WebAccording to a 2018 report by the IOM, Algeria has expelled 35,600 Nigeriens to Niger since 2014more than 12,000 in 2018as well as more than 8,000 migrants from other African According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the government repatriated 35,113 Nigeriens (including 16,478 women and children) from December to August, pursuant to a bilateral agreement at the request of the Nigerien government. )from consumed natural gas: 93.414 million metric tonnes of CO2 (2019 est. Citing the threat of terrorism, the government also prevented overland tourist travel between the southern cities of Tamanrasset, Djanet, and Illizi. into arrondissements, communes, and districts (civilian commisariats). ), municipal solid waste generated annually: 12,378,740 tons (2016 est. Arabic al-Jazairiya from capital city Algiers, which comes from Arabic al-jaza`ir: the islands, for four Members of the LGBTI community reported that forced marriage was a problem, particularly for lesbian women. The facilities were located in Sidi Fredj. International and local observers alleged that authorities occasionally used antiterrorism laws and restrictive laws on freedom of expression and public assembly to detain political activists and outspoken critics of the government. In addition, some religious elements advocated restrictions on womens behavior, including freedom of movement. Not until Algeria's civil war in the 1990s did the country again experience substantial outmigration. )10.51% (2019 est. It was under the latter that the Barbary pirates operated from North Africa and preyed on shipping beginning in roughly 1500, peaking in the early to mid-17th century, until finally subdued by the French capture of Algiers in 1830. ), Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Vandals, Byzantines, over a dozen different Arab and Berber dynasties, Spaniards, and Ottoman Turks. The departments were subdivided A January 2017 decree by the prime minister clarified the process for the Ministry of Cultures review of imported books, both in print and electronic form. state province algeria. It changes the spelling of one province from If domestic violence results in death, a judge can prescribe a life sentence. WebAlgeria is divided into 48 wilayas (provinces), 553 daras (circles; see [Districts of Algeria]]) and 1541 baladiyahs (municipalities, in French: commune). Judges found to have ordered an unlawful detention could be subject to penalties or prosecution. The government granted such authorization to students and persons with special family circumstances. During the year a womens advocacy group, Wassila Network, received 200 cases of domestic violence. According to human rights activists, citizens widely believed the government conducted frequent electronic surveillance of a range of citizens, including political opponents, journalists, human rights groups, and suspected terrorists. By law workers may strike only after 14 days of mandatory conciliation or mediation. While the constitution provides for the separation of powers between the executive and judicial branches of government, the executive branchs broad statutory authorities limited judicial independence. )proven reserves: 59 million metric tons (2019 est. Newspapers reported that the government restricted foreign tourists from traveling through trails in Tassili and Hoggar, as well as certain areas in and around Tamanrasset, due to security concerns. The decision to strike must be approved by majority vote of workers at a general meeting. It is the tenth largest country in the world and largest in Africa with an area coverage of approximately 919,595 square miles. At the same time, legal foreign workers principally from China and Egypt came to work in Algeria's construction and oil sectors. Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. The government issued licenses and subsidies to domestic associations, especially youth, medical, and neighborhood associations. Coordinator for the Arctic Region, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Office of International Religious Freedom, Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of the Science and Technology Adviser, Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services, Bureau of Information Resource Management, Office of Management Strategy and Solutions, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. Fekhar was released shortly thereafter, two years after his initial arrest. Algeria, officially known as the Peoples Republic of Algeria, is a sovereign North Africa nation along the Mediterranean coast. The law does not explicitly prohibit discrimination with respect to employment based on sexual orientation, HIV-positive status, or religion. Employment: The government does not formally allow refugee employment; however, many worked in the informal market and were at risk of labor exploitation due to their lack of legal status in the country. The law prohibits all forms of forced or compulsory labor. The judiciary was not always independent or impartial in civil matters and lacked independence in some human rights cases. The law also stipulates penalties that include imprisonment of two months to two years and fines of DZD 500 to DZD 2,000 ($4.25 to $17) for anyone convicted of having committed a homosexual act. If a minor is involved, the adult may face up to three years imprisonment and a fine of DZD 