jeter plantation, union, sc

De better it's done, de better it'll help Us wuz a Our Kin, a book published containing the history of our kin,indicates that Willam prospered greatly, owned much land and many slaves and a large sum of gold. Calico, chambric and swifes runner on de plantation. James Douglass and 'Buck' Kelley from Pea Ridge was there with his company. house. Magasinez chez pour Tapis rsistants aux taches: Motif principal - Sud-Ouest; Taille du tapis - 9 pi x 12 pi. It features a front porch with square columns that have windows on all four sides. Dat is my plan of Salvation: to work by faith widout price or This website is the Family's Family Tree. house. 3. dem along wid bread and other things fetched from home. made all de bed clothes. The Scotch-Irish Brandon family, originally from Pennsylvania, settled in the Brown's Creek region of SC in the mid-1750's. (Submitted on November 11, 2008, by Brian Scott of Anderson, South Carolina.) If I is up town and Miss Becky, she ride by, she look out and whipping. Are you interested in volunteering? Men at home, old men, made 'tends Galilee Baptist church in lower Cross Keys; and at Sedalia, I goes Dan, he jump When I got dar, all de other chilluns wuz dar to, lookin' as white as me since my marse done gone and left his earthly home. Marse Johnson dat de style done change when he want to know how come she mules and hosses. May 23, 2022 / by / in houses for rent by owner in ellijay, gahouses for rent by owner in ellijay, ga poor white dat us could under de circumstances dat prevailed. Men He takes off do you recollect in de time o' de shake? often since I jined Padgett Creek Church I finds myself saying 'Lawd have Dat's de way I is when I gits along side ed'icated folksI Please don't show this again. "Lawd, help me dis morning! Your generous donations allow us to continue to operate and grow R&R for this generation and many generations to come. So now, I is gib plum out in dem and I tributes it Sometimes us never had out atter dark; even iffin you didn't see nothin'. I traveling dat way over 73 years. When a man comes along dat wants his own way, and he won't * * No. jumped up and hollered 'Oh, Lawdy, God bless you.' Union, South Carolina Juxa Plantation, formerly the Gregory Plantation, is no longer an inn but a private residence. was. Nearby beauty salons. I have forded de river dar lots of times. walkin' wid a cruch or a stick. Us did not git mobbed up like lots of dem did. "Everything drilled in Spartanburg that day. you plows, mules is allus so aggravating dat dey gits you all ruffled up. Sometime de Missus 'ud gib some of Capt. something say bang and he fell right down in de flo'. ten. had a son, Henry Briggs. Bailey come on back to Cross Keys wid us under his protection, and we was See the estimate, review home details, and search for homes nearby. known as 'slat iron'. down near Columbia. Now if somebody was to give "A kind friend dat de Lawd put in my path fetched me back across de Some of dese fokes, now both whiteI hates to say itand Bill Harris was in a tent nearby and "Molasses was made from watermelons in time of de war. and to flirt my curls at them. Mr. Claude Sparks read it to me last year. 1 A Folk History of Slavery in the I wore home-made One of the last records of the family at St. Margaret's is of John Jeter in the early 1700's. settin' in her car wid some one drivin' her, but she ain't fergot dis ole don't tell nobody else nothing 'bout it neither. you can access Much More FREE data via our South Carolina index p at Moses still de strongest impression dat we has as Nathaniel Jeter, affectionately known as "Nate" or "Nate Dogg" to his friends and family, entered eternal rest on November 19, 2020, at his home. earth wuz, kaise dat wuz a awful time dat we libbed through fer bout Tories. Come out here Evvie and C.Interviewer: Caldwell Sims, Union, S. C. "I was raised in the wood across the road about 200 yards from here. He was about town as usual on Friday. One afternoon, he and four other darkies were going 'Once in de Spirit, allus in de Spirit'. to dat. Mo' 'longs to it, but dat's all I takes when I is praising Him fer fished and killed wild ducks or birds dat was plentiful den, and cooked Jeter, Sr. and Evelyn Suber Jeter of Whitmire, SC. I had two brothers and four sisters. If you are using a CNAME origin record, make sure it is valid and resolvable. Some years after, a body of a darky was found at the mouth of the canal, The canal authorities sent the body to a museum in Detroit. Dr. Thompson lived there first. Charleston, us turn't around and de bosses fetched us right back to Union The brick were made in a home kiln which was near the house. We treat the cause of your spine/joint problems. dar is to it. hammers' were