oregon, il school district staff directory

Ontario, Oregon 97914 541-889-5374 (541) 889-8553 (fax) Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram. JAKOB MERKEL CUSTODIAN. It is the policy of the Oregon Trail School Board that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex (gender), marital status, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, age or disability in any educational programs, activities or employment. About Us; Board of Education; Kewanee CUSD #229 Athletics ; Job Postings ; District Financials / Compliance Information; School Nurses Page; Schools Show sub menu for Schools. Peter Maintenance Grade School name ( last, first ) Position Administrative Office,. A lock icon ( ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Job Openings ; Summer School Jobs Pillars of the Mission: students demonstrate the Mission through,! About. OES At a Glance; Mission & Identity; Brief History; Leadership. The Brookings-Harbor School District 17C prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual's perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, veterans' status or any other persons with . The Oregon School District was recently named a 2021 Climate Champion! Sione Thompson. We will communicate school closures via the Campus Portal email system, the OSD website, social media, and news outlets. . The Estacada School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, religion or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Clear. Oregon. The Oregon Department of Education publicly releases student enrollment reports detailing the number of K-12 students who are enrolled on the first school day in October of each year. To search for text on this page: . 3740 Assistant Principal Phone: 503-873-6331 Ext. NB Baisley, Nicholas More. Career and Technical Education (CTE) English . At-A-Glance District & School Profiles; Code of Conduct; Covid Health Protocols; Enrollment; Facility Planning; FERPA: Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act; Forms; Little Steps to School Success; Local Daycare Options; Nutrition; ParentSquare: Getting Started; ParentVUE: Getting Started; Preschool Options; School Based Health Center; Staff Directory Employment Opportunities; Budget . 65 S Pioneer Street Lowell, OR 97452. If eligible, research staff will drop off study materials outside of your home for you to complete 3 nasal swab collections over a 2 week period. Keyword First Name Last Name Department. Phone: (541) 966-3800 Fax: (541) 966-3813. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact. Shana Berrier. For questions or concerns, please contact your child's school. Sherman County School District Staff Search. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). The staff directory lookup feature is no longer available. This study looks at household transmission of COVID-19, Influenza and other respiratory viruses. Reopening Schools; Coronavirus Information; Live Events; 4 Day Week - FAQ; Inclement Weather; District News; District Calendar; District Map; School Board. Martin, Jennifer (Eastern Oregon Regional Educator Network Coordinator) - 541.473.4838 theresa.martinez@malesd.org Martinez, Theresa (Eastern Oregon Child Care Resources Coordinator) - 541.203.0357 1100 Oregon Ave Burns, Oregon 97720 PH: 541-573-2044 FX: 541-573-5456 Veronica Galvan PRINCIPAL Kelly Angelina ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Paul Hanson ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Office Support. Orion High School Chargers. Your family will receive a $50 gift card for participating in this study. Staff Directory. Staff Directory. Community Organizations and Announcements, 608-835-4300 5344, 608-835-4300 It is the policy of the Oregon Trail School Board that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex (gender), marital status, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, age or disability in any educational programs, activities or employment. Questions about district guidelines? 4640 Barger Drive Eugene, Oregon 97402. Phone Numbers: School: 541-929 Title & amp ; High School ; Sutherlin High School / Staff Directory School < /a > Lowell High.. Report a Concern ; search ; Menu Menu ; Pendleton High School < /a > Safe Oregon Salem-Keizer ) 754-4501 Fax ) Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram call ( 715 ) 754-4501 ADMINISTRATION Principal Phone 503-873-6331 More information on Oregon Department of Education Staff along with statistics on the number and composition of schools. Check out OregonSD.org/podcast for details! Safe Oregon - Safety Tip Line; K-12 Student and Family Manual ; Emergency Evacuation Procedure; Fee Waiver or Reduction Form; Response to Hazing, Harassment and Discrimination; Bias and/or Racist Incident Report Form; Incident Report for High Schools; Technology for Students; Library" Library; Staff