10,000 ($85). Throughout the year police dispersed unauthorized gatherings or prevented marching groups of protesters from demonstrating. If organizations fail to provide required information to the government or attempt to operate with or accept foreign funds without authorization, they are subject to fines between DZD 2,000 and DZD 5,000 ($17 and $43) and up to six months imprisonment. )hydroelectricity: 0.1% of total installed capacity (2020 est. The Ministry of Interior may deny a license to or dissolve any group regarded as a threat to the governments authority or to public order, and on several occasions failed to grant, in an expeditious fashion, official recognition to NGOs, associations, religious groups, and political parties. In the 2000s, a wave of educated Algerians went abroad seeking skilled jobs in a wider range of destinations, increasing their presence in North America and Spain. The government occasionally offered to mediate disputes. Press reported 107 protestors were injured along with 51 police and gendarmes. The government provided disability benefits to persons with disabilities who registered. These shelters assisted with approximately 220 cases of violence against women during the year. Authorities normally awarded custody of children to the mother, but she may not make decisions about education or take the children out of the country without the fathers authorization. Employees who worked longer than the standard workweek received premium pay on a sliding scale from time-and-a-half to double time, depending on whether the overtime occurred on a normal workday, a weekend, or a holiday. Discrimination: Although the constitution provides for gender equality, aspects of the law and traditional social practices discriminated against women. Argel (Portuguese, Spanish); Dzayer, Djezar (variant); (Russian), Annaba: Anaba (Portuguese, Spanish); Bona (Portuguese-obsolete, Spanish-obsolete); Bne (obsolete), Bjaa: Bougie, Bedjaya (French); Bidjaia (variant); Bugia (Italian); Bujia (Portuguese-obsolete), Blida: El Boulada, al-Boulaida (variant), Bordj Bou Arrridj: Bordj Bou Ariridj, Borj Bou Arreridj (variant), Chlef: El Asnam, Orlansville (obsolete); Chelif, Ech Cheliff (variant), Constantine: Constantina (Portuguese, Spanish); Costatina (Italian); Qoussantina, Qacentina (Arabic), El Bayadh: El Bayad, El Beyyadh (variant); Gryville (obsolete), Illizi: Polignac, Fort Polignac (obsolete); Ilizi (variant), Jijel: Djidjel (variant); Djidjelli (obsolete), Oasis: Osis Saharianos (Portuguese); Oasis Sahariennes (variant); Saharan Oases (English), Oran: Orn (Spanish); Orano (Italian); Oro (Portuguese); Ouahran, Ouahrane, Wahran (variant), Oum el Bouaghi: Oum el Bouagui (variant); Canrobert (obsolete), Skikda: Philippeville (obsolete); Skidda (variant), Tamanrasset: Tamanghasset, Tamenghasset, Tamenghest (variant); Fort Laperrine (obsolete), Tlemcen: Tilimsene, Tlemsane, Tilimsen (variant); Tremecm (Portuguese-obsolete). According to Belhouchet, the government has a monopoly on advertising that it uses to punish those who criticize the government and thus, weakens freedom of expression. A separate January 2017 decree covering religious texts other than the Quran stated, The content of religious books for import, regardless of format, must not undermine the religious unity of society, the national religious reference, public order, good morals, fundamental rights and liberties, or the law. The importer must submit the text and other information, and the ministry must respond within 30 days. Subsequent reforms to the national electoral law introduced open list voting to curb corruption. Of the daily printed publications, the ministry stated six were state-operated. Official assert that the law covers LGBTI individuals through general civil and human rights legislation. Temporary Protection: The law does not address formal temporary protection, but authorities provided informal, temporary protection to groups such as Syrians and Malians. By law, children born to a Muslim father are Muslim, regardless of the mothers religion. Women did not often have exclusive control over assets that they brought to a marriage or that they earned. Human rights activists said police sometimes used excessive force against suspects, including protestors. A CNDH representative said the organization viewed the most serious human rights concerns as limits on socioeconomic rights, as well as limits on free speech. ), -0.82 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2022 est. The government suspended six of 100 investigated security officers for abuse. The first two digits are the same as the two-digit ISO province code. 1959-11-07: Aumale and Bougie departments abolished and restored to their original departments, except that The law also provides for the creation of independent unions, although the unions membership must account for at least 20 percent of an enterprises workforce. ), total subscriptions: 45,555,673 (2020 est. Respect for the Integrity of the Person, Including Freedom from: a. Algrienne, Biskra *, Khenchela, Tebessa, Touggourt *, An Sefra *, Geryville *, Mecheria *, Sada, Alger, Aumale, Blida, Mda, Miliana, Orlansville, Tizi-Ouzou, Batna, Bne, Bougie, Constantine, Guelma, Philippeville, Stif, Mascara, Mostaganem, Oran, Sidi Bel Abbs, Tiaret, Tlemcen. Impunity for police and security officials remained a problem, but the government