how to get back to library on kindle paperwhite

download to your other devices. You cant drag-and-drop books, even if your Kindle has a touchscreen, or otherwise organize books en masse. If you're reading a book, simply tap the top of the screen and then tap the arrow icon that appears in the left corner. Enjoy! Your Kindle Paperwhite may have (or lack) additional options depending on the model you have and the year in which you purchased it. First, youll need to connect your Kindle Paperwhite to your computer using the USB cable that came with your device. ", Paperwhite, and I'm thrilled. Go to Settings > Device Options > Advanced Options > Home & Library > Group Series in Library, and toggle to turn on. On the upper left of the homescreen, tap Downloaded to see just those books stored on your Kindle. Jessica Kormos is a writer and editor with 15 years' experience writing articles, copy, and UX content for, Rosenfeld Media, and many others. Heres how to get started. Regardless of which option you use, all your Collections will remain in sync across all of them. Apple Finally Announces Refresh of HomePod Smart Speaker, Logitechs New Brio 300 Series Webcams Take the Work Out of Video Call Setup, Why Experts Say AI That Clones Your Voice Could Create Privacy Problems, You Might Still Want a Sony Walkman in 2023Here's Why, Wyze Updates Its Budget Security Camera Line With New Features Like a Spotlight, M2 Pro and M2 Max-Powered MacBooks and Mac minis Are Almost Here, Samsung Wows With Updated 200-Megapixel Image Sensor for New Flagship Phones, Apples New Next-Gen M2 Silicon Chips Claim to More Than Double the Power. This is also a good time to get rid of any book samples cluttering up your library. You can also see what friends are reading, their opinions on books you're considering, and read a sample before you commit to a whole book. It's far easier than doing it on the Kindle itself which I have done once before. we'll use this information to improve our online Help. Delete all of the expired books you may have borrowed from the library or other people. To return the book, sign into your Amazon account and select Manage Your Content and Devices, find the title, select the Actions button, select Delete From Library, and click Yes. The first step to organizing a big library is to trim it down. Devices & Content Tap Add/Remove Items. AmazonKindle devices are excellent for reading a good book, butwhen it comes time to exit that book and go back to the home screen, it can be a little tricky if you don't know where to look. WebGet a library card and a PIN from your local library. In your Library, you'll also see a Filter button at the top-left. The Identity parameter specifies the Active Directory group to access. These include other titles by the same author you're currently reading, more books based ontitlesyou've recently read, and personalized recommendations based on books and genres you like to read. Place your finger on the text you want to highlight or write a note about and drag your finger to include more or less text. To remove a Kindle Paperwhite book, first find its cover image on the Home page. "I am thrilled to know that someone gives a damn because, pretty obviously, Amazon does not! If you swipe down, you wont see the home option. Without parameters, this cmdlet gets all of the processes on the local computer. The beauty of the Kindle, though, is that purchased books deleted from the device arent truly gonetheyre still available in your Kindle account to be downloaded again whenever you get the urge to reread them. And if you want to know how many more hours it will take you to finish a book, they can tell you that, too. Whether you want to build your own home theater or just learn more about TVs, displays, projectors, and more, we've got you covered. Long-press a book you want to add to a Collection. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 123,858 times. Find the book you want to remove on the Home Screen. Having trouble seeing or want more words on the page? If you ever need to turn off your Kindle, you can press and hold the Power button for around seven seconds until the Kindle's screen goes blank. PCMag, and PC Magazine are among the federally registered trademarks of Ziff Davis and may not be used by third parties without explicit permission. But Amazon. Heres how to get to the home menu when youre reading a book on your Kindle: Tap the top of the screen . See additional meanings and similar words. From there, you can add books right away. Ive been at PCMag since 2011 and have covered the surveillance state, vaccination cards, ghost guns, voting, ISIS, art, fashion, film, design, gender bias, and more. iPhone v. Android: Which Is Best For You. How do I get library books on my Kindle Paperwhite? When you finish reading a book on a Kindle Paperwhite, you need to tap the top of the screen to open the drop-down menu, and then select Home from there. WebDescription. Tap the back arrow to return to the main menu, or select the Home button. Or maybe youve just seen my Bernie meme. Go to the Your Orders page and select the Digital Orders tab. To learn how to read a book on your Kindle Paperwhite, scroll down! Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Still, many users, including this one, find they make your library more visually appealing and easier to parse than in Amazons own tools. Learn how the long-coming and inevitable shift to electric impacts you. You should see a list of all the books youve downloaded. This reveals the Kindle's 'reading toolbar,' offering shortcuts for changing the font, viewing the table of contents, and more. 3) Give your Collection a name WebThis is what worked for me, with the latest Paperwhite as of June 2020. Why Cant I Close My Book on Kindle Paperwhite? When the browser launches, sign in to your Amazon account. Amazon'sKindle lineup(Opens in a new window) can put a library in your pocket. If youre on a screen with an X in the upper right corner, you can tap the X to close the current screen. That may make it better for combing through large collections. iPads and Android tablets are great machines for watching movies, playing games, and checking social media. Related: Kindle Paperwhite Vs. Signature Edition: Should You Spend $140 Or $190? Tap Personalize your Kindle, then tap Device Name. It's a bit rudimentary, but it can be useful in a pinch if you've got some Wi-Fi but low battery life on your other devices. It will then be grayed out on your Kindle. A Collection is essentially a virtual folder into which you can group books by genre, subject, or other criteria. If you have a 3G model, don't think you've discovered a way around your smartphone's data plan. Just pinch and zoom to adjust. Your Kindle will return to the home menu. You may unsubscribe from the newsletters at any time. Though I love that I get to write about the tech industry every day, its touched by gender, racial, and socioeconomic inequality and I try to bring these topics to light. Next, tap on the book you want to get, and then tap on "Buy." Whether you use your Kindle to open Goodreads, Amazon Kids, or the web browser, 'X' marks the spot for going back home. The Kindle Paperwhite is a tablet-like item on which you can read eBooks borrowed or purchased on Amazon. If you're signed into your Amazon account, verify the "Deliver to:" device and tap Get Library Book. So what's the difference between the two tabs? Type a new name for your Kindle, and tap Save. He lives in Kalamazoo, MI with his wife, two cats, and pit bull/boxer mix. All Kindle models feature adjustable LED lighting so you can see the page while camping under the stars, while the Paperwhite and Oasis are waterproof for blissful beachside reading. Click Return for Refund next to the book. The option to close your book and return to the home screen is accessed by tapping the top part of the screen while your book is open. Subscribing to a newsletter indicates your consent to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. I put great care into writing gift guides and am always touched by the notes I get from people whove used them to choose presents that have been well-received. There was a time when you could manage the books on your Kindle device using one of several third-party desktop organizers. Our expert industry analysis and practical solutions help you make better buying decisions and get more from technology. Digital Adventures! The book will close, and youll be returned to the home screen or library. Apple Teases a Wide Range of Content to Celebrate Black History Month, It's Back, Baby! Is Your Twitter 2FA Acting Up? Ask the community, This isn't the information I was looking for, Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, Kindle Scribe - Basic Pen Quick Start Guide (PDF), Kindle Scribe - Premium Pen Quick Start Guide (PDF), Kindle (11th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF), Kindle (11th Generation) Kids Edition Quick Start Guide (PDF), Kindle Paperwhite (11th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF), Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition Quick Start Guide (PDF), Kindle Oasis (10th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF) (English), Kindle Oasis (10th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF) (International), Kindle Oasis (10th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Chinese), Kindle Oasis (10th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Arabic), Kindle (10th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF) (German), Kindle (10th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF) (English), Kindle (10th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Chinese), Kindle (10th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF) (International), Kindle (10th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Arabic), Kindle Kids Edition Quick Start Guide (PDF), Kindle Paperwhite (10th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF) (English), Kindle Paperwhite (10th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF) (International), Kindle Paperwhite (10th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Chinese), Kindle Paperwhite (10th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Arabic), Kindle Paperwhite (10th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Swedish), Kindle Oasis (9th Generation) Cover Quick Start Guide (PDF) (English), Kindle Oasis (9th Generation) Cover Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Chinese), Kindle Oasis (9th Generation) Cover Quick Start Guide (PDF) (International), Kindle (8th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF) (English), Kindle (8th Generation) Quick Start Guide (PDF) (International), Kindle Oasis Quick Start Guide (PDF) (English), Kindle Oasis Quick Start Guide (PDF) (International), Kindle Oasis Cover Quick Start Guide (PDF) (English), Kindle Oasis Cover Quick Start Guide (PDF) (International), Kindle Voyage Quick Start Guide (PDF) (English), Kindle Voyage Quick Start Guide (PDF) (German), Kindle Voyage Quick Start Guide (PDF) (French), Kindle Voyage Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Spanish), Kindle Voyage Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Italy), Kindle Voyage Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Dutch), Kindle Voyage Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Chinese), Kindle Voyage Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Japanese), Kindle Voyage Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Portuguese), Kindle Paperwhite Quick Start Guide (PDF) (English), Kindle Paperwhite Quick Start Guide (PDF) (German), Kindle Paperwhite Quick Start Guide (PDF) (French), Kindle Paperwhite Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Spanish), Kindle Paperwhite Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Italy), Kindle Paperwhite Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Dutch), Kindle Paperwhite Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Chinese), Kindle Paperwhite Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Japan), Kindle Paperwhite Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Portuguese), Kindle (7th Generation) User's Guide (PDF), Gua del usuario de Kindle (7 generacin) (PDF), Kindle Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Japanese), Kindle Quick Start Guide (PDF) (Portuguese), Kindle Paperwhite (6th Generation) User's Guide (PDF), Kindle Paperwhite Quick Start Guide (PDF), Gua de usuario de Kindle Paperwhite (5 generacin) (PDF), Kindle DX (Free 3G) Quick Start Guide (PDF). You connect your Kindle to your computer via USB, and the desktop organizer scans your devices library, displaying the books in an elegant, full-color interface. Change your address, Digital & Device Forum Heres how to close a book on a Kindle Paperwhite: With a book open on your Kindle Paperwhite, tap the top of the screen. Deliver books, apps to your device, Digital Purchases Amazon's Kindle Scribe is a little wider, but shorter than the ReMarkable, giving it a wider aspect. What You Need To Know. Then move on to the next book, and so on, until youve thinned your library to your liking. Do that by usingPocket 2 Kindle(Opens in a new window), which connects your Amazon and Pocket accounts and periodically sends articles you've saved to Pocket to your Kindle. However, if someone wants a device forcomfortable reading and nothing more, e-readers still can't be beaten. Click the three-dot button next to a book and select Add to collections from the pop-up menu. There's a Search box on the Home page and the Library Page and when you tap in the upper half inch of the screen while reading a book, the magnifying glass is Search. Here's how to do it. Keep these tips in mind, and you'll be using your AmazonKindle like a pro in no time at all. If you miss the days of fat yellow highlighters in a textbook and notes in the margins, then this might be one of your favorite features on the Kindle. The X-Ray feature boosts a book's IQ by letting you examine its bones (ideas, topics, historical figures, fictional characters, and places) in an instant. For the most part, the Amazon Kindle takes you to the Library tab when you exit a book, so you can avoid the new Home section entirely if you prefer. Sync and Check for Items is the fifth option on the drop-down menu (fourth option for the second-generation Kindle Paperwhite). Collections created on your registered device or the website don't automatically ",,,, When you have a book open, tap the top of the screen, select the three-dot menu and select X-Ray. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Then you can select titles for the child's library. This article has been viewed 123,858 times. To access options like font size, get page numbers, or to return to the home screen, you need to tap in the middle of the page youre currently reading. To access settings and navigation controls, you need to tap the middle of the screen. How do I exit a book on a Kindle Paperwhite? Get a library card for your local branch Check your branch's website for its ebook offerings. Tap loans at the top of the screen. Company no help! If youre trying to get to the home screen on a touchscreen Kindle, and you dont see the home option in the drop-down menu, then check to make sure youre opening the correct menu. If you're the borrower, you'll get an email that someone has loaned you a book. Grouping ideas will likely present themselves as you scroll through your books, but one of the simplest ways to use Collections is to sort books into those youve read and those youve yet to read. You can tap the page toward the top middle, and a little bar should come up at the top with the menu options. When not researching and testing computers, game consoles or smartphones, he stays up-to-date on the myriad complex systems that power battery electric vehicles . Desktop organizers like Calibre offer an elegant interface for editing eBook metadata and organzing books by formats, ratings, and tags on your computer. % of people told us that this article helped them. Thank you. Finally, wait for the book to finish downloading before reading it. "Everything here has been helpful! ", "How to get to the internet and sign in to a digital public library on a Kindle Paperwhite.". While we're unable to respond directly to your feedback, If you swipe down from the top of the screen, the Kindle will open a menu which doesnt include an option to return to the home screen. You can view the collection on the Home Screen by tapping it there. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Once you've set up your Kindle Paperwhite by linking it to your Amazon account, books you buy or download will appear on the Home screen. Before you start doing that, however, you may want to adjust some settings. Here's what to do. From the Home screen, select the menu icon. It looks like three horizontal lines. This isn't the information I was looking for, Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, Kindle E-Reader User and Quick Start Guides, Get Help to Register Your Kindle E-Reader, Resolve Wi-Fi Connection Issues on Your Kindle E-Reader, Turn Off the Internet on Your Kindle E-Reader, Pair a Bluetooth Audio Device with Your Kindle E-Reader, Download Collections to Your Kindle E-Reader. You can also create and add to Collections on the Kindle app for PC, Mac, Android, and iOS. You can also use them to move books to and from your Kindle, and side-load eBooks you get from places other than Amazon. It seems the best way to find out if your device is eligible is to Google the model number, which should be on the back of the device. Though there are variations in the app interface for each of these platforms, the basic steps are similar. Go to the website of your local public library and search for "Kindle books" or "eBooks." So what's the difference between the two tabs? By default, this cmdlet returns a process object that has To keep things organized, tap Menu on the top right, select Create New Collection, type a name for the collection, and tap OK. Jeremy Laukkonen is automotive and tech writer for numerous major trade publications. Apple Finally Announces Refresh of HomePod Smart Speaker, Logitechs New Brio 300 Series Webcams Take the Work Out of Video Call Setup, Why Experts Say AI That Clones Your Voice Could Create Privacy Problems, You Might Still Want a Sony Walkman in 2023Here's Why, Wyze Updates Its Budget Security Camera Line With New Features Like a Spotlight, M2 Pro and M2 Max-Powered MacBooks and Mac minis Are Almost Here, Samsung Wows With Updated 200-Megapixel Image Sensor for New Flagship Phones, Apples New Next-Gen M2 Silicon Chips Claim to More Than Double the Power. List mode seems to enable faster scrolling, however, as it doesnt load thumbnails. In Grid mode, just long-tap the book cover and select Remove From Device from the pop-up menu. Open the book youre reading and then tap near the top to bring up the toolbar. That will bring up a (pretty sluggish) browser; type your desired URL in the menu bar up top. WebHow to transfer documents to your Kindle Paperwhite! I don't use Calibre and am just trying to get all my 600+ purchased kindle