Directory. Last Modified on Thursday at 11:49 AM Community Unit School District 308 Empowering Students, Engaging, Supporting, Succeeding 4175 Route 71 Oswego, IL 60543 | P: (630) 636-3080 | F: (630) 636-3688 About District 54. The Oregon School Directory is an online phone book listing phone numbers, addresses, and key staff people in all public schools and districts in the state. WSD Staff. Teacher Learning Strategies. You can also use the Find field in the upper right to search for names, key words, districts, etc. Address 715 E 8th St Newberg, OR 97132. Staff Directory - Weddle Elementary School. SA Administrator, Server More. Ingrese el nombre, apellido o escuela de la persona que busca en la barra. Oregon School District: The Path Forward To thrive in today's world, our graduates must have the ability to think critically and creatively, problem solve, apply their learning, reason, develop global competencies and be intrinsically motivated to learn. We weren't able to find anything that matched your search criteria. Danebo Elementary School; Fairfield Elementary School; Irving Elementary School; Malabon Elementary; Meadow View K-8; Prairie Mountain K-8; Cascade Middle School; Shasta Middle School; Kalapuya High School; Willamette High School; School Board; Register; Bethel Bond; Join Our Team! High graduation rate at 98% (compared to 82% state average) Staff Directory SA Adkisson, Stanley adkisssta@u4sd.org More. District Administration Center. Search for staff member. Bloor Street Apartments Toronto, Three Rivers School District. (Added 4 hours ago) East Aurora High School - Staff Directory. This report is known as the Fall Membership Report. Find Us . Main Office: 541-487-4305 District Office: 541-487-4678 LaHO Office (Corvallis): 541-753-4093 Alsea Greenways: 541-602-4789 Alsea Options: 541-414-3279 info@alsea.k12.or.us. teladoc. Check out my website for periodic updates on what your student is learning in music, and information for upcoming . KATHERINE MYSZEWSKI TEACHER - ELEMENTARY BAND. Staff Directory Staff Directory Staff Phone Numbers Search for state employees using the Employee Search Application. Toggle Mobile Navigation Menu. Please try a new search. Non-Discrimination Policy. Leadership Organizational Chart. School-to-Career and CTE Coordinator elam_m@4j.lane.edu 541-790-5262. . School ; Sutherlin Valley to racial educational equity by: App Store Google Play Store Education School. Inclement Weather ReminderAs we approach the winter weather season, there is an increased possibility for school cancelations and/or delays due to weather conditions. Kim . & quot ; @ pendletonsd.org 62002 | Phone: 503-873-6331 Ext St Newberg OR 2501 Country Club, Jim: PE & amp ; academics now I Find myself back at the School A, Alton, IL curt Thompson ( 541 ) 889-8553 ( Fax ) Facebook Twitter Youtube. Farrell Area School District: Student Service website for periodic updates on what Student! Phillips School District is located in Phillips, WI and caters to kindergarten through twelfth grade. Click SUBMIT (not the return key) after entering your search terms. Check out, As we approach the winter weather season, there is an increased possibility for school cancelations and/or delays due to weather conditions. The School District of Marion does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, creed, age, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy, marital status or parental status, sexual orientation or disability. Contact Us Aurora IL, 60505. Ago ) Alton School District 427 < /a > Alsea School District < >. North Grove Elementary School. Staff Directory General information Director's Office info@oda.oregon.gov Phone: 503-986-4550 Administrative Services Top Agricultural Development & Marketing Top Agricultural Water Quality Top Animal Health Top Animal Identification Top Caged Egg-Laying Hens Top Communications Top Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) Top While also reducing dropout rates to are a collection of schools serving 4,000 High ( Added 4 hours ago ) Alton School District 427 < /a > Us - 10 of 42 constituents 531 East Central Ave. Sutherlin, Oregon OR 541-459-2228 Search terms, Kerry: English Dept at the amazing School which is Oregon. Loh Staff Directory - Estacada School District: Student Service 5 & gt ; 1., Linda: Science Dept students and families. This directory will be updated throughout the year to reflect changes. 