When Ema asks, say, When Edgeworth asks for a contradiction, present the. He appears to be very powerful, but what is his connection to the case? We've got a whole suite of Ace Attorney Trilogy guides, including spoiler-free walkthroughs for both this game's successors - Justice For All (Ace Attorney 2) and Trials & Tribulations (Ace Attorney 3). With that done, Andrews will open up about two more topics. The Letter of Introduction will be removed from the Court Record. But you have to reach it. Apparently the world is watching. The player controls Phoenix Wright, a rookie attorney who takes on different cases in order to find his clients "Not Guilty" by proving their innocence. It's time to jump straight into testimony. Next, the caretaker will step up to testify. Now press the 6th statement ("I kept watching them"). This is my own played and edited guide that excludes all mistakes and long. Don't press any statements. This time, press Gant on his 5th and final statement. Von Karma appears and delivers a whole shed-load of new evidence. Ema apologizes to you about Lana. Completing this Psyche-Lock unlocks one final topic of conversation. When asked by the judge, comment "No, it's impossible. Phoenix must defend five different clients in five different murder trials. When asked, choose to "Make Her Testify. This forces a new line to be added to the testimony. There are various topics. Talk to Lana: After the discussion, Lana decides that you have no chance of taking the case, but after being scolded by Ema for abandoning her own sister, she then decides to let you represent her. For plea, you can choose either option - the ending will be the same either way. Present it. The game makes up its own rules regarding the justice system. Press Gant on the 4th statement (or third, it varies - "A detective was killed"). It began life as a Japan-only Game Boy Advance title, then found huge success worldwide on Nintendo DS. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Original Soundtrack. April's Hotel RoomThis is where April claims to have witnessed the murder. Following on from our original Phoenix Wright:. Choose to "Present Evidence", and then present, Given the option, "Pile on More Pressure". With confidence. So, who was driving the car? From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All, Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, https://strategywiki.org/w/index.php?title=Phoenix_Wright:_Ace_Attorney&oldid=967224. Now you know how to use it, examine the far left-handlocker for prints. A whole lot happens in the wake of this, and then you'll be back in Recess. Always a motive, money. In Recess, say "There is a way", thenpresent, When prompted, choose to "Present Evidence", then present either the. Say "It was very important." PROSECUTION = Who you are "Against", prosecuting the Defendant. This time, pause as one figure lunges for the other. This will get the, When you've talked every topic through, present the, Ema adds a new statement "I drew a picture". This is accomplished through a first-person text adventure. All rights reserved. Phoenix will break that last lock all on his own. When asked, pick "Big Problemo." When you get the chance, examine the screwdriver in the drawer. It's Ema's sister, who didn't want Ema to visit her. Lotta adds a revised statement now. Find anything you think is wrong with this walkthrough? This is the first game in the Ace Attorney series. Another testimony follows. Speak with Gant again, about permission to get a Guest ID Card. You automatically pan left. Events follow, of course, and the Judge calls a Recess. Talk on two topics. The game makes up its own rules regarding the justice system. The woman introduces herself as Lana Skye, the Chief Prosecutor. Coming up, a cross-examination extravaganza. This will happen after a witness has provided testimony and you have to find the fault in it. When asked, choose "You blackmailed him," followed by "You're wrong.". Here are the answers to the various questions and choices you'll need to make throughout the trial, in the order they appear in court: Witness's Account: Witness Cross-Examination. Mode (s) Single-player. There's some chatter, then a new, old witness is called. When asked what evidence you'd like to persue, pick whichever of the two you want. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy Wiki Guide By Mike , Mario-IGN , Wiki_Creation_Bot , +20 more Episode 2: The Stolen Turnabout updated Aug 22, 2015 < Case Summary > Synopsis: Maya and Pearl. If you see something interesting, examine it, like usual. If you want to show the photograph evidence, you give it back. The common traits is simple really: She writes ridiculous notes on her notepad and likes to talk science once you get to a crime scene. Gumshoe is called to the stand for his typical kick-off police testimony. ", When you get the chance, say that what you're looking for is "Somewhere in this courtroom. There is a fabulous painting on the wall. original Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney guide, Ace Attorney 3: Trials & Tribulations guide, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations, On the 4th Statement ("I don't like saying it"), Present. After this, the truth will be revealed. Instead, the Judge decides to end the trial for the day - which in turn buys you valuable investigation time! If you didn't earlier, examine the evidence list and flip it over to see a drawing. The game will stop at nothing for you to prevail and win every case, even if you make mistakes and fail a few times. Detention CenterThis is where the defendant (in this case Maya) is being held. This game contains the first three main series titles in the Phoenix Wright series, Ace Attorney, Justice for All, and Trials and Tribulations. At the top of the trial you'll get the usual summary, and you'll have theParking Lot Floor Plansadded to the court record. Here's what to do this time: Dustin and Maggey - Gumshoe's Testimony: Witness Cross-Examination, Writing on the Ground - Gumshoe's Testimony: Witness Cross-Examination. Ema loves her sister, although Lana has been acting kind of dark recently. Genre (s) Adventure, visual novel. Whilst none of them are missable per se, you only have one chance to get them per playthrough. Gumshoe will describe the crime. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney FAQs, Walkthroughs, and Guides for DS . Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy Phoenix Wright: Justice for All Episode 2 Phoenix Wright: Justice For All - Episode 2: Reunion and Turnabout. Then, present the, Move through the various Gourd Lake areas, making your way to the. You'll get the, Gumshoe also let slip a new lead, so now head to the. Oldbag adds a new statement. Ema tells you that the man is actually a detective. This game contains the first three main series titles in the Phoenix Wright series, Ace Attorney, Justice for. She was in the Gatewater Hotel when she saw the murder take place. Doing so updates the. Each episode is broken up into two types of gameplay: the Investigation phase, and the Trial phase. 0. The left allows you to zoom in and out on the objects if you have to look closer, the bottom and right ones rotate the object left and right, and up and down, respectively. Ellen will explain the time traveling story, right as Gloomsbury was about to push her off, she made a wish upon her pendant (a part of a time machine) and said, "Please take me back to that blissful moment!" When the judge asks for an explanation, pick whatever you like. Present it to Edgeworth. Prosecutor's Office Underground Parking Lot, Prosecutor's Office Underground Parking Lot (2), https://strategywiki.org/w/index.php?title=Phoenix_Wright:_Ace_Attorney/Episode_5:_Rise_from_the_Ashes/Day_1_-_Investigation&oldid=911604. Back outside the court, say, "I don't think so" and then presentBat's Profile. After a lot of exposition, the trial begins. Before you even get to the trial in earnest, Gumshoe will describe events as the police see them - this adds theFloor Planevidence to the court record. Stop the judge when you can with an objection, and call Jake to the stand. Work through them all. This leads to some story shenanigans you have no control over. You don't need to learn about the real-life court system to get any ideas of what to expect; this game pretty much speaks for itself. Now that the game is out on PC and. When prompted, Press Further. After some thrilling back-and-forth, you'll finally have another cross-examnination with a new witness Press de Killer on his 2nd statement ("To an assassin") What he says here is vital. When prompted, ask about "the person who received the bear". First, there's a fake testimony of sorts. Aside from some volunteered information there's nothing for you here - so on to the next testimony. It will be added to your Court Record. You now have the answers in hand but knowing what to do with them is the challenge for Phoenix Wright. Press Larry on his 5th and final statement in this testimony. Poor old Gumshoe testifies again. 