books, and their cover art, onto my device. Edit payment info, 1-Click Settings WebDeliver to your Kindle Library. Download directly to your Kindle library. The Kindle Daily Deals(Opens in a new window) page is organized by category. No matter whichfeatures someone's after or how much money they want to spend, Amazon's got a Kindle that should fit the bill perfectly. Despite its funky functionality, using Collections on your Kindle device is relatively simple. Typically, that content is mostly books but can also include games, Is Black Adam Going To Break The $1 Billion Barrier?! Jessica Kormos is a writer and editor with 15 years' experience writing articles, copy, and UX content for, Rosenfeld Media, and many others. Or go to your Manage Your Content and Devices page, and locate the book you need. it to your device. On the Kindle, go toMenu > Settings > Household & Family Library > Add a New Person > Add Adult. With a book open on your Kindle Paperwhite, tap the top of the screen . Learn how the long-coming and inevitable shift to electric impacts you. is arrogant! Were committed to providing the world with free how-to resources, and even $1 helps us in our mission. Once youve chosen a book, click Borrow and then choose Read with Kindle. When you click that, itll take you to Amazon (you may have to log in with your Enter the email address of the borrower (you can include a message), and click Send Now. These guides will help to familiarize you with your Kindle E-Reader. If you face any difficulty please get back to me and I will help you further. Towards the top-left of this toolbar is a '' icon next to 'Library.' Change your home screen view to reveal your Collections. From this point, all you have to do is find a book you want to remove from the Kindle. Holding down the Power button for 20 seconds will prompt the Kindle to restart. The Home screen can be shown in List view, which used to be the only option on Kindles. Now, however, a new feature on the Kindle Paperwhite enables you to choose between List view and the default Cover view. Note that the first page of Cover view displays three covers of your content and four covers of something Amazon thinks you might enjoy. The Home tab on the other hand is just a list of recommendations. Here, you can also Rename a collection, remove it from your device, or delete it entirely. Kindle Paperwhite Vs. Signature Edition: Should You Spend $140 Or $190? He has over two years of experience writing and editing technology-related articles. 3. The list here lets you pick from the various document types: Books, Samples, Documents, Newsstand, Audible, and Comics. Given that the Kindle interface can be painfully slow to navigate, it's best to discover new books on the Amazon app or website, or a platform like Goodreads. How Do You Close a Book on a Kindle Paperwhite? Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. While the Kindle Paperwhite does have a built-in web browser, its web-related functionality is limited. You need to tap the top of the screen and not swipe. Lets look at each in turn. The primary shift is that on the home screen, there's a new icon that helps you jump right back to the book you're reading. You may first have to tap the top of the screen again to open the toolbar. But these are just the basics. Sure, the thought of getting rid of books sickens most bibliophiles. If I'm reading a book, how do I get back to the menu bar? EVs have been around a long time but are quickly gaining speed in the automotive industry. By using our site, you agree to our. The following example defines both a get and a set accessor for a property named Seconds. How Do I Get to Home Screen on the Kindle App? Name the collection and tap OK. Now go into your library and find a book to add to this new Collection. Step 2: Select the Show Family Library link from the Your Content tab. 1996-2023 Ziff Davis, LLC., a Ziff Davis company. 2. Without Wi-Fi, the browser will only be able to access Amazon and Wikipedia. Following a new software update, the home screen now has tabs for Library and Home. Save what you see onscreen by taking a shot of it. Navigate to the page for the book you want to lend and there should be an option to "Loan this book" on the top left. If you open Settings to adjust something and are ready to go back home, just tap the same 'X' icon todo so. Many use the website OverDrive. But to get the most out of your Kindle, there are some quick tricks. Outside of reading books, that 'X' icon will always be there as a way to return home. You intended to read every word, but now it just seems overwhelming. You can also tap into your collection and select the Menu on the top right, which will produce a drop-down menu with the same options. Deliver books, apps to your device, Digital Purchases This newsletter