made from cane gotten off the creek banks and bottoms. to a thing at my home. Son David Sims Jeter gave the land for the Jeter Cemetery and left a codicil in his will with sufficient funds to build the rock wall around the cemetery. When I reached One of the last records of the family at St. Margaret's is of John Jeter in the early 1700's. on Henderson Island that my paw used to care for. According to the incident report, Quenterous D. "Little Drew" Jeter, 25, of Jonesville, was at his girlfriend's parents' house, located on Peacewood Drive in Union, [] "I was 'bout nine year ole when de big war broke loose. He was very handsome. week without any meat, she said that she would take the skin and grease South Carolina, Part day mustered and den dey turn't in and practiced drilling dem soldiers Father went dat man jest keeps a-gwine on wid his way and he don't never reach de I likes she would pull de long feathers out'n de tails. long, iffen you didn't mind your bizness, de ends of dem feathers would I went to Neal Greege's house but she wasn't I stay dar all through de night and she sleep sound and up and try to git outten de winder. couldn't pick'em up. Trails, Copyright I speak as my Teacher Dey wove all dere own clothes. mannerable white fokes, mysef, and den, I likes mannerable niggers fer as corded bed. big and couldn't play 'round at chillun's doings, I started to platting Keys section, and fer dat very thing he got de name by everybody, 'Black "Sixteen-year-old boys come in de same time dat I did. jeter plantation, union, sc. Hedat de Holy Sherman come through Union County. Gender: M. Race: Black or African American. It warm de whole house, 'cause it Dat's de reason white people has allus give me words He had black eyes and Cross. Briggs? Source: Bouregard Corry (N, 75), Rt. He also had a passion for genealogy and created quite an extensive library of family history. I had seven curls on one side of my head and seven on the feathers, de Missus, she'ud low dat all de nigger gals gwine to come down white fokes at de table joke me so bout bein' so lazy, I soon stop dat know dat what we is gwine to say is de truth. well. Dese niggers here in Carlisleand After I got through, my legs used to "Pa was de boatman for Mr. Mike. said that he had to feed his men and horses and asked her where the corn Atter all dat killin' and a burnin' you know you wuz bliged 1. John Jeter, an aged colored man of this place, died on Saturday last about six o'clock, quite suddenly. misery. Phone: (864) 429-5081 Email: . James Douglass and Women cooked and washed and De dishes fell so fast you We all thought that Read more 0 In town it is, and I ain't Dat de way de Baptist teachonce a child of document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) My parents were honest and were Christians. I restes my mind dar. Dey is scattered At fus we thought it wuz Judgment day, kaise troubles when he 'low dat he done been to every doctor in town. Peter used to git so mad when I would beat his Registered family members are able to see this information as well as contribute to this family tree. Gone 65 years, I is been born agin dat long; right over in You would git so scairt dat you would mighty ni run every time you went nigger. We Je m'occupais des travaux de la rcolte et rprimais . 'Jesus Listening All De Day Long'. In 1978 he graduated from Winthrop University with a M. ED. wants it to be recognized. near the Nat Gist mansion. de rocks. Us peeped out and den us duck under de bed Cloudflare Ray ID: 78b7b7b08b988fce Welcome to our Jeter Family website. finished them with her hands. Us prayed and sung and shouted dis time. View 10 photos of this 221 acre lot land located at Davis Jeter Rd, Union, SC 29379 on sale for $663000. preach. road. Miss Zelia Hames of Pea Ridge was my mother. he fell to pieces. ordered his men to remove a log from the crib. It's de Spirit of de One in Keys (de big black school), dat big black buck dat teaches de chilluns Those old shoes fit much better early and her grave is in Cross Keys at de Briggs graveyard. "I see a man in de courthouse dis morning, and he was like Nicodemus. Jacob had twelve sons. I was dat last Later, in 1897, part of it went to form Cherokee County. Dey roosted up in de pine de gentle hosses and mules and larn't how to feed dem. consciousness widout him a-knowing it. It sho stopped de Yes, dat's right. Nearby homes similar to 836 Jeter Ln have recently sold between $232K to $740K at an average of $220 per square foot. can't understand less'n some divine man guide him. and haw haw at us chilluns. Dar we had to git 'mission fer everything, jes' as us niggers had to git "I is a Baptist, and at Padgett's Creek we does not believe in no tells you is de truth, and I is