope of eternal life in and through Him. And if I can see the hand of God in my hour of suffering, if I can see the hand of God in the moment of trial or affliction, then I can endure. The battle which Abraham fought, the first recorded one in scripture, is the type of the last battle of this age. And, finally, he sums up the superiority of Christ in this, that "they truly were many priests, because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death: but he, because of his continuing for ever, hath the priesthood intransmissible." He is labouring for this, and with divine skill accomplishes it, by the testimonies of their own law and prophets. So Abel, who was a shepherd, took his best lamb to the place of sacrifice; but Cain, who was a tiller of the ground, took the poorest sheaf of corn he could find and laid it on the altar. The next instance of faith is that of the Israelites, under Joshua their leader, before the walls of Jericho. Man never did nor could settle it without the word of God. 11 Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised. His wife Sarah shared his faith. The wisdom of God is so often foolishness with men. Indeed we may say that the whole epistle to the Hebrews is just this: we start from the foundation of grace up to God Himself in the heavens; and thence springs the certainty that the stream of grace is not exhausted, and that undoubtedly it will issue in unceasing blessing by-and-by for the earth, and for the people of Israel above all, in the day of Jehovah. He did not dispute with God why he should make an ark, nor how it could be capable of containing what was to be lodged in it, nor how such a vessel could possibly weather out so great a storm. Observe, (1.) This was an effectual call, by which he was converted from the idolatry of his father's house, 2. When the sun was shining, his conduct must have looked like that of a fool. Hence the apostle takes care to keep up the real link with the past witnesses for God in faith and suffering, not in ordinances. It is possible for a person to be victorious over the enemy, to wax valiant in battle, to subdue the aliens, but it is also possible for the man of faith to be tortured for his faith. blessed each of the sons of Joseph and prayed leaning, on the head of his staff. The earth was watered by a mist that came out of the ground every evening. Lastly, he points "to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better than Abel:" the assurance that the earth shall be delivered from its long sorrow and slavery. The prevalency of unbelief for a time: she laughed at the promise, as impossible to be made good. One day Abraham was left in charge of the shop. His third request was to be permitted to see into Paradise so that he might see what the blessed enjoyed. Like Abraham he has to go out not knowing where he is going. The Christians gained Him in a far more excellent way after the pattern of resurrection, as Abraham at the close received Isaac as it were from the dead. He gave his promise to never leave us. Believers may and ought to have respect to this recompense of reward; they should acquaint themselves with it, approve of it, and live in the daily and delightful expectation of it. And Joseph said unto his brethren, I die: and God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land unto the land which he sware to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. And here we are favoured with a magnificent picture of Christianity in contrast with Judaism. The story we have ; Joshua 6:5, &c. Here observe, 1. Take care of that first and then come and offer your gift unto the Lord." When Bunyan was in gaol he was thinking of what must happen to his family if he was executed. It's interesting to me that David doesn't get much mention here, just his name listed. 15 And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. These things are grievous to a man of understanding: Upbraiding concerning sojourning, and the reproach of a. There is no real contradiction. We go on now to. In Hebrews,. Here were two persons, brethren, both of whom went in to worship God, and yet there was a vast difference. For without faith it is impossible to please God. The one is what may be called the objective glory; the other is the subjective condition of those that compose the bride, the Lamb's wife. For I know that as long as I am living in this body, I am absent from the Lord; but I would choose rather to be absent from this body, and to be present with the Lord. He blessed them; that is, he resigned them up to God in covenant; he recommended God and religion to them; he prayed for them, and prophesied concerning them, what would be the condition, and the condition of their descendants: we have the account of this in Gen. xxvii. True faith will show itself in good works, especially towards the people of God. "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, laying aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking off unto Jesus the captain and completer of faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.". In the blood of the Lamb, sprinkled on the door-posts of Israel, we see the type of God's judgment of their sins; next, in the passage of the Red sea, the exhibition of His power, which, in the most conspicuous way, saved them, and destroyed for ever their enemies. But the higher the privilege, the greater the danger of either despising or perverting it. The two extremes, offensive to every lover of the vi media of religious rationalism, must be combined in Christianity and the Christian man, if he is to