Enemies Gender The latter played a role in her choosing to join Tekkadan. He ultimately accepts both of them, and succeeds in, It turns out that he justifies his brutality through his faith in Orga's plan for Tekkadan's future, and he takes Orga's breakdown over the death of Biscuit extremely poorly because it might threaten that plan and retroactively make his own deeds worthless. Atra views Kudelia as a good friend and a rival for Mikazuki's affections. Iron genesis 00 by The_lightning_flash. Mikazuki is a calm and collected individual with a head for the big picture. Nadi Yukinojo Kassapa | Species He does it one last time in the finale since he was already dying due to Gjallarhorns'. Atra Mixta is a young girl who who cooks for the members of Tekkadan and one of the main characters of Mobile Suit Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS. He is cold-blooded towards his enemies and has no qualms in killing them. His voice actor Kengo Kawanishi has voiced Rei Kiriyama from. Affiliation 15 He doesn't survive. In the finale, he and Akihiro stay behind to hold off the Gjallarhorn forces while the rest of Tekkadan escapes. Age None How is Orga 17? Hush Middy, Turbines On the way to Earth Mikazuki Augus used Barbatos to fight off Galihorn Gundams that tried to kill the tiny cargo ship that had Kudelia in it and his friends. You mean like as in you want the best and protect them? Or like as in youre also sexually attracted to them? Because the 2nd one is really probl It has been done. thinning out the Pluma horde that the Hashmal is summoning. Mikazuki Augus , Mika 545 A member of the Martian private security firm CGS. Stay away from the creep? Come on now. I know that society believes that being young means being dumb but, really, don't be dumb. Your still a chil Goals l muestra sangre fra ante sus enemigos y no tiene reparos en matarlos. How is Atra 16? Not having even finished school, they are inexplicably designated to elite status or roles, typically requiring months of training and years of experience. An orphan who lost his parents, he was in an alley with his friend Orga Itsuka where they had an encounter with a hostile man. Season 2 Akihiro Altland | +11 more. Mika is a member of Tekkadan and the unit leader of the Commando unit. As her new armament, her arms are equipped with a Kutan-san type shaft-launched mortar. Honestly? No. I'm a 24 year old male and I too like My Little Pony, and for multiple reasons, be it the lore, or the amazing character development Human, Newtype When he's confronting the Hashmal, Mika borrows Helmwige Reincar Greatsword from Isurugi and uses it to impale Hashmal. Anyways, now he's in Hell and on his way to find a way to fix that. As Mikazuki's physical well-being deteriorates due to him seeking higher compatibility with his Gundam via the Alaya-Vijnana system, Atra begins to show anguish over his willingness to sacrifice himself. Kudelia Aina Bernstein | Occupation Kudelia Aina Bernstein (wife)Akatsuki (son) He declares whoever gets in his way is his enemy and he will fight to crush them instead of fighting for survival and will press Orga into allowing him to do so. Gender Alias Name:Mikazuki Augus Nickname: Mika, Mr . Despite this, Mika is very caring with his comrades and loyal toward his friends, his lovers (Kudelia and Atra) and Tekkadan. AU $65.30 + AU $45.00 postage . Human I don't think there is any. From what I have seen in official sources, they just claim he is short for his age and didn't have an actual number giv Source: Gundam.info Popularity He has an easygoing personality and is devoted to his comrades, despite appearing emotionless and blunt most of the time. Mika is a member of Tekkadan and the unit leader of the Commando unit, as well as the right-hand man and best friend of Tekkadan's leader Orga Itsuka. Haba easily agrees to let her quit when she decides to become a cook for Tekkadan.[6]. Goals Family By episode 41 he seems to have caught on to Atra's hints, and he and Atra make Kudelia an equal partner in their relationship in episode 47. in episode 44, after the latter breaks down out of worry after having given an, Barbatos is mentioned as an ambiguously sentient machine, but during the final episode, Mika asked for extra power to take on the Graze Ein, and he got it at the cost of his right arm and right eye while not in Barbatos. They both received Alaya Vijnana implants, enabling them to pilot the machinery of CGS despite having little combat experience prior. He simply uses his great power and skills for someone else's dreams and otherwise just meanders through his own life. The term, which arose in the 1920s as combination of "dead" and "pan", slang for the face, may also apply to the face itself. Considering the name is taken from. Unfortunately, those events came to pass when Mikazuki was killed in the final battle with Gjallarhorn at Tekkadan's base on Mars. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans 2nd Season, Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans - Tokubetsu-hen, Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Ultra Romantic. disposing enemies when they're still speaking. Liza Enza, Others Mikazuki Augus was a badass and the main character, my favorite anime character and gundam pilot. Kudelia Aina BernsteinOrga ItsukaBiscuit GriffonAkihiro AltlandNorba ShinoEugene SevenstarkRide Mass. Now he can only use them when attached to it. This might not necesserily be permanent but Mikazuki certainly isn't going to get any better still using Barbatos all the time and nobody really has the knowledge on how to repair that kind of damage anymore. Ironically, while it does have dual maces, this time they are the sub weapon, not the sword/mace. A boy who belongs to Tekkadan. Atra Mixta (, Atora Mikusuta?) By adopting curved armor that is lightweight and has excellent sloped armor on the exterior, a dedicated thruster on the waist, and a suspension that supports all areas on the ankle, it is designed so that it can be brought into close combat, which is good at minimizing damage. Atra Mixta He has an easygoing personality and is loyal to his comrades, despite appearing unemotional and dim-witted most of the time. [8] Mikazuki's personality resembles that of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing protagonist, Heero Yuy, and Mobile Suit Gundam 00 protagonist, Setsuna F. Seiei. All three are loyal to their friends, merciless towards their enemies and are the pilots of the titular Mobile Suit in their respective series. Name: Mikazuki Augus Age: 26 Sex: Male affiliation: Starfleet (Tekkadan Fleet) Rank: Captain Ship: USS Barbatos NCC-1908 Loves: Atra (Wife/Dead) Akatsuki (Son/Dead) Friends: Orga itsuka, Hush Middy, Kudelia Bernstein and Admiral Jennifer Harding. 1,55 m disability: hemiplegic Hemplegia is paralysis of one side of the body. Assist Tekkadan and Mikazuki.Raise Mikazuki's child. There are various styles and patterns, but most are based on the same simple half-hitch knot. Mikazuki Augus Merribet Stapleton | Gaelio BauduinEin DaltonCarta IssueBrewersRustal ElionIok KujanJulieta JurisDawn Horizon CorpsJasley DonomikolsHashmal Over 9,000 items in our growing catalog of Gundam, One Piece, Dragonball, and other plastic model kits from Japanese anime series as well as military, aeronautical, and automotive plasitc model kits, paints, hobby supplies, and materials. Togonosuke Makanai. Name tekkadan. Do-Gooder Hush Middy, Turbines [4] Mikazuki asked the owner of the shop to give him any food that was worth what little money he had for her, and the shopkeeper responded by giving Atra food and a workplace. Mikazuki Augus, commonly called Mika, is the main protagonist of Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans. Eugene Sevenstark | This article needs to be cleaned up to conform to a higher standard of quality. It was also equipped with a foldable 300mm smoothbore gun and a 60mm machine gun coaxially arranged. Kudelia laughed at how strange their situation was, but fully accepted the love triangle between them, and agreed to their individual requests. A deadpan person is one who deliberately and constantly maintains an impassive, expressionless face. One day, she ran away and was starving. And even then, he puts up a good fight before finally bleeding out. Support It is armed with a super-large mace for anti-ships with pile bunker on both ends and a handle expansion and contraction mechanism, a rare metal manipulator "Rex Nail" suitable for piercing with bare hands, a 200 mm gun built into the arm, Hashmal Wired injection type "tail blade" on the back, and pile bunker "heel bunker" built into the heel. After Mikazuki and Atra made the decision to conceive a child, Mikazuki asked Kudelia to help Atra look after their child in the event that he were rendered unable to do so. The more of his body he "sacrifices" to Barbatos, the more of the suit's power he is able to utilize. This character will stop at nothing to achieve their goals and will be unbound by any constraints. -Welcome to the Hero/Protagonist wiki! According to the side material the issue is that overuse of the AV system causes parts of his brain and nervous system to become dependant on it to function, hence why they work but only if he's connected to Barbatos and using the system. In order to chase up Graze Ein's agile maneuverability, Mika detaches the armor of Barbatos and resorts to his katana. Naze Turbine | Based on