may contain advertising, deals, or affiliate links. You'll need to sign into your Kindle Paperwhite with your Amazon account credentials before you can access your books, documents, and other account information. Your entire library stays neat and organizedalbeit only on your computer, not the Kindle itself. If youre trying to get to the home screen on the Kindle app, but you dont see a home button, thats because all of the navigation buttons are hidden during normal operation. View purchased books & apps, Your Subscriptions Then go to the upper right, tap Sort, and choose either Grid or List to customize how the books are displayed. Once youve done so, click the Add to collection button to add your book. Your subscription has been confirmed. Some older Kindles have a home icon resembling a house which can be found at the top left corner of the screen or even a physical home button. WebFrom the home screen of your Kindle, select Library. Things like screen brightness, frequency of use, and app usage will determine your Kindle's battery's lifespan. The Get-ADUser cmdlet gets a specified user object or performs a search to get multiple user objects. This doesn't affect our editorial independence. If you have questions about your GET or DreamAhead account, Contact Center representatives are available by phone or email. The Kindle Paperwhite only has one physical button, and theres no visible on-screen interface after you open a book. Simply go to All Settings then Device Options and now toggle on the switch at the top next to Display Cover. This book provides clear and easy to understand instruction on how to effectively use your Tap Done to return to your library. Copyright 2023 IDG Communications, Inc. If you have any further questions about this then please do not hesitate to get back to me and I will be glad to help. Tap the Menu on the top right and select Experimental Browser. If you want to save battery life, switch your Kindle to airplane mode when you're not downloading books. Jack Lloyd is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at Sign up for Tips & Tricks newsletter for expert advice to get the most out of your technology. Tap it for options that include notes, highlights, and sharing to Goodreads. WebRekindle your love of reading with Amazon's new Kindle Paperwhite and this fun and friendly guide If you're the proud owner of a Kindle Paperwhite, you'll want to know all the best ways to get the very most out of it - and fast. to receive as a return : earn. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, Amazon Kindle: How To Exit A Book & Get Back To Your Home Screen, While Amazon has since expanded into tablets. To add a new book on your Kindle Paperwhite, start by connecting to Wi-Fi and tapping the top of your screen to open the toolbar. If you opened the book from the home screen, you will see a back arrow and Home. With Kindle Unlimited(Opens in a new window), meanwhile, you can read any of the books in the Kindle Unlimited catalog for $9.99 per month. If you're reading a series of books, you can store them all together in your Kindle. Once the two are connected, youll need to open the Documents folder on your Kindle Paperwhite. When you're in the book, go to the toolbar at the top of the screen and tap the Aa icon. Filter By Status, Type, and Programs. On the Kindle, tap the Goodreads button on the toolbar (the lowercase "g") and you can sign in to your existing Goodreads account or create one. The FlipPage deal only goes back one place. Thats not the Kindle Paperwhites months-long battery life nor the six weeks battery life the standard Kindle offers, though. Then, all books that are part of a series With that menu open, you can tap the down arrow or home icon depending on which version of the Kindle app you have. Method 3: Long-press the book, select Add To Collection from the pop-up window, then check the box next to the appropriate Collection. How to Recover and Secure Your Account, Clear the Clutter: How to Free Up Space on Your iPhone or iPad, Save the Tweets: How to Download Your Twitter Archive. Step 2: WebKindle E-Reader User and Quick Start Guides - Amazon Customer Service Find more solutions Digital Services and Device Support Kindle E-Reader Help Setup and Thats no longer the case, as Amazon has since closed off its firmware. If you don't want to drop in regularly, you can sign up for the newsletter(Opens in a new window). The Library tab is just what it says it's the complete library of every e-book you've purchased or downloaded. Secondary menu items you'll see when reading a book include the. If a loan option does not appear, that particular book cannot be loaned. Downloading before reading it long-press a book trouble seeing or want more on... 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