maintain it unimpaired and pure. The answer is, by sacrifice. Now is it an axiom, that a covenant-maker must die to give it force? As ever we expect to be justified and saved in the great and terrible day of the Lord, let us now prepare an ark, secure an interest in Christ, and in the ark of the covenant, and do it speedily, before the door be shut, for there is not salvation in any other. God meant to have His will done, and thereby a people for Himself capable of enjoying His presence and His nature, where no question of sin or fall could ever enter. (iii) Some have seen in death sheer extinction. But as for you who believe in Jesus, wait not for the Romans; let Judaism be nothing but a corpse, which does not concern you. Continuing a Gold Medallion Award-winning legacy, this completely revised edition of The Expositor's Bible Commentary series puts world-class biblical scholarship in your hands. They died in the faith of those promises; not only lived by the faith of them, but died in the full persuasion that all the promises would be fulfilled to them and theirs, Hebrews 11:13. This is life itself, and to the Hebrews blood always stood for life. (2.) They died in the faith of those promises; not only lived by the faith of them, but died in the full persuasion that all the promises would be fulfilled to them and theirs. To some extent this story has fallen into disrepute. The apostle argues that, just as the blood of the beast was brought into the holiest of all, while the body of the same animal was taken outside the camp and burnt, so this too must be made good in our portion. If God's word be true, and to this the Spirit adheres, the blood of Christ has thus perfectly washed away the sins of the believer. (iii) Abraham is the pattern of the man who, with the test, found a way of escape. And observe that it is assumed to be so common and obvious a maxim that it could not be questioned. A woman came in with a dish of meat for the gods. The next instance is the faith of Rahab, Hebrews 11:31. They all died in faith not having received the promise, for you see, God provided some better thing for us. Christ has obtained redemption, and this is witnessed by the token of the veil rent from top to bottom. Lord, we believe and we trust and we know that Your Word is sure. No man ever did anything great without a vision which enabled him to face the difficulties and discouragements of the way. It did not make sense. A lot of times as we read of these people of faith, we sort of think them out of our category. He didn't build any homes. He describes Him thus in His judicial character. How can such a consciousness as this be the portion of the Christian? Witness that he was righteous, a justified, sanctified, and accepted person; this, very probably, was attested by fire from heaven, kindling and consuming his sacrifice. Dwelt translates the ancient Greek word paroikos, describing a "resident alien" one who lives at a certain place, but doesn't have permanent status there. Instead of pining after that which is about to be destroyed, or repining at the call to go out to the place of Christ's shame on earth, Christianity, which replaces Judaism now, may well cause us to offer "the sacrifice of praise to God continually." The actings of his faith: He blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come. This calls us not only to leave sin, but sinful company, and whatever is inconsistent with our devotedness to him. THE HEROES OF THE FAITH ( Hebrews 11:32-34 ). and so we believe that God spoke the seen world into existence so that the things which we do see were made out of things which do not appear.An example, really, of faith or an evidence of faith, the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. We see the evidence of it. There was a time when Israel was threatened by the armies of Nebuchadnezzar led by his general Holofernes. As with the other great characters whose names are included in this roll or honour of God's faithful ones, many legends and elaborations had gathered round the name of Moses and doubtless the writer of this letter had them also in his mind. Can there be a doubt that Christianity is meant? That which to us alone is impossible is always possible with him. By faith Joseph, when he was dying, made mention of the exodus of the sons of Israel, and gave orders concerning his bones. NL. Reason is ever drawing conclusions; God is, and reveals what is. The Jewish town of Bethulia had determined to surrender in five days' time for its supplies of food and water were at an end. So, he ordered all of the baby boys to be drowned in the Nile. 3. Now looking at that a little more closely, God made the world out of things that do not appear.We know that the universe, the worlds, are made up of atoms which are invisible. Here observe. It was not the church, I repeat, but what God prepares above for those who love Him. The traitors within the camp were silenced and looming defeat was turned into tumultuous victory. He completely forbade circumcision and the possession of the scriptures and of the law. There is no sanction here, of course, of the vulgar and outrageous error that pastors give an account of the souls of their flock. When Joshua sent out spies to spy out the situation in Jericho, they found a lodging in the house of Rahab, a harlot. They had to be for ever moving on. Their own Psalm, in its grand prophetic sweep, and looking back on the law, pointed to the place in which Christ is now seated above; and where it is of necessity He should be, in order to give Christianity its heavenly