provided information on actions taken against officials accused of wrongdoing. According to UNHCR, the government did not accept UNHCR-determined refugee status for individuals. Amnesty International maintained an office and actively reported on human rights issues, but it did not receive official authorization to operate from the Ministry of Interior. Algeria since December 18, 2019, is divided into 58 wilayas ().Prior to December 18, 2019, there were 48 provinces. The 58 provinces are divided into 1541 baladiyahs (municipalities).The capital city of a baladiyah, dara, or province, always gives those entities their name, even Algiers, the capital of the country gave it its name (El Djazayar, the Arabic name for both the city and the country). Presidential elections took place in 2014, and voters re-elected President Abdelaziz Bouteflika for a fourth term. ), lowest 10%: 2.8%highest 10%: 26.8% (1995), revenues: 54.15 billion (2017 est. )spirits: 0.08 liters of pure alcohol (2019 est. Participation of Women and Minorities: No laws limit the participation of women and members of minorities in the political process, and women and minorities did participate. According to the law, political parties may not receive direct or indirect financial or material support from any foreign parties. The law states that members of local, provincial, and national assemblies are elected for five-year terms and that presidential elections occur within 30 days prior to the expiration of the presidential term. Sexual Exploitation of Children: The law prohibits solicitation for prostitution and stipulates prison sentences of between 10 and 20 years when the offense is committed against a minor under age 18. Human rights issues included unlawful interference with privacy; laws prohibiting certain forms of expression, which were often vague, as well as criminal defamation laws; limits on freedom of the press; restrictions on the freedom of assembly and association including of religious groups; official corruption, including perceptions of lack of judicial independence and impartiality; criminalization of consensual same sex sexual conduct and security force sexual abuse of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) persons; and trafficking in persons. change, in 1984, the new subdivisions were called wilayas. Nationwide, the government required citizens and organizations to obtain permits from the national government-appointed local governor before holding public meetings or demonstrations. ), total subscriptions: 4,784,306 (2020 est. Penalties for unlawful work stoppages range from eight days to two months imprisonment. )exports: 673 million kWh (2019 est. The law requires all civil associations to apply for operating permission, and at years end several major civil associations remained unrecognized but tolerated. The government supported the countrys Network for the Defense of Childrens Rights (NADA). )services: 47.4% (2017 est. Importers of books covering the national movement and the Algerian Revolution must submit the entire text of the books for review, including a secondary review by the Ministry of the Moudjahidine (veterans of the Revolution). WebGetentrepreneurial.com: Resources for Small Business Entrepreneurs in 2022. Foreign observers characterized the elections as largely peaceful but pointed to low voter turnout and a high rate of ballot invalidity. In May 2017 Fekhar was sentenced to five years imprisonment but in July 2017 a court in Medea reduced that sentence to two years. Algeria uses five-digit postal codes. Most trials are public, except when the judge determines the proceedings to be a threat to public order or morals. The penal code guarantees defendants the right to free interpretation as necessary. As time went by, the The army began a crackdown on the FIS that spurred FIS supporters to begin attacking government targets. )other: 81.8% (2018 est. 1957-07-01: New department codes assigned to the thirteen departments. NGOs reported that judges gave harsher sentences to LGBTI persons. In recent years the Algerian Government has halted the privatization of state-owned industries and imposed restrictions on imports and foreign involvement in its economy, pursuing an explicit import substitution policy. [1] Quid 1993, ditions Robert Laffont, Paris, 1992. Few government officials made their personal wealth public, and there was no known enforcement of the law. )industry: 39.3% (2017 est. Additionally, the law prescribes up to 20-year imprisonment for the accused, depending on the severity of injuries. Provinces, Dpartements, Rgions. Security forces conducted unannounced home visits. Opposition parties also disseminated information via the internet and published communiques but stated they did not have access to the national television and radio. Robert Laffont, Paris, 1992 natural gas: 93.414 million metric tonnes of CO2 2019...: 59 million metric tonnes of CO2 ( 2019 est first two digits are the time... Of protesters from demonstrating construction and oil sectors mandatory conciliation or mediation of terrorism the... Oil sectors be approved by majority vote of workers at a general.! In Medea reduced that sentence to two months imprisonment 51 police and security officials state province algeria a problem but! ) proven reserves: 59 million metric tons ( 2019 est and oil.... 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