151K views 3 years ago Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy Gameplay Walkthrough Part 12 No Commentary on PC in 1080p 60fps (HD Remastered Adventure Game 2019) (Trials and Tribulations. Gumshoe was very proud of Edgeworth when he received it. The clown What You Witnessed - Moe's Testimony: Witness Cross-Examination, The Silhouette - Moe's Testimony: Witness Cross-Examination, The Silhouette, Part 2- Moe's Testimony: Witness Cross-Examination, What You Witnessed - Acro's Testimony: Witness Cross-Examination, Acro's Physical State- Acro's Testimony: Witness Cross-Examination. You then see someone dancing with it. You'll be prompted with the plans, where Angel explains herself. .mw-parser-output .t_nihongo_icon{color:#00e}Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney ( , Gyakuten Saiban: Yomigaeru Gyakuten?, lit. Here's what to do: The Time of Discovery: Witness Cross-Examination. When prompted, choose "He's blackmailing you". Thankfully you don't require any prior legal knowledge to play Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. When Edgeworth queries, say "The day after the murder.". It's a visual novel style game where you play as Phoenix Wright, a rookie defense lawyer as he starts his career. A new game mechanic is lightly introduced here - you'll have the Magatama charged so you can see into people's hearts. Next, another testimony. Where I found the Body- Andrews'Testimony: Witness Cross-Examination, The Guitar Case - Andrews'Testimony: Witness Cross-Examination, Protecting Matt - Andrews'Testimony: Witness Cross-Examination, WhenI found the Body- Andrews'Testimony: Witness Cross-Examination, My "Crime"- Andrews'Testimony: Witness Cross-Examination. There's a horrifying car accident and a seemingly impossible murder. When prompted, choose to 'Protest'. It's Edgeworth! Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Dual Destinies Game appears to crash after long sessions, increasing the memory in the engine category reduces the frequency by a lot but be sure to save a lot just to be sure Characters will fail to render if you play on DirectX, be sure youre playing on OpenGL in the settings May 10, 2014 at 5:00 AM. Talk to Dr. Grey to learn a little more about the channeling, which is key. Your goal in each case is to find the truth and save your clients, but mess up too much and it's GAME OVER. However, someone else arrives at the office before Maya, and attempts to take the evidence (which is hidden inside "The Thinker" statue/clock). Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney | Table of Contents | Gameplay | Walkthrough It has been two months since your last case. Press the Caretaker on his 4th and the final statements of his testinomy. Time for more investigation: You'll kick off in your office, and you've got a lot to think about. This case involves some familiar things - like the Grand Prix event mentioned in the last case and a familiar character from Phoenix's past Psyche-Lock: Motive for Murder (Adrian Andrews). Press the 5th statement ("this is top secret, you got that?!"). Press White's 8th statement, "she ran away". After discussing this, Gumshoe mentions that officer Jake Marshall has been appointed by the Chief of Police to investigate. Things are quite rapidly spiraling out of control, so the judge calls a much-needed break. This page was last edited on 17 May 2021, at 20:40. In this area, examine the locked door near the security area, the emergency phone near that door, and the partition wall nearby. In this stage, you will focus on earning the trophies for the first game. Hmm Now examine the drawer you couldn't earlier. So don't take the bait; say "No need to question him now. This adds, When asked what that has to do with it, present. The suspect? Confront Franziska or don't - this choice doesn't matter. The girl wants someone to defend her sister in a murder case. Really take note of this to learn about evidence in a courtroom. Press Oldbag on her 4th statement. When prompted, point to the Winding Way on the map and present it. At the 5th statement ("So he must've worn"), present the, Tell the court that "There is a contradiction.". Press on the newly-added statement ("I wasn't, like, scared"). It becomes a back-and-forth: The Caretaker's Testimony - Why I Left Court: Witness Cross-Examination, Polly's Testimony - Who is Your Owner? So, let's get to it Maya's Escape - Morgan's Testimony: Witness Cross-Examination, After the Murder - Ini'sTestimony: Witness Cross-Examination, After the Murder, Part 2 - Ini'sTestimony: Witness Cross-Examination. Maya Fey is Mia's younger sister and has been accused of her murder. Press Polly the Parrot on her 1st statement. Larry arrives - talk to him first, and exhaust all options. Now you have to say "I can prove it. He has a highly recognizable throat clearing sound. Here's the steps to take to gather all the evidence you'll need for trial - at least for now. Play all 14 episodes, spanning the first three games, in one Brand: Capcom U.S.A., Inc. Category: Full Game Given the chance to Object or Wait, you can decide which to pick. Now talk to Moe about the two new topics to learn some very interesting new information Just like you did with Moe, start out by presenting. You know a lot now - but do you know enough? But he's not. The legal system is pretty much the same as the last game. To this revised statement ("If I saw it again"), present the. Press Oldbag on the 4th statement. This causes quite a stir. He has great respect for Miles Edgeworth. DEFENSE ATTORNEY = You, Phoenix Wright. It's up to Wright to prove her innocence. The investigation phases can be quite long, so hopefully, this formatting makes it easy to navigate. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy Gameplay Walkthrough Part 14 ENDING No Commentary on PC in 1080p 60fps (HD Remastered Adventure Game 2019) (Trials and T. The sheriff warns you not to mess with their "gold strike", then leaves. Present Edgeworth's Knife or the Parking Stub. You'll need to Accept the Condition to continue. Press the caretaker on his 6th statement. Target his 5th or 6th statement in particular. "Yes, I can, with some evidence. Next up - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations; the thrilling trilogy finale! He adds to his the statement ("Too bad it wasn't me") - press this. The next case up is, if we're honest, not only probably the weakest in Justice For All, but arguably in the whole Ace Attorney Trilogy - but what do you expect when there are clowns involved? WiiWare Note: If this is your first time, here is the button layout: and is for zooming in and out, for moving the cursor while the is down flat and to move the object around, hold the up (face buttons facing you) while you move the . If you want to know what happened before this game you may want to go back and finish the first game - otherwise, go right ahead and begin! She is Maya's younger sister and assistant of Phoenix. Press Gumshoe on his 6th statement. The next choice doesn't really matter - and next, a new witness takes to the stand. First Steps "Start playing PW: AA Trilogy." This one is easy. You're in the home stretch! Press on any statements you like - de Killer is nothing if not an entertaining witness. 02:30 - After the introduction to Ema, talk to here about all available dialogue options - "Ema", "The case", "Scientific investigator" which unlocks after . The judge will now ask you some questions. Everything is about to change, however. spoiler-free Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All walkthrough & guide, Press Sahwit's 9th statement: "I remember the time exactly.". New testimony is up to answer your question Start by pressingde Killer on his 3rdstatement ("We met at a certain bar"). Talk to Marshall again: She may be hiding something. Move there. Present, When asked, you of course say "It changes everything.". If you've already completed this game, move on to our Ace Attorney 3: Trials & Tribulations guide. Press Gumshoe on this new statement "The murder weapon we found", Listen to Lotta's testimony. Check the rest of the air and examine the phone. Throughout the 40 years of his career, Karma has never lost a single case, or so he claims. You then decide to go to the Underground Parking Lot at the Prosecutor's Office. OfficeThis is where the murder took place. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy Phoenix Wright: Justice for All Episode 1 Phoenix Wright: Justice For All - Episode 1: The Lost Turnabout Part 1-1: Trial Part 1-2: Trial Part 1-1: Trial. The game was released for Nintendo 3DS in 2014 as part of the Phoenix Wright Trilogy compilation. In the video, look at Goodman's Locker at the beginning of the video, and how it's lit up. When asked, say "It's contradictory". You cross-examine again: Hearing the Time: Witness Cross-Examination. This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. You'll see Angel, who apparently has another boyfriend in Criminal Affairs, leaving the place, and then you'll see Marshall. ", When prompted by the judge, say "I can't provide one. She was Phoenix's boss and owned the office where the crime took place. The stakes are raised. There is nothing to be done here, but the trial gets extended - buying you a half day of extra investigation After she leaves, talk to Edgeworth. To get into the safe, input 7777777 - seven sevens. When something is visibly hanging out of it, pause, point to it and present. Press her 5th statement ("I felt as though"). When prompted off the back of this, ask about "Engarde's tip.". Go back to the Employee Area and then the, Finally, talk to Cody about all topics. Her sister once introduced Edgeworth to her. Gumshoe gives you a Letter of Introduction for you to get permission to access to the crime scene. TrueAchievements.com and its users have no affiliation with any of this game's creators or copyright holders and any trademarks used herein belong to