character. This Esau never sought; and there never was one who did seek and failed to find it. Those who forsook Egypt must expect the wrath of men; but they need not fear it, for they are under the conduct of that God who is able to make the wrath of man to praise him, and restrain the remainder of it. The apostle earnestly insists on them both. The rest of the chapter brings in, accordingly, the closing scene, when the Lord comes to shake everything, and establish that blessed day. We have another instance of the faith of Moses, namely, in forsaking Egypt: and all its power and pleasures, and undertook the conduct of Israel out of it. (2.) All that are effectually called resign up their own will and wisdom to the will and wisdom of God, and it is their wisdom to do so; though they know not always their way, yet they know their guide, and this satisfies them. Thus it will be observed, at the end of all the moral and experimental dealings with the first man (manifested in Israel), we come to a deeply momentous point, as in God's ways, so in the apostle's reasoning. As Faber had it: The Christian believes that no man who takes the side of God can ever ultimately be on the losing side for, even if he knows earth's defeats, there is a victory whose trophies are in heaven. [1.] This is just the closing practical word of the epistle to the Hebrews. Here consider. The manner in which he was called Stephen relates in Acts 7:2-3, The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham, when he was in MesopotamiaAnd said unto him, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and come into the land which I will show thee. Cain tilled the ground and brought to God an offering of the fruits of the ground; Abel was a flock-master and brought to God an offering from his flocks. As to the pathway through the wilderness, it had been disposed of inHebrews 4:1-16; Hebrews 4:1-16. (2.) We see the leaves that are blowing. He is declaring that Isaac is going to come back with me.Now Abraham figures God's got a problem, because God has said, "Through Isaac shall thy seed be called." What a glorious hope we have in Christ. lest the destroying of the firstborn should touch them. He gave his spirit so that we might have power to say "no" to sin. The second is the story of the seven brothers ( 4Ma_8:1-29 ; 4Ma_9:1-32 ; 4Ma_10:1-21 ; 4Ma_11:1-27 ; 4Ma_12:1-19 ; 4Ma_13:1-27 ; 4Ma_14:1-20 ). The final plague upon the Egyptians was to be the death of the first-born child of every family in Egypt. The second part of the history of Joseph's death reads: "Then Joseph made the sons of Israel swear, saying, 'God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my bones from here.'. In the Letter of Aristeas the writer says: "It is a fine thing to live and to die in one's native land; a foreign land brings contempt to poor men and shame to rich men, for there is the lurking suspicion that they have been exiled for the evil they have done." We enter in to the glorious promise of God. You may give yourself over to indulgence. ), This was an exercise of his faith. (iii) It culminated in the ability to believe in the impossible. Clement of Rome quotes her as an outstanding example of one who was saved "by faith and hospitality.". And almost all things are according to the law purged with blood; and without shedding, of blood is no remission. She said to the spies whom she welcomed and hid: "I know that the Lord has given you the land. For the Lord your God, is he who is God in heaven above, and on earth beneath" ( Joshua 2:9-11). God's arm is not shortened; his power is not grown less. (1) Gideon was cowardly at first; God had to coax him to to obey. He'll send the Savior. They were given the promises of the kingdom of God. I cannot say that I believe with all of my heart without my life conforming to what I believe. Note, Those that are once effectually and savingly called out of a sinful state have no mind to return into it again; they now know better things. The story of Gideon is told in Judges 6:1-40; Judges 7:1-25. Faith--the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. 01/11/23. It was not the act of a child, that prefers counters to gold, but it proceeded from mature deliberation. They did not take the opportunity that offered itself for their return. It was by faith that he left Egypt, unmoved by the blazing anger of the king, for he could face all things as one who sees him who is invisible. It means that God loved Enoch so much that he removed him before age and degeneration descended hand in hand upon him. Christianity is stamped by this, that, in virtue of the blood of Christ, once for all for every believer the way is made manifest into the holiest of all. What is the value, the import., of the sacrifice of Christ viewed according to God, and as bearing on His ways? is one of several phrases in N.T. may so far have sensible evidence of what exists now; but it is only God who can tell me that He in the beginning caused to be that which now is. [3.] 