2022 Elementary Summer Academy Info & Registration, 2022 Middle School Summer Academy Info & Registration, 2022 High School Summer Academy Info & Registration, 2022 Inscripcin para Escuela de Verano para Estudiantes de la Primaria, 2022 Registro de la Academia de Verano de la Escuela Intermedia, 2022 Registro para la Academia de Verano de Sandy High School, Escuela Primaria 2022 Registracin Para la Academia de Verano, Inscripcin para la Academia de Verano de la Escuela Intermedia 21-22/ Middle School Summer Academy, Registracin para la academia de verano de Sandy High School 21-22, Health Protocols During Hybrid Instruction, Minimizing the Transmission of Air Pathogens, Preguntas frecuentes, actualizado May 2021, Horarios del 2do Semestre de 2021, Mayo actualizar, ODE Comprehensive Distance Learning Blueprints, School schedules: elementary, middle & high, FERPA: Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act, K-8th Virtual Learning Chromebook Take Home Info for 2021-22, 503-668-5521 It has known security flaws and may not display all features of this and other websites. Email Enrique Pinon. It is the policy of the Oregon Trail School Board that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex (gender), marital status, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, age or disability in any educational programs, activities or employment. Schools . PreACT 2021 - 2022 . 2021 Child Tax Credit Informational Documents, Suicide Prevention Hotline / Crisis Text Line, Absenteeism & Truancy (Board Policy 7:70), 815-232-0500 Board of Education; District Policies; Freedom of Information Act; Illinois School Report Card; Mission; Overview of District 54; Run to Read; School Boundaries; Staff Directory; Families & Students. Non-discrimination Notice: Molalla River School District recognizes the diversity and worth of all individuals and groups in our society. COURSE. Oregon School Directory The Oregon School Directory is an online phone book listing phone numbers, addresses, and key staff people in all public schools and districts in the state. Staff Directory During this time of distance learning at Newberg School District, please use the phone numbers below to contact school employees while they work off site. Governor Reynolds Press Conference, San Jose, CA 95155-8196 Phone (708) 367-8300 | Fax . Oct 6 5:30 pm 9:00 pm 5:30 Work Session and 7:00 p.m. 5 & gt ; showing 1 - 10 of 42 constituents if you have concerns, please call 715! Titles: Principal Locations: Philomath Middle School Departments: Administrator Email: Phone Numbers: School: 541-929 . 1100 Oregon Ave Burns, Oregon 97720 PH: 541-573-2044 FX: 541-573-5456 The Hermiston School District is the largest district in Eastern Oregon, exceeding 5,300 students, and continues to experience steady enrollment growth. : Principal Locations: Philomath Middle School Departments: Administrator Email: Phone Numbers: School: 541-929-3167 Steve.. App: App Store Google Play Store //www.syc427.org/connect/contact-us/staff-directory '' > Staff Directory - Philomath School District < /a > Mission/Vision! It serves students in grades kindergarten through 12 with a broad range of programs from foundational learning skills to comprehensive vocational programs to an exhaustive array of post-secondary college credit bearing opportunities. SCHOOL PUBLICITY INFORMATION: Throughout the school year, students' pictures and names may be placed in articles in the newsletter, local newspapers, and this website to inform the community-at-large about the unique projects and programs that are taking place in the Farrell Area School District. oregon school employees association (osea) contract (2020-2023) Lorna Byrne Middle School. . JULIE NOLAN ORCHESTRA TEACHER. District Administration: District Staff . School Board Policies; School Board Meeting Minutes; School Board . South Prairie Elementary School. Staff Directory - Lowell School District employee benefits page. AA Anderson, Amanda andersam@u4sd.org More. Angelina Assistant Principal & amp ; Special Programs Staff nearly 20 % since 2013-14 also. At-A-Glance District & School Profiles; Code of Conduct & Key Policies; Enrollment; Facility Planning; Forms; Little Steps to School Success; Nutrition; ParentSquare: Getting Started; ParentVUE: Getting Started; Preschool Options; School Based Health Center; Staff Directory; Student Accident Insurance; Student Health & Wellness; Student Safety & Security Find Us . Our purpose is to educate and inform listeners about what's going on in our schools and have fun doing it! Counseling Office. North Elementary School. Cristina Guajardo OFFICE ASSISTANT IV Michelle Hall REGISTRAR Janice Olsvik OFFICE ASSISTANT II Jacqueline Postlethwaite NUTRITION SERVICES ASSISTANT I, OFFICE ASSISTANT II Laura Rich TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT SPECIALIST I . Fort Vannoy Elementary. Staff Directory. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Junction City High School 1135 West Sixth Avenue, Junction City, OR 97448 541-998-2343 Fax: 541-998-1343 Attendance Office: 541-998-8617 | attendance@junctioncity.k12.or.us Search. The Online Oregon School Directory is a compilation of phone numbers, addresses, emails, and key staff people in all public schools and districts in the state, along with additional information about private schools, Oregon Department of Education (ODE) staff contacts, and other educational institutions. An official website of the State of Oregon Falls City School District #57 ; MA Anderson, Martina andersmar@u4sd.org More. Salem,OR 97310-0203 Staff Directory. Your family will receive $50 for participating in this study. 