their respective owners. The evidence is stacking up, but you're also out of time - you now have to head back to trial. Almost there. Lotta'sTestimony: Witness Cross-Examination, Lotta'sTestimony - How Edgeworth was Seen: Witness Cross-Examination, Lotta's New Testimony: Witness Cross-Examination. The end. One topic will give you the, Now you can chat to Moe about 4 different topics. The, On the floor there are Broken Pieces. The game ushers you through a series of trials, and on this page we're offering aSpoiler-free guide to Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, detailing the correct path through every trial in the game to see the story through to its conclusion. Edgeworth has questions for you. He had to skip work that day to go to a ceremony at the Police Station downtown. Talk to Gumshoe again: Present the Prosecutor Trophy to Gumshoe. Sahwit now makes a second testimony to clear up the 'confusion'. Present Goodman's ID to Gumshoe. When you're now given the chance, now, When asked to identify the fingerprints, present. You don't need to learn about the real-life court system to get any ideas of what to expect, as it is self-explanatory. You've bought a literal stay of execution. You'll remember this from the first case; to break a cross-examination, you just need to poke holes in the narrative it weaves. Press harder when asked. Bonus: Total Times with and without DLCs (counting RftA as DLC) and Extras, with and without PLvPW. Phoenix Wright - a rookie defense attorney who serves as the protagonist of the game. You'll hear a woman argue with a guard before sitting down facing away from you. After some exposition, Gumshoe takes to the stand for a testimony. Back in Court, Lotta is on the stand. There's a natural break in events here, but when you're ready, press on for things to pick back up right where you left off Psyche-Lock: Matt's Secret (Matt Engarde), Psyche-Lock: Why Frame Him? Press the 3rd statement ("It was, like"). Things turn sour. Last Year's Accident - Ini'sTestimony: Witness Cross-Examination, I Wouldn't Be Allowed- Ini'sTestimony: Witness Cross-Examination. Whenever you're prompted to "Question Further", do so. And the trial is coming. This adds a new statement. Get familiar with them, they'll come in very handy Marshall'sTestimony - Day of the Crime: Witness Cross-Examination, Marshall'sTestimony - Bloodstained Fingerprints: Witness Cross-Examination, Marshall'sTestimony - Marshall's Confession: Witness Cross-Examination. After the truly excellent first entry in the series, it's time for the visual novel mystery adventures of defense attorney Phoenix Wright to continue in Justice For All. Many believe he is a genius; many think he is corrupt. Easy, right? Move to the Police Dept. Press White's 1st statement, "I heard that thing fall". Say "Check it out", and you automatically start checking it. Now it's time to investigate again. Discuss all three topics, and then present, When asked who is being protected, present, For the next piece of evidence, present the, For your next slice of proof, present the. When prompted, choose "It couldn't have rung," and then whatever you like. Here we go. This updates the. With the locks removed, you can finally talk to Acro about two more absolutely vital topics. The Game Boy Advance version was ported to Windows in 2005 and to Wii via WiiWare in 2009, with a separate release for Episode 5 via WiiWare in 2010. Answer next by presenting the, Talking about the cloak and bust, present, Von Karma will keep pushing - now present the, During recess, Gumshoe comes through for you, and brings you a new item: the, This testimony is air-tight. The game was also ported to iOS: Episodes 1-2 in Japan in 2009; the whole game in North America in 2010. The Blue Badger Panel will be added to the Court Record. When prompted, then say "It was not important". Chat to him about all the topics available. Next, examine the Cell Phone that's on the ground near the car. This causes a new statement to be added. Talk to Galactica about everything you can. With that, it's time to move on to a much more exciting case - and the final case in Ace Attorney: Justice for All. Press on Andrews' 4th statement ("My thoughts were confirmed by the evidence"). Press Lotta on every single statement except her 1st. Copyright 2006-2023 Mist Network and its owners. Mia was investigating something, and the investigation had something to do with the murder, but what was it? When challenged, say "Of course I do!" Check it out. Press the new statement ("I broke off"). With the locks broken, you can now talk to Pearl about two new topics. A: No, the first one was Gyakuten Saiban/Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Now you get to cross-examine Frank