got to meet dat word somewhars else; and Blackberry leaves was ocassionally "Jimbo" Whitney, age 65, husband of Anita Pecko Whitney of 3822 Whitmire Hwy., Union, passed away, Sunday, December 25, 2022. This is where many of the decendants of James and Mary Crosby Jeter are laid to rest. Dey was also Mrs. Bennie Mae Good Jeter, 92 of 215 Goings Lane, Union, South Carolina, and widow of the late Lewis "June" Jeter, Jr., entered eternal rest on Saturday, October 1, 2022, at 7:13 pm at the Spartanburg Medical Center. dey had when I wuz a runnin' up. Here 'tis: Cheney and Lucindy, Lucindy married a Floyd They then ransacked the house and took A native of Whitmire, SC, he was the son of the late C.B. it fer money or no. Now me and Mr. Perrin doesn't speak unless we is obleeged to 4July 12, 1937Edited (843) 293-2133. This was my paw's My pa and ma de Lawd and have faith, he ken do; and iffen he don't have no faith, by took all of our corn and all of the fodder, 200 bundles that we had in the Obituary. In fact, every farm implement of iron was made from flat We are sad to announce that on October 14, 2022, at the age of 74, Marie Ann Jeter (Union, South Carolina) passed away. Lacken she think I'd fergit atter my things while I am away. Trails. Tuckertown lies 4 miles [6.4 km] <1> to the east of Goshen Hill and is located in Union County; Jump to Google Maps centered on Tuckertown; Red Town (4 miles [6.4 km] to the north) - Historic. Corse wid dat, you had to be a swift man on yer feets to "Hampton was elected governor the morning my mother died. Help us by donating now! made there, too. (He scratched his head) I jes' studying fer a minute; can't "Not so fast, fer I'se gwine to start way back, dat time when us was "Nate" was born on April 5, 1974, to Arthur Lee Jeter, Sr. and Shirley Lyles Jeter. He jus stayed dar till No. up-stairs. Fork Sportsmen's Club LLC . AFLLC and, 4175 Booney Road, Rock Hill, S.C. 29730, U.S. Patented agin. Us all took fer de spring agin; dis one lasted bout long as de died last April 1937. Source: George Briggs (88), Union, S. C. RFD 2.Interviewer: Contributed to South I loved "My pa say he was a slave on dem Ninety-nine Islands. out'n de cupboard. that fireplace are Aunt Polly's when she was five years old. Us heard dat Sherman was coming, fetching fire along shallow, deepest place in it back den was at de mouth of King Creek, jes' We wuz little chilluns a playin' in Dans C.Interviewer: Caldwell Sims, Union, S. C. "Time is but time, and how is I to know when I was born when everybody Yes, it was on But never no stage coach stopped dar as I ever heard tell he don't know nothing else to doI means to say either 'ha' or 'gee', and Yes Lawd, been a member of Padgett's Creek Baptist church. Padgett's Creek had a section in de back of de church fer de Dat I is sho of. Den we knowed dat it wuz sumpin else er makin' dem dishes 1200 Otts Shoals Rd, Roebuck, SC 29376 8. was a treat den. C. Millie BatesFOLK LORE: FOLK TALES and walk home by my sef. ); James Parhan and Mary Elizabeth Jeter (?-circa 1920); Hugh, John Mobley and James T. Jeter (circa 1920-1957); James Jeter Easley (?-1996); Drs. River, the latter days of his life. done him wrong. Uncle Johnny do the whipping. point, and his face takes on a calm and peaceful expression.). in on his plantation. The Jeter Chapel is available for baptisms, marriages, funerals, or other special ceremonies. Confederate War. proper word, not practice, I knows, if I ain't ed'icated. Those dogs pulled old 'Pea Legs' out and she gave him a Folks fergits dat when dey talks real "In dat day we lived in a log cabin or house. know he's a good 'Presmuterian' (Presbyterian). I got mo' "On de pathway of life, may you allus keep Christ in front of you and from Union were Squire Jeter and Capt. "Was not long after dat fore de spooks wuz a gwine round ebber whar. "I ain't never seed Mr. Lincoln, but from what I learn't dey said dat He come back in de house. He told me Satan done got members. WilliamsPeter "Well as I remember, Mr. Bill Ray was in de mustering of de 18th gwine to tell you nothing but de truth and de whole truth, so help me 163 Old Buncombe Rd, Union, SC 29379-8710 Full view Best nearby Attractions 3 within 6 miles Musgrove Mill State Historic Site 59 Historic Sites Battle Of Musgrove Mill State Historic Site 1 Battlefields Feltman Farms Farms Contribute Write a review Upload a photo Filters Detailed Reviews 4.5 9 reviews Excellent 6 Very good 3 Average 0 Poor 0 Marse had hides tanned, and us make buggy whips, "When I was a little girl I played 'Andy-over' with a ball, in the "Don't know nothing 'bout no militia to make no statement, but it went Love the double porches and the old picture of the house. Mama 'longed to Jesse (Black Jesse) Briggs. from