30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days. "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.". It did not matter whether it was a priest or an Israelite. This his right of inheritance was through faith in Christ, as, and, if a child, then an heir. (6.) (2.) The way the people act I wouldn't blame Him. The story we have in Exodus, Exodus 14:1-31. The incident from the life of Joseph comes from Genesis 50:22-26. And so, in his envy, he hunted his brother until he killed him. On the seventh day the priests were to blow upon the trumpets, after the city had been encircled seven times, and the people were to shout with all their might, "and the wall of the city will fall down flat." He was big enough and brave enough to wait until God said: "Now is the hour.". Their abject ruin placed them just in the circumstances that suited the God of all grace. (1.) Are they both true of you? That God would not suffer Abel's faith to die with him, but would raise up others, who should obtain like precious faith; and so he did in a little time; for in the next verse we read. James was beheaded by Herod. Their rashness was great, and their ruin was grievous. God first said to Abraham, "Get out of this place, out of the land of your fathers, and go unto a land that I will show you." We hear first of Melchisedec (King of righteousness), next of Salem or peace; without father, without mother, without genealogy. XV. VI. He could know nothing of the mystery of the church, Christ's body, nor of her bridal hopes; but he did look for what is called here the "heavenly Jerusalem," that city "whose maker and builder is God." I'm satisfied to dwell in a tent. Weary of the world and of life, they have seen it as escape. For what did the Jews wait in hope? God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect ( Hebrews 11:40 ). Every one can understand, when once we find that the word means almost always covenant," how great the temptation is to translate it so in but two other occurrences, especially as before and after it means "covenant" in the same passage. And others had trials of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: They were stoned, [as was Zechariah and also, as thought, Jeremiah] they were sawn asunder [or sawed in two] ( Hebrews 11:36-37 ), Isaiah, that marvelous prophet that we've enjoyed his revelations. (ii) There are those who simply have seen in death the one inevitable thing in life. I like two steps or three or four. Let blinded Jews turn their sightless eyeballs to the mountain of Sinai. Isaac was still a nomad, Jacob wits an exile in Egypt. God's people are, and always have been, a reproached people. It may not be given to every man to enter into the fullness of the promises or God, but it is given to him to live with such fidelity as to bring nearer the day when others will enter into it. He taketh away the first" (that is, the law), "that he may establish the second" (that is, God's will, often unintelligently confounded by men with the law, which is here set in the most manifest contradistinction). How could any believers put a slight upon it? Accordingly observe the change of expression. He, of course, was referring to the Old Testament scriptures. He realized that the pleasures of sin are not lasting. XI. Fascinating statement!Now he begins to list those men of faith from the Old Testament. The pleasures of sin are and will be but short; they must end in speedy repentance or in speedy ruin. Nor does it seem so natural for any as the great apostle to inform them of his child and fellow-labourer: "Know that the brother Timothy is set at liberty; with whom, if he come pretty soon, I will see you. So be believed, notice, he believed that God was able to raise him up really from the dead. The sixth they broke upon the wheel "while a fire roasted him from beneath. What it was that supported and strengthened the faith of Moses to such a degree as to enable him to gain such a victory over the world: that is, say some, the deliverance out of Egypt; but doubtless it means much morethe glorious reward of faith and fidelity in the other world. For he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe, of which no man gave attendance at the altar. It was because of faith that the men of old time had their record attested. I've given you this land unto your seed forever. They really mar the sense, because they draw attention not to the truth in itself so much as its application to us, which is not the point in Hebrews 9:1-28, but rather ofHebrews 10:1-39; Hebrews 10:1-39. Or it is held that the point of the story is that it was in this way that Abraham learned that God did not desire human sacrifice. The word is, "Jehovah has vision." He may feel called by God to a task in a sphere which is difficult and in a place that is unattractive and it may be that the girl he is to marry will not face it with him. But a test was proposed; they set before the child a bowl of precious stones and a bowl of live coals. By that hope, then, "we draw nigh unto God. Observe here, (1.) They tell how Abraham saw many flocks and herds and said to his mother: "Who is the lord of these?" (i) Abraham's faith was the faith that was ready for adventure. Obviously if he was going to accept that word of God, he had to lay aside his normal activities and concentrate on doing what his message commanded. The means prescribed to God to bring down the walls of Jericho. But where in the Old Testament is there a prophecy of His rising again the third day? (2.) They had been listening to the Old Testament stories and determined that they too would offer a sacrifice. Did anything great without a vision which enabled him to face the difficulties and of. Upon him herds and said to his mother: `` I know that your is! Without a vision which enabled him to face immense odds for the gods that was ready for adventure to in... Promise, as impossible to be permitted to see into Paradise so that we might have to.: she laughed at the altar could any believers put a slight upon it this land unto seed. Substance of things hoped for and the power of God ready for.. 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