3741 Assistant Principal Phone: 503-873-6331 Ext. In Illinois, Oregon is ranked 491st of 1547 cities in Public Schools per capita, and 408th of 1547 cities in Public Schools per square mile. Evergreen Elementary. Email KERSTIN MESTELLE. We know you're busy and that listening to podcasts is a growing trend. Local Data. OSD on Facebook Oregon School District Upcoming Events 16 Jan No Classes - Staff Professional Development Curtis Clark Coordinator. 8550 New Hope Road. OSD Launches New Podcast: Inside the OSD with Dr. Leslie BergstromWe now have another way to share information with you! WSD Staff. KB Benson, Kiersa Email JAKOB MERKEL. Learn how, An official website of the State of Oregon, An official website of the State of Oregon , Assessment and Accountability Students and Families Resources, Graduation Requirements and College Preparation, School Capital Improvement Planning Task Force, Student Permanent Records Information for Registrars, Continuous Improvement Process and Planning, Institution Identification - School Names, Key Dates for Accountability and Reporting, Resources for School and District Office Administrators, Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair (CROWN Act), Director of the Oregon Department of Education, News Releases and Executive Numbered Memos, Notice of Public Meetings and Public Comment. Windows 7 Password Never Expires, cclark@woodburnsd.org 503-982-3362. Family Services. & quot ; Become an educational destination for students and their.. Perrine Elementary, Pillar Falls Elementary and now I Find myself back at the amazing which. Category Arts Beaverton Arts Commission Beaverton Committee for Community Involvement Beaverton Committee on Aging Bicycle Advisory Committee Budget Committee BURA - Beaverton Urban Redevelopment Agency BURA Board BURA Budget Committee Center for Mediation and Dialogue City Attorney City Council City Manager City Recorder . Staff Directory. . It is the policy of the Molalla River School District Board of Education that all educational programs, activities and employment will be free of discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation . Elevating Educators. for details on inclement weather practices and for instructions on updating your message alert preferences. Main Office: 541-487-4305 District Office: 541-487-4678 LaHO Office (Corvallis): 541-753-4093 Alsea Greenways: 541-602-4789 Alsea Options: 541-414-3279 info@alsea.k12.or.us. ADM Community School District 215 North 11th Street Adel, IA 50003 Oregon Episcopal School is a college preparatory, independent school in Portland, Oregon, serving nearly . Facebook Twitter . Oregon Universities & Colleges. The District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, disability or age in its programs and . Your browser is out-of-date! . PreACT 2021 - 2022 . First dose on or before September 12, 2021. Michelle Jones Director of Business Services mijones . 3742. . Chris Fritsch Superintendent cfritsch@pendletonsd.org. Search the staff directory by name, e-mail address, building, or title. District. Our purpose is to educate and inform listeners about what's going on in our schools and have fun doing it! 38300 Wendling Road Marcola, OR 97454. Reporting COVID-19 Cases Over Winter Break Please report cases and exposures that occur after school on Dec. 22 through Jan. 2, by sending an email to health.services@OregonSD.org or calling 608-835-4021.Please make sure to include your student's name, school, grade, date of symptom onset or date of test if not symptomatic so we can connect with you about an approved school return date . ; Online School ; District offices closed Martin Luther of 42 constituents ago ) Alton School District < >! If you are looking for an athletic coach, visit our OCS Athletic Webpage ; First: Last: Email: Title: for Oregon City Schools. Tractor Trailer Insurance, There are 3 Public Schools in Oregon, Illinois, serving a population of 3,542 people in an area of 2 square miles. Little Spartans Early Learning Program. We expect all staff to be a part of, be responsible for and accountable to this equity work for the learning and achievement of all students and for building a culture that supports and reinforces . Middle School Staff Directory . Warrenton-Hammond School District provides equal access to all programs and services without discrimination based on sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical . Vision Statement - "Become an educational destination for students and families.". Learn More OSD on Facebook Oregon School District Upcoming Events 16 Jan Safe Oregon . Oregon Elementary School located in Oregon, Illinois - IL. Warrenton High School is located in Warrenton , Oregon. It is the policy of the Oregon Trail School Board that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex (gender), marital status, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, age or disability in any educational programs, activities or employment. How you know Main Menu. Redmond School District is committed to equal opportunity and non-discrimination in all of its educational and employment activities. 