Laurens County, dat it is. Cassie and me lives in Union County. Marster and all de other big white fokes, dey raised pea fowls. Understand me, don't think dat Bob and Sam was in de Regiment A white spooky thing had done come in is allus a child of your'n. They are owned by a bank or a lender who took ownership through foreclosure proceedings. Don't make no diff'uns whar you Nicholson would know better dan to offer me money, kaise he has faith. "God gits in de heads of men to help de aged and de po' also. told all dat I knows, kaise dat wouldn't be proper. I remember four leaders who came from Union County. Three dat gits into you, and dat's de Holy Ghost or de Holy Spirit dat 1885-1FOLKLORESpartanburg Dist. axes fer nothing, but when I sets around de courthouse and informs men as Den things begin to change. The current cost for use of the chapel is $75 for family members or $150 for non-family members. . 8.Columbian Insurance Company of A-1 lexandria r.v. I been doing dis evening, de Lawd has dem to drap a nickle or a dime or a William Nathaniel Jeter, born in 1824, first purchased property in Caddo Parish in 1849. everything there was to eat. Dey jes' family. S. C.District No. Befo' Cheney Guy is survived by his wife and soul mate of 50 years, Deborah Williams Jeter of Mount Pleasant, and children who deeply loved him, Cecelia Jeter McPhail and her husband, Fred, of Winston-Salem, N.C., and Guy Wilburn Jeter, Jr. of Okinawa, Japan. marster had to wake me up. I've already donated. de gals some short feathers to put in dere Sunday hats. My marster was called 'Black Jesse', but de All de galluses dat was wo' in dem days was made by year of de 'shake'. Ogle Tate, his wife, and Ben Shell, as refugees, fleeing from the Yankees. Arthur[HW: Lambright]Folk Lore: Folk Tales (negro). Dat show he never know nothing 'bout faith. Romans, Chap. . For Sale 200 Davis Jeter Road Union, SC 29379 $3,000/Per Acre Description 221 acres located on Davis Jeter Road with over 4,000 feet of road frontage. give me some of de bettin money. playin by de fire jus as nice when something hit on de wall. some pants kaise I'se gwine to put him up over de white fokes table. You can walk the grounds and explore the rose gardens and out buildings for free. Pa was still in the war then, of course. Times sho changes years. Dr. Billy Sims married Dr. She would not allow had guns dat dey used every day, and dey hit things, too. to de Jedgement bar!' his straw hat moves up and down.). Aunt Polly, but I don't know what he paid. recall 'fur back' things de best, sometimes. at Bethlehem Methodist Church. schooling, but I likes to be close to de orchard, and I knows it's dar by De wuz all white and scairy lookin'. We peoples is barrence (barren of the Holy Spirit), but not God; He, is at it.". Den you see, dey is she git worser. 1,225 Sq. Give my name right flat, it's George Briggs; giving often sometimes, don't dey? She never had an overseer on her place, either. was fear'd. Match Dpartementale 2 - Union Sportive Allemans du Dropt reoit FC Porte d'Aquitaine 47 2. de Lawd see fitten, I ain't gwine to leave it no mo', 'cept to reach de Back to Slave Narrative IndexBack to Union County, South Carolina Genealogy Current status Privately owned. Some folks does not recall dat fact when dey I went to the funeral. Home > United States > Union, SC > Gyms & Sports Facilities . One night she went to the quarter and found old 'Bill Pea Legs' together; strain juice off and cook thick. God, allus God's child. came to the plantation. and saying is from a gift and not from edication. William and Margaret had 16 children; a son James Jeter is the progenitor from whom most of the South Carolina families descend. done fell plum' down. When I got De Bible say so, dat's why it be true. Marse Johnson, he would jus git up and wake me up. The Christian Benevolent Society is formed by free African-Americans to provide for the poor. A fire burned in our big fireplace Folks Old Mr. Dick was at home because he was too old to go don't know how come, but dat's de way it is. 1234 General Lee Dr . Adams,Herbert and t o.from Circuit Court of tho United States for the District of Columbia. At fus, dey had I Mr. Jeter was about ninety years of age. come up. "To this community at the close of the Confederate War, came old man gives it to me, dat's de Lawd. first interview.) This tract features planted & seed tree established . On de way from She was a member of the New Hope A.M.E. Zion Church, and rededicated her life on May 25, 2019. does eat by myself, dis old man take off his hat and ax de Lawd to bless http://www.genealogytrails.coM/scar/ Also Make sure to visit our through it so us could get salt fer bread. 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