Sahwit. The, Press all five of Gumshoe's Testimony Statements. The bellboy is an employee at the Gatewater Hotel. Nozz Plays Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Episode 16: A Battle of Wits. You are closing in on a conclusion to Justice For All's case 2, mind. Press on the 3rd statement too - and once again, ask further. From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki, https://strategywiki.org/w/index.php?title=Phoenix_Wright:_Ace_Attorney/Walkthrough&oldid=981383. community members have thanked the author. In the trial, however, you can fail them (except the first one in each game as they're tutorial based), for pressing the wrong statements or presenting the wrong evidence. Present Lotta's Deposition against the 6th statement Larry makes. It was then remade for a 2005 worldwide release on the Nintendo DS with touchscreen and microphone support, as well as a new episode with the DS' exclusive features that would be used in later games of the series. During the final stages of the game, you'll get one more piece of evidence - theWhip. Report Problem. There will also be times where you're asked to respond to a prompt, this will be easy to see in the game, and the correct answer posted in the guide. Given you're even presenting stuff in the recess, this trial is non-stop. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations gives you the opportunity to guide Phoenix through five such cases. The first testimony is from Will Powers himself. This will update the, After talking about those two topics, present, Talk to Hotti about the Clinic and Ini, then Present your, This unlocks three new topics of chat. On the 6th statement ("From this, we could"), present the, On the 6th statement ("The only other thing I saw"), present the, On the 3rd statement ("It must've been"), present. As a result you'll get theOverhead Mapin your court record. Present her with the, Speak to Maya on every topic available. Sound familiar? You can also 'Ease her Fears' and show the photograph to Grossberg instead at his offices - the result is the same. When asked, say "Yeah, very odd". When you're done talking, examine the safe behind Gant's desk, to the right. Phoenix was Mia's student. When prompted, choose to, Things are heating up. Stage 1: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Once you return, it's back to cross-examination. You can choose either option. A well-endowed, flirty young woman with pink hair. Ema confesses that it was her Lana called, but her sister almost immediately hung up. Here, you come across a trophy by the couch. When they're over, you'll find Edgeworth on the stand. Once you're done, how about moving on to the next game? There will now be a recess. The Psyche-Lock represents a person hiding something. But fortunately, you can replay each episode individually. Maya arrives at the office as she had agreed, only to find her sister dead. You're back to the testimony. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney | Table of Contents | Gameplay | Walkthrough Thankfully you don't require any prior legal knowledge to play Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. The legal system is pretty much the same as the last two games. It's time for the first investigation in Justice For All. There's more story across the recess period - things are moving fast - and then you're called back into court. The structure will be familiar if you played the original Phoenix Right: Ace Attorney - you're put through a series of investigations and trials, tasked with finding the truth. Press the 3rd statement ("He was talking"). Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy Walkthrough Index, Phoenix Wright: Justice for All Episode 1, Phoenix Wright: Justice for All Episode 2, Phoenix Wright: Justice for All Episode 3, Phoenix Wright: Justice for All Episode 4, Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations Episode 1, Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations Episode 2, Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations Episode 3, Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations Episode 4, Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations Episode 5, 2022 TrueGaming Network Ltd, All Rights Reserved. Wiki, https: //strategywiki.org/w/index.php? title=Phoenix_Wright: _Ace_Attorney/Walkthrough & oldid=981383 're back. They 're over, you can replay each episode individually your office, and judge... Gyakuten Saiban: Yomigaeru Gyakuten?, lit 's the steps to to... The first one was Gyakuten Saiban/Phoenix Wright: Ace phoenix wright: ace attorney walkthrough episode 16 a... Do so testimony of sorts wrong with this walkthrough and strategy guide wiki https. 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