Mikazuki's battle data, modifications have been made to improve reaction speed and maneuverability. v 2022-04, 2002-2022 by AniDB; all rights reserved. Who should I kill next? The Gundam Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Por lo tanto, ha puesto su fe en el sueo y los objetivos de Orga como una prioridad mayor que antes. Increased weight reduced instantaneous maneuverability, but improved ability to continue in unsupplied conditions. During the duel with Crank Zent, it wore the captured Graze's shoulder armor on his left shoulder. Dante Mogro | It was discovered by Maruba Arkay in the desert area of Mars and was used as a power reactor for the CGS base while Maruba plotting to sell it. Additionally, he seems to prefer violence whenever he encounters someone or something that he perceives as a threat, whether or not that violence is actually required. MyAnimeList.net is a property of MyAnimeList Co.,Ltd. He zigzags this in season 2. Age When when Orga dies, Mika decides to follow Orga's final order, that being "Survive and live happily at all costs.". In the battle against Carta Issue, the Gjallarhorn officer who killed, The wrench mace got it worse, getting pulverized by the Graze Ein's. A steady character who shows good judgment skills. Suffers a downplayed version by losing the use of his right arm and eye in the battle at the end of Season 1, and by Season 2 episode 13, his right leg as well, though they are still attached to him. Amida Arca | A partir de la muerte de un amigo cercano, Mikazuki ha desarrollado un lado vengativo. For example, in his fight with Crank Zent, he refused to show sympathy towards his opponent, who clearly showed remorse at having to fight children, because he had killed his comrades. In response, Mikazuki hugs her from behind and reveals that she is precious to him and that he will fight so she can stop crying. Starving and with no place to go, Atra encountered Mikazuki Augus, who despite initially being reluctant offered her part of a sandwich he was eating. Popular this century. However, Mikazuki and Atra's effort to conceive a child proved fruitful, and Atra gave birth to their son, Akatsuki Augus Mixta Bernstein, after the conflict. And when he loses the use of the entire right side of his body when not hooked up to Barbatos at the end of season 2, Mika is relieved that he won't have to figure out what to do with himself when he no longer needs to fight. Enemies Mobile Suit Piloting The Barbatos itself is presumably this by the end of the series. In particular, the forearm has become so huge that it deviates from the human shape, and a sub-arm that expands around the elbow as a fulcrum is housed inside. Powers/Skills After learning of Mika's feelings, they eventually consummate their relationship in an attempt to conceive a child. Tiene una personalidad tranquila y est It would be refurbished another time to give it a decisive battle specification for Tekkadan's advance on Edmonton. It's never stated how old he is, but he probably shares the same age with Atra and Orga. So you are implying Orga is 14 in Season 1? Fallen One-Man Army, Commando Unit Leader of Tekkadan (currently). Adems, parece favorecer la violencia cada vez que se encuentra con alguien o algo que percibe como una amenaza, independientemente de si realmente se requiere dicha violencia. 2 Jesse Roberge Play teens in RPGs, Know teens in real life, Research online Author has 1.6K answers and 5.2M answer views 4 y I Orga ItsukaAtra MixtaKudelia Aina BernsteinMcGillis FareedAkihiro AltlandNorba ShinoBiscuit GriffonFumitan AdmossTurbinesTeiwaz Type of Hero Orga Itsuka | El contenido de la comunidad est disponible bajo. At some point he encountered Orga Itsuka and, after helping him fend off some thugs, the two decided to team up and work together to survive. Tekkadan Mobile Suit Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS Mikazuki Augus | Lafter Frankland | Mikazuki Augus | Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. In Season 2, the Barbatos Lupus has a pair of 200mm guns mounted on its arms. Azee Gurumin, Revolutionary Fleet Mobile Suit Piloting Atra Mixta | l declara que quienquiera que se interponga en su camino es su enemigo y luchar para aplastarlo en lugar de luchar por la supervivencia, y presionar a Orga para que lo permita. Mikazuki Augus ( Mikadzuki gasu), usually called Mika, is the main protagonist of Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans. With Orga now aiming for ultimate sovereignty of Mars, it's quite convenient that Mika's ride is being named Barbatos Lupus, After the Barbatos Lupus was severely damaged in the fight against the Hashmal, it gets overhauled into the Barbatos Lupus Rex, which is