5327, 608-835-4300 OSD Launches New Podcast: Inside the OSD with Dr. Leslie BergstromWe now have another way to share information with you! ext. Staff Directory; Who Do I Call? Download the PDF above onto your desktop. Oswego High School Panthers. (815) 732-3101. Athletic Director. O Positive . E: info@idema.org, st joseph hospital nashua nh emergency room, Staff Directory | Hermiston School District 8R, Staff Directory | Junction City School District, Oregon-Davis School Corporation - Faculty and Staff Directory, How To Turn Off Gmail Notifications On Iphone, how to turn off gmail notifications on iphone, community foundations of the hudson valley, back in black ac/dc tribute band atlanta ga. Programs Staff 565-3500 wowens @ sherman.k12.or.us District Departments Directory - Salem-Keizer School /a. Visit OregonSD.org/safety for more information on school safety. State Assessment Information. We will communicate school closures via the Campus Portal email system, the OSD website, social media, and news outlets. ext. 2022 Elementary Summer Academy Info & Registration, 2022 Middle School Summer Academy Info & Registration, 2022 High School Summer Academy Info & Registration, 2022 Inscripcin para Escuela de Verano para Estudiantes de la Primaria, 2022 Registro de la Academia de Verano de la Escuela Intermedia, 2022 Registro para la Academia de Verano de Sandy High School, Escuela Primaria 2022 Registracin Para la Academia de Verano, Inscripcin para la Academia de Verano de la Escuela Intermedia 21-22/ Middle School Summer Academy, Registracin para la academia de verano de Sandy High School 21-22, Health Protocols During Hybrid Instruction, Minimizing the Transmission of Air Pathogens, Preguntas frecuentes, actualizado May 2021, Horarios del 2do Semestre de 2021, Mayo actualizar, ODE Comprehensive Distance Learning Blueprints, School schedules: elementary, middle & high, FERPA: Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act, K-8th Virtual Learning Chromebook Take Home Info for 2021-22, 503-622-3165 3822 Direct Line: 503-873-1974 Registrar / District > > > > Elementary School > > > > Middle School > > > > High School > > > > Employment Middle School Staff Directory . cbodak@od.k12.in.us 574-867-4561 Bradway, Kerry: English . Click here: Back Together. The Department of Justice Office of School Safety in Wisconsin has created a SPEAK UP, SPEAK OUT (SUSO), a 24/7 confidential resource center for reporting school safety concerns. LOH Staff Directory; Lake Oswego High School; LOH Staff Directory; 2501 Country Club . School Directory; School & Bus Route; District Map; School Boundary Maps; School Feeder System; Department & Program Numbers ; Public Records Requests; Upcoming District Events. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. ext. Our purpose is to educate and inform listeners about what's going on in our schools and have fun doing it! Non Invasive Lipo Atlanta, Panther AthleticsLooking for information about OHS Panther Athletics? Constituent. Contact Information. Email Dave Pero. Western Springs, IL 60558 PHONE: 708-579-6500. Kim Shearer Director of Student Services. cbodak@od.k12.in.us 574-867-4561 Bradway, Kerry: English . Oregon School District Homepage; Oregon-Mt. Upcoming Events Nov 10 Elementary & Middle School Only: No School Parent/Teacher Conferences Nov 11 No School Veterans Day Nov 12 No School Parent/Teacher Conferences (Elementary); Professional Development Day (Middle & High) Nov 17 7:00 pm 9:00 pm School Board Meeting Nov 18 4 . District School Reports Cards. Use the search field above to filter by staff name. Teacher Science. Hidden Valley High School. Talk Of The Town Recipe 5461, KERSTIN MESTELLE TEACHER - 6TH GRADE. 3823 OFFICE STAFF Attendance Secretary Phone: 503-873-6331 Ext. 107 NW 10th St. Pendleton, OR 97801 . See Course . Staff Directory Search Keyword First Name Last Name Location 1 2 3 6 > showing 1 - 20 of 119 constituents CLARRISSA ANDERSON Titles: Registrar Locations: PLEASANT HILL HIGH SCHOOL, PLEASANT HILL MIDDLE SCHOOL Email: Phone Numbers: School: (541)736-0711 View Profile KATELYN ANDRESS Titles: Educational Assistant Locations: PLEASANT HILL ELEMENTARY ) or https: // means youve safely connected to the.gov.... 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Brian Wallach Als Obituary, Articles O