essentially another new suit besides the irreplaceable parts from the frame itself. Gnero Based on the battle data of Mikazuki, which has been integrated with the aircraft after the battle with Hashmal, the reaction speed has been raised to the theoretical limit, and each joint has delicate adjustments that match the skin sensation of the pilot. Mikazuki Augus Atra made the bracelet that Mikazuki wears on his left wrist, and he treasures it greatly. Shop Employee (formerly)Cook for Tekkadan (formerly)Farmer Atra Mixta Biscuit Griffon | Despite this acknowledgement, Mikazuki still asks Kudelia to help Atra raise their child in the event that he was killed, or otherwise rendered incapable of helping to raise the child himself. Origin Friends/Allies Mikazuki is subtly, yet visibly disturbed by this. Yamagi Gilmerton | Notice at Collection After becoming the main force of the Tekkadan, we will improve the fighting ability by adding and replacing parts and weapons obtained from enemy aircraft. mikazukiaugus. The making of friendship bracelets is a version of macrame. She is friends with the CGS boys and has a crush on Mikazuki Augus. Isurugi Camice | Especially obvious after he loses the ability to use his right leg which, coupled with the similar disability of his right arm, leaves him unable to walk. Mikazuki Augus(Mikadzuki gasu), often called "Mika" for short, is the main protagonist of Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans. Some time later, he and Orga were recruited into the Chryse Guard and placed in the third group. It also possesses an additional weapon in the Anti-ship Lance Mace. The synchronization of the pilot and the aircraft through the Arai Yasushi system has been further promoted, and the forearm frame has been extended and the reaction index has been adjusted. Mobile Suit Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS Television Episodio 24. It features high versatility by replacing various weapons, and by deploying the sub-arm of the back attachment, it is possible to use the connected weapons [273] . As such, it was given a complete overhaul at the MS department of Saisei. Calm and collected with a head for the big picture hes undyingly loyal to his friends. Mikazuki Augus es un personaje ficticio de Mobile Suit Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS. The initial armament on reboot was a high-hardness rare alloy mace with pile bunker and thrusters. 601 11 1. (both succeeded) Part of the wreckage of Hashmal has been diverted to the exterior, transforming it into a beast-like appearance that more reflects the battle style of the crescent moon. In fact, it takes Rustal firing multiple railguns from outer space to finally put Mikazuki down. Member of Chryse Guard Security (formerly)Commando Unit Leader of Tekkadan (currently) Panoramica: Fiona Bruce presents an hour of topical debate with an audience of voters under the age of thirty. and the girls eventually do move to one such farm in the epilogue after Mika kicks the bucket, as a way to honor his legacy. Female During his last stand against Gjallarhorn, Julieta wonders why he still does this purposeless fighting, he answers that he does it for Orga. In the finale, he stays behind with Akihiro to hold off the Gjallarhorn army while the rest of Tekkadan retreat. He is deeply loyal to his friend Orga Itsuka and steadfastly follows any order or request without question. Graphic Depictions Of Violence; Major Character Death; Mikazuki Augus; Kudelia Aina Bernstein; Original Characters; Orga Itsuka; Summary. [Ahh-Guuu-S] Birth Date [Error Data Corruption Detected] Military Rank Amusingly, it doesn't take much to snap him out of it. Super Robot Wars GU Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Mikazuki Augus Experienced Member Following Friends Follow Unfollow Chat 858 Reputation 114 Following 73 Followers Bio Since Apr 2017 (5 Years 215 Days) "Death is a funny word, depends on who you ask, but welp even Devil's falls" Mikazuki Augus death "Sometimes the hardest thing is the right thing, no matter what" Hide Full Bio Read More Read on and find out! Mikazuki Augus () Unit: ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos Mikazuki is a calm and collected individual with a head for the big picture. Supporter During the battle against Gjallarhorn in low earth orbit on Mars, the glaze shoulder armor was been repainted in white and blue and fitted upside down. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Alias Contrarily to someone who is emotionally stunted, there is nothing uncommon about the emotions of someone deadpan; they merely suppress the transmission of their feelings to their expression. English Voices So Orga is still older than Hush. Mikazuki Augus & Gundam Barbatos Mikazuki Augus Atra Mixta Kudelia Aina Bernstein Orga Itsuka Gundam Barbatos Humor Slice of Life Alternate Universe - Modern Setting Pets comedic horror Part 4 of Iron Blooded Adolescents with Healthy Coping Habits and Relationships Language: English Words: 452 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 15 Bookmarks: 1 Hits: 122 Occupation 6 Julio He's a barely-literate child with virtually zero marketable skills other than his ability to kill people. His reaction to the Mobile Armor is that it's beautiful. Despite the high risk of the surgery, with it only having a 60% success rate, Mikazuki would undergo it two more times, resulting in him becoming an extremely capable pilot. Mikazuki Augus (often referred to as Mika) is the protagonist of Gundam: Ironblooded Orphans. Thanks! Tekkadan Type of Hero Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Mikazuki es un individuo tranquilo y centrado. The Gundam Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. [4] After the CGS third group members formed Tekkadan, she became their cook. Julieta is shocked beyond words when she tears open the cockpit and discovers his body. It's very hard to narrow down the 1 pilot. Experience = Amuro Youngest/potential = Uso Strongest newtype = Kamille (author has said judah was tho) So far, he seems to be right about it. It would later be restored more to its original appearance restored by the engineers of Teiwaz using materials from the Calamity War. Atra Mixta (wife)Akatsuki (son) Despite sustaining severe injuries due to an orbital bombardment, Mikazuki continues to fight an outnumbered battle against Gjallarhorn and Julieta. [1], Unlike most children in Chryse, Atra has learned how to read and write. Sans Nagito Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. It's outfitted with longer forearms (along with sharper claws to eviscerate enemy mobile suits, built-in 200mm machine guns and a pair of subarms to go along with them), sharper toenails (speculated to be made from the same material the Grimgerde's swords are made of), a pair of pilebunker heels and a mace made large enough to destroy, Those can also be swapped out for a pair of Rocket Launchers, which are great for, Given his utter devotion to Orga, his refusing Orga's order to, In the subsequent fight, he shows a hint of visible anger beyond his usual. slaughter Issue and her companions in the space of a minute, swept down Carta and her squadrons on his own. AniDB is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Of the ten people, including Mikazuki and Orga, who were operated on without anesthesia at the time, only six survived unscathed, while the rest were either maimed or died from the operation. His official age is 15 at the start of Iron Blooded Orphans. Origin An adolescent (teenager) is 13 to 19 years old. Yamagi Gilmerton | Status Naturally, this ends up giving his friend an even bigger. Hover to zoom. Naze Turbine | Yeah it is weird but more importantly illegal [Mikazuki, Japanese for Crescent Moon] Last Name [Augus] Last name meaning, pronunciation. Mikazuki rampage with great Sword #shorts Gundam IBO x Gundam Seed Astray Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-blooded Orphans After meeting the Turbines and learning about Naze's harem, Atra begins to accept Kudelia as a fellow potential "wife" of Mikazuki. Have one to sell? As the Third Group's best pilot and Orga's right-hand man, he ends up MikaDevil of Tekkadan Character remains firm in friendship or support for a person or thing. Alt clothes In the narration, he mentions that he is usually impartial to his foes and simply kills those Orga tells him to kill. Activity Amida Arca | He is voiced by Kengo Kawanishi in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Kyle McCarleyin the English version of the anime. Mikazuki also contrasts previous stoic protagonists. his destroying the Mobile Armor is what inspires McGillis to go ahead with his coup, which ends disastrously for all involved. starting from Biscuit's death, whoever blocks his way is his enemy and he will shred them into pieces. Es franco la mayor parte del tiempo a pesar de parecer sin emociones. , while it does have dual maces, this ends up giving friend!: Mikazuki Augus ( ) unit: ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos Mikazuki is a calm and collected with head. Fact, it takes Rustal firing multiple railguns from outer space to finally put Mikazuki down railguns outer... Never stated how old he is able to utilize Violence ; Major Death! An easygoing personality and is loyal to his friend Orga Itsuka ; Summary learning of Mika 's feelings, eventually! 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